Two of the most delicious and quick recipes for cooking river fish (crucian carp)


Let's say right away you can cook according to the recipes below almost any river or lake fish, but today, we will prepare crucian carp. Crucian carp is the sweetest and most delicious river fish that everyone will surely like!

It is so appetizing and fragrant that when you try it, some even lick their hands with pleasure. But how not to lick when every piece of cooked fish delicacy is incredibly juicy and tastes good!

By the way, crucians are inexpensive and you can cook them at least every day, because there are a lot of options for cooking this small fish. But fried crucian and crucian stuffed with vegetables and baked in the oven remain the most efficient and no less appetizing!

Even a schoolchild will cope with their creation, and we will help you to properly prepare 1 kg of this river fish by writing step-by-step cooking master classes of 0.5 kg for each recipe.

1. Grilled crucian bread breaded from cornmeal

Those who once try crucian bread in corn breading will never want to bread it again in wheat flour! This perfect fish duet with cornmeal gives a truly phenomenal taste - let's try to repeat it:

- 2 crucian carp (0.5 kg);

- 100-120 g of corn flour;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil.

First, fresh crucians must clean the scales. This is easiest to do in a bowl or sink filled with water. In water, the scales are removed in one motion and do not fly apart. When you get to the lower fins, the part from the fins to the head from the bottom is best cut out - it is difficult to peel off.

Then the crucian carp must be disemboweled - cut them a belly from the head to the second lower fins. Take out the insides, being careful not to crush the gallbladder, and rinse thoroughly everything inside. Remove the black film from the inner walls - it can make the fish bitterness.

Salt the crucian carp both outside and inside. If you purchased or caught a small fish, then at this stage you need to cut it obliquely along the ribs with a little effort - you will cut the bones in half and they will be so fried that they won’t even feel!

Bread each fish in cornmeal on all sides.

Heat the vegetable oil in a pan and place crucian carp on it. Fry for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat until golden brown.

Then flip over to the other side and fry the same amount of time, but cover with a lid. Thus, crucians are steamed from the inside, and their meat will not remain raw.

Serve grilled crucian carp with lemon and green onions. Good appetite!

2. Baked crucians with vegetables

Thus prepared fish absorbs vegetable juice and is filled with an incredibly delicious aroma. Just a few steps in its preparation will allow you to enjoy an excellent fish dish, which in a restaurant would be worth an exorbitant price!

You will need:

- 2 crucian carp (0.5 kg);

- 2 bell peppers;

- 1 large tomato;

- 2 tbsp vegetable oil;

- 0.5 tsp. salt.

In this recipe, first peel, rinse and cut vegetables: tomatoes - quarters and peppers - julienne.

Clean the fish from the scales and gut them, washing it from all sides.

Stuff the crucian carp abdomen with vegetables, pre-salt the fish.

Place on a baking sheet, pour with vegetable oil and bake at 180-200С in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. You will understand that the dish is ready by the smell that will be in the kitchen!

Serve fish with herbs. Good appetite!

After calculating the cost of any of these recipes, you are unlikely to go to a restaurant now to enjoy crucians:

- 2 crucian carp - 25 rubles .;

- 100-120 g of corn flour - 5 rubles .;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil and salt - 5 rubles.

Fish dinner for two will cost you only 35 rublesand one crucian carp - in 18 rub. This is unthinkable savings!


Watch the video: Catch and Cook Carp - How to cook carp - carp fishing tips & carp recipe. (June 2024).