Childbirth with my husband? Of course not!


In Russia, partner births are becoming increasingly popular every year. And let those couples who have already given birth to several karapuz in this way advise other parents to choose this particular technique, only a few are going to “innovate”. The reasons for this are not only in the cost of the procedure. The principles that have developed in society over many decades are also important.

In most Western countries, you will not surprise anyone with joint clans. If the American statistics are right, then 95% of newly-born dads seek to relieve the spouses of suffering by being present at the birth of their offspring. About the same statistics and the Europeans, because there is a father in the delivery room is a sign of not only financial well-being, but also unlimited love for his wife.

In our country, not every maternity hospital, a doctor, and the family is ready for joint delivery. But no matter how there were those who gave up with her husband, they strongly advise future moms to follow their example and reject prejudices. Couples who have decided on a partnership childbirth, argue that the greatest happiness in the life of a woman is to feel the support of her husband at such a magical and crucial moment. And those who have given birth "in the old fashioned way", on the contrary, adhere to the opinions of their "great-grandmothers", believing that the husband should not see them in such a state. There is no sense in saying who is right and who is guilty, because each of them is right in their own way.

For some, joint labor is a natural process, while others try to preserve the romantic relationship and psyche of the husband from the “generic” upheavals that not every man can safely endure.

Women who have given birth without a husband are convinced that childbirth is a serious work that requires extreme concentration and full return to the process, so a pale as a wall husband who is on the verge of fainting will not at all ease the appearance of the baby, but will only aggravate the already not too pleasant state mothers. It will be quieter if an experienced doctor and midwife appear next to the woman in labor who will help not only with advice, but also with deed.

It is also very important to be able to control your body during contractions, and a shaking second half will only add problems and prevent you from relaxing.

Many young parents ask themselves: is joint labor harmful? Of course, but only if the spouses are undecided why they need it. Is it important for them to support each other or is it just a tribute to fashion and the desire to prove their manliness to each other or to photograph the whole process on camera?

But be that as it may, every woman wants to be perfect for her man, and the disgusting lying in the delivery room, screaming aunt is unlikely to have a positive impact on the man's psyche. There were cases when such a sight became the cause of divorce, because the gentle male psyche was broken by such a “terrifying” picture and even the appearance of the baby did not help her recover.

Curiously, some future moms "take" husbands for childbirth only so that they see their suffering. For their part, there are men who attend childbirth only to prove to their wives that they are not "weaklings." According to doctors, such joint childbirth resembles a tragic play, in which the main character dies, and around her "not a wimp."

What kind of complementarity and guessing the slightest desires of a woman in labor can be a speech at all? What kind of confidential atmosphere can we talk about? After all, without these factors, it is not worth thinking about partner labor. In truth, even a sincere desire to be with my wife in this "difficult" time is not enough. Without sensitivity to the desires of the spouse, empathy, the ability to help and support, without knowledge of the process from a to I should not go to school. After all, few men are really ready for the process.

One knows all about the business, the other masterfully makes repairs, the third can write poetry. Every man knows how his own, for this reason it is very difficult to imagine that every future father is able to help his wife in childbirth. As a result, 95% of the "turnout" of American men to give birth to their spouses looks fabulous enough.

Of course, partner labor as a whole is natural, but to assume that they are absolutely “normal” is not too fair. Many future parents have exalted feelings for each other, they want to give support in difficult times, they are ready for the appearance of a small bundle of happiness, and they could well remain in childbirth together, but at the same time break up at the entrance to the maternity ward. It's just that sometimes it's better - and it makes no sense to explain this fact.


Olga 02.13.2016
With the last paragraph I agree completely. I am happy for those who have shared in labor, but I cannot go to it myself.
