Salad with mushrooms - a recipe with photos and step by step description


You can cook a delicious salad with absolutely all edible mushrooms: boletus, honey agarics, russules, champignons and many others. This impressive list can still go on and on, but there is no point in this, because mushroom salads always turn out incredibly tasty and satisfying. Fried mushrooms give the dish a special aroma, marinated or salted - a savory taste. In addition, mushrooms are excellent "friendly" with many ingredients, for example, with potatoes and chicken, onions or green onions, canned corn, Korean carrots, cheese and other goodies. I often cook salads with mushrooms, so I want to share with you a proven recipe for such a dish and demonstrate all the details of cooking it in the photo. This salad is focused on the daily menu, but it may well be suitable for a small feast with friends, if it is served in beautiful portion salad bowls.

In the photo: ingredients for the preparation of salad with mushrooms:

  • Marinated bolettes (or other mushrooms) - 200 g
  • Small potatoes - 4-5 pcs. small size
  • Chicken (chicken leg, thigh, drumstick or breast) - 200 g
  • Green onions - a small bunch
  • Deodorized vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l
  • Mustard - 0.5-1 tsp. (depending on the severity)
  • Pepper Mix - Pinch
  • Salt is a pinch.

Recipe for cooking salad with mushrooms (with photo):

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush and boil in the "uniform". If there are damages on the surface of the tubers, then it is better to peel them and boil them without the peel, but at the same time it is necessary to carefully ensure that the potatoes do not boil soft. Ready potatoes completely cool and peel (if it is boiled in the peel). Then cut into small thin sticks.

Cook chicken, do not forget to add a little salt at the very end of cooking. Then let the chicken meat cool and cut into strips. If you have the time and desire, you can make the chicken into fibers - so the salad will be more tender.

Rinse a small bunch of green onions in water and powder it with a knife. Onions will give a dish of fresh and bright notes, without which the salad will be a little boring.

Place potatoes, chicken and onions in a large salad bowl. Wash the mushrooms from the marinade and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Now you can start cooking refills. To do this, mix the vegetable oil, mustard, ground pepper mixture and a little salt. Then, using a fork, gently whip the ingredients. Refueling is ready. And lovers of savory taste and aroma can also add a little bit of garlic passed through a press or chopped into the dressing.

It remains only to fill the salad and mix thoroughly.

This salad may well replace the usual dinner, because it includes quite rich and perfectly combined ingredients. Be sure to try to cook a salad with mushrooms according to our recipe with step-by-step photos! Cook tasty and happy!


Watch the video: Garlic Mushrooms and Onions - Side Dish or Over Steak - PoorMansGourmet (July 2024).