Wedding hairstyles for short hair


Every year, short haircuts are becoming more and more popular and more and more women are mercilessly cutting off their braids. But there is a logical explanation for everything, because a short haircut is stylish, beautiful and very comfortable, plus it beautifully frames the face, focusing on the beautiful facial features. By the way, wedding hairstyles at such a length look no less elegant and elegant. Most importantly, the bride's eyes sparkled with happiness, and the groom loved her madly.

So, a selection of fashionable and very beautiful wedding hairstyles for short hair.

Beautiful rims, tiaras and flowers - exactly what you need when creating a wedding image.

A massive flower will look no less elegant if you create simple light curls.

Delicate mesh and stones - what you need for such an important day.

And what if just create beautiful curls, not forgetting, of course, just the appropriate makeup.

Fresh flowers and a sincere smile - the best decoration for the bride.


Watch the video: Wedding Hairstyles for Short Hair: How to Make an Updo (July 2024).