Choosing a nail file


It would seem that such a broken nail - so, nonsense. But, nevertheless, this little thing can ruin a woman's mood for the whole day, especially if there is no nail file in her makeup bag (and often it happens).

Conclusion: it is best to have as many nail files as you have handbags (then you will not forget exactly at home), but this is only half the battle. First of all, it is important to correctly choose a nail file.

When buying a nail file, a woman, as a rule, first pays attention to her appearance, and not to the rigidity and quality of the material, and absolutely for nothing. Today, stores offer metal, glass, ceramic, wood and even crystal accessories for nail care. Let's try to figure out which nail file is suitable for everyday use, and which one should not be purchased.

Choosing a material

First of all, the choice depends on the end result you need and on the general condition of your nails.

For weakened, often broken nails, a glass file is best suited. It is the most secure, long serving and easy to use.

Wooden tools are also reliable and durable, but you should not use them with brittle nails. Unfortunately, such a nail file can not be disinfected, so it is not used in nail salons, although it is quite popular.

A universal tool for nails that are constantly stratified, will serve as a file of ceramics.

If the nails are strong and healthy, you can safely use the file on a polyurethane base, but for especially sensitive ones you need a crystal file.

For owners of artificial nails best pomegranate file.

But if you are a "happy" owner of a metal file, hide it away, or even better, throw it away - a more harmful object for nails has not yet been invented. It rudely disfigures the nail plate, provokes stratification and may even cause fungus.

Determine the stiffness

The stiffness or abrasiveness of the nail file is very important. Grit - a measure of abrasiveness and the higher the indicator, the better the tool is suitable for processing, first of all, natural nails.

If the level of abrasiveness is less than 180 grit, the nail file is intended only for artificial nails. With the number 240 grit, you can file natural nails of any type. Files up to 400 tons of grit are used to complete a manicure.

Files with an indicator of 400-900 grit are very soft - they are needed when preparing nails for polishing. The softest nail files (from 900 to 1200 grit) are called "buffs" and are used to give a mirror shine.

Polishing. be careful

It would seem that there is nothing difficult to get shiny, polished nails. It is enough to take a polishing nail file, work each of its parties for a short time and get a great result.

But, alas, such a procedure more often than once every 3 months is contraindicated - with frequent use of a polishing nail, nails very quickly become thinner and become literally like paper. It hardly suits you.

But without such a file can not do when you need to remove the bundle. This should be done very carefully, moving from the edge of the nail to the root. After completion of the operation, gel or firming oil is applied to the nails.

How to check if your file is

To check how well the chosen file suits you, look at the edge of the nail. If the edge turns out equal and is processed easily and quickly, the nail file suits you.

If, after processing, roughness and irregularities remain, the nail file should be urgently changed. And yet - you need to be able to use it, otherwise even the highest quality tool will not help.

The file should be held at a right angle to the nail plate, the movement produced from the corners to the center.

And do not forget that you need regular cleaning of nail files, it is best to use a plaster or adhesive tape.


Watch the video: How to Choose the Right Nail File! (July 2024).