This insidious glaucoma


Suddenly, when looking at the bright light before the eyes, rainbow circles arise, and in the dark the eyes do not see at all? It's okay, you think, just your eyes are tired. Maybe you are right. And, perhaps, these are the first signs of glaucoma, a "silent eye thief," as the doctors call it, a severe and insidious disease, leading, if not treated, to complete and irreversible blindness.

Ophthalmologist will be able to determine if the eyes are overworked, or these are manifestations of glaucoma. Therefore, not wondering and not wasting time, for the answer - to the doctor.

Glaucoma is a group of (about 60) eye diseases, the leading risk factor for which is increased intraocular pressure.

Why is vision reduced? In a healthy eye, a certain pressure is constantly maintained due to the balance of fluid inflow and outflow. Violation of the outflow, which occurs in the sore eye, leads to the accumulation of fluid, as a result of which the intraocular pressure begins to grow, which has a destructive effect on the optic nerve fibers, and the eye ceases to see.

In addition to increased intraocular pressure, hereditary predisposition, abnormal structures of the organs of vision, eye injury, and diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, or nervous systems can cause the development of glaucoma.

Glaucoma usually develops after 45 years, more often in women. But congenital and adolescent glaucoma are also found.

In order not to miss the development of this terrible disease, it is necessary to be examined by an ophthalmologist at least once a year:

  • people with hereditary predisposition;
  • persons aged 45 and over;
  • those taking steroids;
  • people injured eyes;
  • persons with high myopia.
  • In addition, a number of symptoms can be a sign of the development of glaucoma:
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of rainbow circles when looking at a bright light;
  • blurred vision in the dark;
  • reduced vision;
  • feeling of heaviness, "sand" in the eyes;
  • pain or pain in the eyes;
  • pain in the superciliary arches, temporal areas, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting.

In the event that you have noticed at least one of the listed conditions in yourself, consult an experienced doctor.

Also, at least once a year, an ophthalmologist should be visited by those who suffer from myopia, hypertension, diabetes. Complications of these diseases (such as peripheral dystrophy and retinal breaks, hemorrhages inside the eye, diabetic changes) can cause complete blindness. Timely laser coagulation of the retina in these cases is the only way to maintain vision.

The specialists Ophthalmology Center ON CLINIC own all modern methods of diagnosis and treatment. Here, advanced equipment is used, sparing techniques and local anesthesia are applied during operations, which allows the patient to return to the usual way of life on the day of surgery.

How to cure glaucoma

To cope with the disease at stage 1-2 allows drug therapy aimed at reducing intraocular pressure, and laser surgery.

The "gold standard" of glaucoma treatment in modern conditions are gentle laser surgery.

At the first stage of the disease, laser surgery - a method of selective trabeculoplasty - can be an alternative to daily instillation of drops.

At 3-4 stages, iridectomy, trabeculoplasty and goniopuncture are effective.

Using laser iridectomy, HE CLINIC doctors can reduce intraocular pressure by creating a message between the anterior and posterior chamber of the eye.

Through laser trabeculoplasty - the main method of treating glaucoma - the normal process of outflow of intraocular fluid is restored. This method of treatment is used in all forms of the disease.

Laser goniopunktura allows to reduce the intraocular pressure by creating an additional path of outflow of fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye.

Advantages of operations using a medical laser

How is laser surgery better than surgical antiglaucomatous operations? Doctors identify several factors:

1. Non-invasiveness: restoration of outflow of intraocular fluid occurs without opening the eyeball;

2. Operations are performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia;

3. There are no complications;

4. The rehabilitation period is not required, there is no need to draw up a sick-list.

If you have found one or more symptoms of this insidious and dangerous disease, we recommend that you immediately be examined by an ophthalmologist.

Remember: glaucoma can be defeated, the main thing is to start its treatment as soon as possible, without losing time.

Learn more about the treatment of glaucoma on the site of the HE CLINIC medical center >>


Watch the video: Glaucoma - The Silent Thief of Vision (July 2024).