Pie with jam in the oven - simple and tasty! Variants of making dough and toppings for pie with jam in the oven


Pie is the easiest and most satisfying way to feed a family or meet guests. The tradition of baking pies in Russia has a long history. Meat, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables, grains, mushrooms, fruit, berry fillings - it's just impossible to name everything. Special attention is given to jam pies. Cooked in the oven, they can be either a very simple express option for meeting unexpected guests, or quite sophisticated in cooking with an exquisite delicacy.

Pie with jam in the oven - the general principles of cooking

Berry or fruit jam is in every home. The value of this dessert is that they can be tasted just like that or used as a filling for pies. Pie with jam in the oven is very popular. It is simply impossible to spoil such baking, and the result of the hostess’s work will certainly be appreciated, and very highly. Classic open, decorated with a dough "lattice", closed, powdered - cooking options depend only on the imagination of the hostess. As a filling, you can use any fruit or berry jam: apple, pear, cherry, strawberry, plum, currant, raspberry and even their citrus peel! The main thing - that it was not too liquid. If there is no jam, it will be successfully replaced by thick homemade jam.

The dough for baking cake with jam in the oven can be yeast or sandy. Both options are very tasty. But if the yeast dough requires more attention and time to prepare, then the shortbread can be made easier and faster, because eggs, margarine, butter and flour will be found in every home.

Pie with jam in the oven - recipe 1

Amazingly delicious and incredibly simple cake with jam in the oven "Air tenderness" can be made from light shortcrust pastry. There is not much time to make and bake: you can put a gentle, crumbly, fragrant delicacy on the table in just an hour.


• two eggs;

• two or three glasses of flour (how much dough will take);

• a pack of butter or margarine;

• a glass of sugar;

• bag of vanillin or vanilla sugar;

• a teaspoon of baking powder or soda, used with vinegar;

• a glass of thick jam.

Cooking method:

In a skillet, melt a pack of butter, pre-cut into pieces, cool.

Mix sugar, eggs, melted butter.

Add flour mixed with baking powder in small portions. It is not necessary to pour all the flour into the bowl at once, so as not to make the dough too steep, because the properties of individual types of flour are different. Knead the elastic dough, soft to the touch.

Divide the mass into larger and smaller parts. Remove the smaller part in the freezer for about an hour.

Put the rest of the dough into a shape well oiled and slightly touched with flour. Spread the jam evenly over the surface of the cake.

Grate the frost-bitten portion of the dough out of the refrigerator on a coarse grater. Add jam to the crumbs.

Bake a cake with jam in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for about half an hour. It may take a little less time to bake: it all depends on the specific oven. It is important not to overdry the dough.

Serve airy tenderness cake should be cooled.

Jam pie in the oven - recipe 2

No less tasty lean version of the cake with jam in the oven called "Tea Fantasy". It is suitable for those who strictly adhere to the Orthodox fasting, and will also be an excellent way out for people who are allergic to chicken protein. Jam for such a cake does not have to be thick.


• a glass of strong cooled black tea;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• a glass of sugar;

• four tablespoons of jam (not necessarily thick);

• three glasses of flour;

• two teaspoons of baking powder or one spoon of vinegar-quenched soda.

Cooking method:

Sift the flour into a bowl for kneading dough.

Add baking powder and sugar to flour, mix. If the jam is very sweet, the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Add jam and butter to the flour mixture, mix well.

Pour in cold tea and knead the dough. It will not be very thick and sticky - this is normal.

Grease the baking dish thoroughly, pour out the dough and bake in the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for about half an hour. If the shape has a small diameter and the dough layer is high enough, the baking time may increase.

Serve the cake should be completely cooled. You can grease it with jam on top, decorate with candied fruits, dried fruits and powdered with powdered sugar.

Jam pie in the oven - recipe 3

Curd cake with jam in the oven "Chocolate dreams" has a stunning exquisite taste. The highlight of this option is in a delicate curd filling and chocolate layer. Such baking is not classified as budget. Pie is more suitable for a solemn feast, rather than for the usual home tea.


• a pack of butter;

• half a cup of sugar;

• two glasses of flour;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• 50 grams of dark chocolate;

• a tablespoon of cocoa powder;

• two tablespoons of water;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• one egg;

• can of condensed milk;

• one teaspoon of starch;

• pinch of turmeric and vanilla for flavor;

• a glass of jam;

• two tablespoons of cooking oil for baking.

Cooking method:

Cottage cheese, egg, starch, vanillin and turmeric mix well. Introduce condensed milk and beat with a mixer.

Mix softened butter with sugar and baking powder. Beat with a mixer, ensuring complete dissolution of granulated sugar.

Pour the flour into the oil mixture and rub it into the crumb by hand. Separate one-third of krosheva, pouring into a separate bowl. There, grate the chocolate and add cocoa, mix well.

From most of the white krosheva knead a dense elastic dough, gradually introducing cold water. The amount of water can be more or less - you need to focus on the quality of the test.

Cover the form with baking paper, grease the entire surface together with the sides with any vegetable oil. Put the dough into shape, fingers gently form small sides.

Jam put a spoon on the dough, spread evenly.

Spread chocolate crumb over the sweet layer.

Put the curd filling in the last layer.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

Place the form on the central shelf of the oven, bake about 45 minutes. Baking time should be adjusted based on the characteristics of the oven.

Remove the cake "Chocolate Dreams" from the form is possible only after complete cooling.

Jam pie in the oven - recipe 4

Gentle, light and especially airy get dessert "Summer Idyll". This is also a pie with jam in the oven, cooked on the basis of kefir. It will require a minimum of products, and the taste is excellent. A cup of tea with a piece of this cake will be a great start or end of the day.


• two glasses of flour;

• half a cup of sugar;

• two eggs;

• a glass of kefir;

• half a spoonful of salt;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• a glass of jam.

Cooking method:

Jam mixed with baking powder, after which the volume will increase significantly. Leave on for three to five minutes.

Pour the kefir, add salt and eggs and mix everything well.

Add flour, knead the batter with a spoon, leave for 10 minutes.

While the dough is settling, prepare the form and oven. Cover the form with baking paper and grease it with plenty of oil. The oven is heated to 180 degrees.

Gently pour the dough into the form, bake for about half an hour.

Wait until the cake with jam in the oven has completely cooled, remove it from the mold and serve the Summer Idyll to the table.

Pie with jam in the oven - tricks and tips

Flour for baking must be sifted. This is not done for cleansing. Sifting fills the flour with oxygen, which makes the dough more tender and the cake with air.

Jam easily flows out of the cake and burns. To avoid this, you can sprinkle baking starch.

To make the product look like a cake, after cooling it can be cut into it and fluffed up the resulting "cakes" to taste with proteinaceous, oily cream or condensed milk.

For baking cake with jam in the oven is better to take the form with high sides. The dough is guaranteed not to leak.

Otmenit flavor of jam can be spices, for example, cinnamon. Lemon juice will bring a touch of freshness.

Pastry dough, especially liquid, is very capricious. To make sure that the cake with jam in the oven baked, you need to poke his side or the top of a match. Dry - the cake is ready, the dough is stuck - baking should be continued.

It is possible to save the pie that is left in the center by placing it in the microwave for 5-10 minutes at maximum power. Just do not forget - in the iron mold in the microwave pies can not be put, only in silicone or, in general, removing from the mold.


Watch the video: Puff Pastry 4 Ways (July 2024).