Children and animals: not everything is so harmless


Dermatitis, eczema, giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, rabies, versicolor - and this is not a complete list of threats that a cute domestic cat or playful puppy carries to humans. Are you touched by joint photos in which babies and pets sleep in an embrace? Have you firmly decided that your child will grow side by side with a dog, cat, bird or rodent? Sure it won't hurt? We will not discourage you, but still warn you what is close contact with animals for a little man.


The Internet is replete with loud statements: “American scientists have found that pet owners” are 77% less likely to get sick with allergies than people without pets. ”Indeed, such studies were conducted more than once, and not only by Americans. However, even the required 77% are this is not a complete guarantee that your child does not belong to the remaining 23%. Wool allergy is a very insidious disease, which you may not find out at first, and you can treat your child for a cold for weeks without knowing why laid en nose and breathing is difficult.

Mode mismatch

Animals over the years and even get used to the mode of the day of their owners, but still continue to live their lives. Imagine that the baby finally fell asleep, and then your cat wanted to "sing" the March songs. Or the schedule of walks to the baby does not coincide with the schedule on which your dog used to walk. This is all fixable, but why create extra problems for yourself?

Dirt and bacteria

There are no absolutely pure animals. No matter how you buy a cat, there will always be dozens of dangerous microorganisms on its face (and some of them have not yet been fully studied). No matter how clean the parrot is, he will promptly chop the grains and residues of life from the cell onto the floor. The emerging immunity of the child is not yet ready for such "frontal" bacterial attacks. You will not have time to turn away, as the baby “kisses” the cat or drags the byaku found in the floor under the parrot's cage into his mouth.

Threat to health and life

And this concerns not only the owners of exotic animals and insects like snakes and spiders. A fighting breed dog a priori cannot be a nanny - it’s not an hour, and a child can cross the line of what is permitted. The dog will lose control, and ... then you understand. A “innocent” scratch from a cat can also bring a lot of problems: phelimonosis, which occurs because of this, is a very common disease. Temperature under 39, swelling of the lymph nodes, long and difficult treatment - are you ready to condemn your baby to this?

By the way, not only dogs and cats are a direct threat to health. Hamsters and guinea pigs can infect children with yersiniosis, a type of fever. To get infected, it is enough to stroke the rodent.

And innocent, seemingly fish can cause severe allergies. More precisely, not the fish themselves, but their food, which is a very dangerous allergen for some people. In most cases, the replacement of the feed will be able to solve the problem, but it happens that the aquarium has to be abandoned in favor of the child’s normal health.

And once again about the birds - just getting dandruff or particles of litter in the lungs to cause a severe form of allergy, which can lead to suffocation.

Time spent

A child, especially a newborn, requires maximum attention. Parents know how difficult it is sometimes to find a free hour to rest. But if animals are in the house, instead of resting, they will have to clean, walk, clean, bathe, feed ... Without normal relaxation, irritability will accumulate, which can negatively affect family relationships, including with the baby.

Instead of epilogue

It would be foolish for these negative factors to cross out the psychological benefits that pets bring. You just need to understand - no contact between them and the baby until a certain age should be a priori. Well, do not forget about vaccinations, removal of worms, veterinary examination and regular pet hygiene. This will protect both the child and adults from many hazards.


Watch the video: CUTE Animals That Can Be DEADLY! (July 2024).