The secret of energy and harmony


According to some data, 40-60% of the world's population after the age of 25 years are overweight, and about 30% are obese.

Only in some cases it is possible to determine the true cause of obesity. This may be a genetic predisposition (the problem can be traced in generations) or endocrine pathology, leading to metabolic disorders. Most often, the severity of obesity affects the decrease in physical activity, addiction to high-calorie foods, poor diet. In these cases, it is qualified as alimentary-constitutional.

What is dangerous obesity?

Repeatedly, in various studies, it was found that people with overweight have a higher risk of developing insulin-independent diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, gallstone disease and breast cancer.

Incentive to make a decision

One of the main factors in addressing the issue of weight loss, especially for women - aesthetic. On the other hand, the desire to improve the quality of life - care for the preservation of health can serve as an incentive for losing weight. And here to help a person decide about the need for weight loss should be a specialist (endocrinologist, dietician, etc.).

Is it possible to lose weight without harming the body?

More and more people are thinking about this issue. What happens in the body losing weight, especially the wrong losing weight, man? Various diets, intake of laxatives and diuretic supplements lead to the fact that the body loses vitamins, microelements, which can often lead to metabolic disorders and lack of energy.

Additional energy can be obtained using L-carnitine (left carnitine) - an essential vitamin-like substance that plays an important role in the formation of energy and metabolism in our body.

L-carnitine is present in almost all organs and tissues, predominating in those of them where the production of large amounts of energy is necessary for normal functioning (muscles, heart, brain, kidneys, liver). The need for it is individual, but with an increase in psycho-emotional and physical exertion, diets, it increases many times and there may be an insufficiency in L-carnitine. This results in weakness, apathy, and a decrease in the activity of immune cells. In addition, it is left carnitine that helps the body use fats as an energy source. In combination with physical stress, levocarnitine promotes intensive fat burning, reducing weight.

You can help the body to part with extra pounds by using over-the-counter drug Elkar, containing an aqueous solution of left carnitine. Elkar energizes, relieves fatigue, improves efficiency, reduces the production of stress enzymes.

Elkar improves the efficiency and tolerance of the diet, allows you to lose weight with pleasure, gently saving you from excess body fat, turning them into the necessary energy for the body.


Watch the video: How to ALIGN With The ENERGY Of MONEY & ABUNDANCE - POWERFUL Law of Attraction Technique! (July 2024).