How to lose weight at all inclusive


Many women, going to rest in hot countries, try to put their body in order: they sit on diets and visit a fitness club more often than usual. This is not surprising, because most of the time at the resort, they will spend in a bathing suit. But often these efforts go down the drain literally a few days after arriving at a hotel with an all inclusive food system. All-inclusive is fraught with many temptations for those who lose weight or just keep fit. In the conditions of such gastronomic abundance it is so difficult to resist and not to taste the appetizing treats.

Here are some recommendations that will help you not only to keep the figure during the rest at all inclusive, but even leave a couple of kilos at the resort.

• The best choice for breakfast is muesli with milk, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and a cup of coffee. It is still good to eat an orange or a grapefruit in the morning, it will set the tone for good digestion throughout the day.

• make it a rule to start lunch and dinner with vegetable salad, the benefit of vegetables is presented in restaurants of hotels very widely. Do not be greedy, put a pile of vegetables in the dish, fill with the sauce you like, and eat without rushing. Do not eat a salad? Go to the buffet, but now you will be more or less full, in order to consciously approach the choice of dishes and protect yourself and your stomach from mindless "throwing" all sorts of things on your plate.

• do not snack between meals, the interval between them should be at least 3 hours. This will enable the stomach to digest and digest food.

• about oriental sweets, ice cream and other desserts. If you are a sweet tooth, and can not imagine your life without small sweet joys, then, of course, you should not turn your rest into a test. Within reasonable limits, you can afford a sweet, but under one condition: you eat dessert right after the main meal. Nutritionists believe that this makes the sweet less dangerous for our figure.

• from alcoholic beverages it is better to prefer dry wine, because it contains the least amount of calories. Strong alcohol is preferable to drink in its pure form, rather than in cocktails with a high content of sugary carbonated drinks. Lovers of beer are not recommended to drink more than 0.5 liters per day.

• move more. Participate in sports events organized by the animation team, such as aqua aerobics, dance workshops, water polo, etc. Swim in the sea and the pool, and not just lie with a magazine on the beach. Compare: in 20 minutes of quiet (!) Swimming, you lose 160 calories, and in the same time spent on a lounger - only 22. What to choose? The answer is obvious!


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How Vacations May Make You Gain Weight (June 2024).