What ruins family sex


Very many couples say that their intimate life gradually loses its former attractiveness, sex no longer delivers such sensual and sweet experiences. Most of these people are well aware that the main reason for the damping of their passion is the notorious monotony of sex.

However, in order to fight this more than a negative phenomenon, you must first understand where this monotony came from. In general, sex is becoming a routine for several reasons, realizing that the situation can be fixed. Let's look at the most important factors that negatively affect the intimate life of regular couples.

Same poses. Often, regular partners are just too lazy to change positions during sex. As a result, the couple stops at a single pose, and intercourse always takes place according to the same scenario. Similar situations should be avoided. It is necessary to change poses even when one of them seems to both partners to be the most successful. Changing sexual positions is very important, as it is an integral part of really high-quality intercourse.

Permanent location. If during several years of living together the partners have sex only on the marriage bed in their bedroom, then there is a rather high probability that in the end the family sex-center will get so tired of them that intercourse on it will turn into one continuous routine. The place of deployment for sexual amusement must constantly change, otherwise it will not be possible to escape from the monotony of intimate life.

Bed taboos. Very many men and women limit themselves and their partner, setting meaningless, and sometimes stupid bed taboos. For example, some men consider the pose of a rider as something humiliating, and therefore unacceptable in relationships with his beloved woman. Girls can refuse oral sex, front-rear posture, etc. All the above limitations lead to only one thing: sex becomes bland and very annoying.

Lack of romantic feelings. Unfortunately, sometimes love fades away and people continue to live together, only obeying the habit. It is not surprising that sex in such couples becomes only a formality and does not bring any pleasure. It is no secret that the union, where there is no romantic feeling between a man and a woman, is not viable and should be destroyed, otherwise both partners will always be miserable.


Watch the video: When Your Dad Ruins Your Chances. (July 2024).