What kind of husband Russian women dream of?


As you know, a person dreams about what he lacks in life. Many Russian ladies dream to meet with foreign gentlemen, do not mind to associate their fate with them. Why is the desire to find a husband among male compatriots gradually fading away? What qualities are missing for Russian men?

Often, from women who have gone abroad for permanent residence, one can hear that foreigners are no better than Russian gentlemen. But beautiful ladies do not stop looking for their overseas happiness.

Our life is rather prosaic and in many respects different from foreign: western and eastern. Slavic men still believe that a Russian woman will enter a "burning hut", will cook dinner, raise children, and her husband will not forget to pay attention, and will always remain beautiful.

Everything that a woman does, a Russian man takes for granted. Therefore, he does not bother to make compliments, gifts, to help his wife. And if at the same time he earns good money and is attractive enough, then he starts a real "narcissism". And then his companion of life has to endure a string of mistresses, periodic reproaches, grievances and "night trips."

Many sociologists, including foreign ones, are confident that the Russian woman herself allows herself to be treated this way. She is ready to accept a man "in any form": forgives his betrayal, frequent binges, insults in his address. Nor does it stop loving him. It is not entirely clear what pushes a woman to allow such behavior: a broad Russian soul, an open heart, or the fear of being alone.

Foreigners look at Russian beauties differently. They are not spoiled by female attention and love, and therefore appreciate beautiful, kind, well-groomed and feminine girls from Russia. Perhaps that is why a date with them turns into a real holiday for the ladies.

A survey conducted among Russian women showed what qualities modern Slavic men lack.

First of all, it is reliability. The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion has published data that says that 31% of Russian women want to feel this quality in their spouses.

Other masculine qualities that are among the top ten "most desirable and valuable" include:

  • kindness - 17%;
  • intelligence - 16%;
  • decency - 15%;
  • honesty - 14%;
  • masculinity - 13%;
  • attention and respectful attitude - 12%;
  • working capacity - 10%;
  • responsibility - 9%.

As you can see, the results of the study speak for themselves.

Canadian publicist and writer Henry Macs recently wrote an interesting article where he told what kind of husband women of the whole world want. He claims that every lady wants to be loved and appreciated. At the same time, she wants activity: so that the partner sets her goal in life and respectful of her aspirations.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Luchs 05/11/2016
"It is not entirely clear what pushes a woman to allow such behavior" ...

And I understand. First, men are physically noticeably less than women. And the older the age category, the more noticeable. Secondly, women are very poorly protected by the state, it’s difficult to survive alone with a child.


Watch the video: Why Beautiful Russian Girls Seek A Foreign Husband? (July 2024).