5 diseases considered as such only in Russia


Curiously, there are a number of diagnoses that provoke only Russian doctors to hastily take action. While in most countries such diseases are not only recognized as such, they do not require either treatment or hospitalization. So.

  1. First place is vascular dystoniamanifested in dizziness and weak, but stabbing pain in the region of the heart. It is believed that this "disease" is exacerbated during periods of abrupt change in ambient temperature. However, each of the symptoms of dystonia should be considered as a separate diagnosis, requiring an individual approach.
  2. In the vast majority of foreign countries dysbacteriosis perceived as a serious disease, which, however, is quite rare. However, businessmen from pharmacology somehow convinced doctors and their patients that there are wonderful supplements that can outrun the development of this disease.
  3. Osteochondrosis, which can actually become a manifestation of a hernia of intervertebral discs, fibromyalgia and inflammation of muscles and ligaments, in our country is presented as a disease of the spine. However, each of the above diagnoses, which may be a manifestation of osteochondrosis, requires individual treatment.
  4. Reduced immunity. Doctors disagree about whether it is possible to artificially strengthen the immune system. However, pharmaceutical companies are convinced: you can help the body to resist diseases. True, drugs for this, as a rule, are sold at very inflated prices.
  5. Salt deposits Doctors have long been recognized as a "national diagnosis." After all, this disease has nothing to do with the excess amount of salt in the body. Behind it hides osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis.


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