Contraindications for IVF: questions and answers


Before IVF, a married couple undergoes an impressive range of examinations.

The completed examinations help the IVF clinic doctor to eliminate the limitations and contraindications for ART.atauxiliary reproductive technologies) and predict the potential efficacy of IVF.

Well, by the same token, to prevent the risks of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Also, couples planning a child may be faced with a number of questions about possible contraindications of a social nature, and today we will talk and talk about it.

Contraindications to IVF can be absolute and relative. In accordance with paragraph 22 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 107n of August 30, 2012. LIMITATIONS to the use of the IVF program are:

  • decrease in ovarian reserve (according to ultrasound of the ovaries and the level of AMH in the blood);
  • conditions in which treatment using the basic IVF program is ineffective and shows the use of donor and / or cryopreserved germ cells and embryos, as well as surrogate motherhood;
  • hereditary sex-linked diseases in women (hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, ichthyosis associated with the X chromosome, Charcot-Marie neural amyotrophy, and others) preimplantation genetic diagnosis).

The list of CONTRAINDICATIONS for IVF is fixed in Appendix N 2 to the above-mentioned order.

I would like to make a reservation that some absolute contraindications, which include exacerbation of chronic diseases, injuries, congenital malformations after successful treatment by decision of the council of doctors, may no longer interfere with IVF.

Also, couples planning a child may be faced with a number of questions about possible contraindications of a social nature, and today we will present a number of the most frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to plan an IVF for a couple who are not in a registered marriage?

The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health of 22.06.93 N 5487-1 in article 35 “Artificial insemination and embryo implantation” declare: “Every adult woman of childbearing age has the right to artificial insemination and implantation of an embryo. Artificial insemination of the woman and the implantation of the embryo are carried out in institutions that have received a license for medical activity, with the written consent of the spouses (single woman). ”Thus, official registration is not required.

How old are women for IVF?

From the above legislative decree it becomes clear that for a woman planning IVF it is necessary to attain the age of majority, but the upper age limit is not defined in the legislation. It is determined by the attending physician, according to the results of the survey range. And if the age of a woman in a particular situation is critical, you can consider the option of IVF with a donor egg. If the age peculiarities relate not only to the volume of the follicular apparatus, but also to the ability to carry the embryo, then you can consider the option of IVF with a donor egg cell with the help of a surmum.

Can same-sex couples, single women, men take advantage of ART?

In this case, there are no restrictions, for the implementation of plans to become parents, you need the help of a surrogate mother, egg donors and / or spermatozoa.

Can a couple in which one of the partners is HIV-infected go for IVF?

Maybe only after passing an additional examination in order to exclude an acute process. With high HIV activity, you must first receive treatment and then decide on the acceptability of IVF.

Is it acceptable to conduct IVF for a woman (a married couple) without personal housing and with low earnings?

Yes, in this case it is especially important to talk about IVF in OMS, i.e. free IVF.

In October 2012, D.A. Medvedev signed the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2013 and for the planned period of 2014 and 2015."

This document opened up opportunities for a very large group of citizens for whom the cost of IVF is too high to take advantage of ART and realize their most cherished dream - to become parents.

The topic of IVF on OMS is very capacious and relevant, contains many nuances that it is important to know for couples planning a pregnancy with IVF. A more detailed block of information about IVF on OMS can be found on the blog of the CIR clinic.

Also find out what needs to be tested to improve the effectiveness of IVF.


Watch the video: Medical School - Intravenous Fluids Made Easy (June 2024).