Doctors: excessive salt intake provokes stomach cancer


According to scientists, excess salt intake contributes not only to an increase in pressure and the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also to an increased risk of gastric cancer.

According to doctors, gastric cancer is caused by a specific bacterial infection, which provokes inflammatory processes in it. Why salt is able to affect the oncological profile, doctors still do not know. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this product promotes the proliferation of bacteria, making them toxic to the stomach.

Doctors recommends a day to use no more than 5 grams. salt (a little less than a teaspoon). Of course, this is not an easy task, because this seasoning is part of the majority of the products we use. In addition, of course, there is no guarantee that reducing the amount of salt intake helps in reducing the risk of oncology of the stomach.


Watch the video: Ask the Expert: The Link Between Salt Intake and Heart Disease (July 2024).