Basics of nutrition for gastritis with high acidity. Detailed diet for gastritis with high acidity


Gastritis is a generalized concept, which includes disorders of the etiology of the connective tissue (walls) of the stomach.

However, all such diseases have one common component - violation of intracellular metabolism in the epithelium of the mucous membrane or the lining of the organ of digestion, which initiates inflammatory processes and further leads to the development of associated diseases.

We consider in detail the diet for gastritis with high acidity, as well as a set of necessary dietary restrictions, the organization of its schedule, the correct preparation of portions and combinations of dishes.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity: fundamental principles

The essence of the diet for gastritis with excessive acid production is to prevent the development of ulcer-like formations on the walls of the epithelium of the stomach. In such cases, intensive secretion of gastric juice, interacting with its dystrophic lining, can provoke a full-fledged ulcer. Therefore, people who have similar specificity of gastritis in the diet must adhere to the following basic principles:

1. Restrict the use of alcohol-containing products and tobacco smoking.

2. Try to avoid stressful situations.

3. Eat only fresh foods, eliminating fatty and spicy foods from the diet.

4. Do not overeat, eat as often as possible, but gradually and strictly according to the schedule, while avoiding long breaks in eating.

The question arises, what can be eaten by patients with such an upset stomach? In summary, you can point out the following products:

Groats, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as finely chopped pasta and noodles.

Rusks and white dried bread.

Non-concentrated soups on the basis of lean meat without spices.

Boiled potatoes.

Low-fat types of fish and meat.

It should be emphasized that the diet for gastritis with high acidity may include eggs and milk, as well as fermented dairy products, but only with a low content of fat and the same acid.

It is allowed, and in some cases it is recommended to use:

• low-fat milk, especially with green tea;

• sour milk, ryazhenka or snowball;

• yoghurts and freshly grated cottage cheese;

• honey and honey semi-finished products;

• nectaric (non-sour) fruits and berries, vegetable pomace and fruit and berry juices of sweet varieties;

• medium strength tea;

• meat lean fillet.

In limited quantities are allowed to eat:

• dishes based on cottage cheese (cheese cakes, casseroles, dumplings);

• eggs, but only soft-boiled or slightly roasted;

• low-fat cheeses and cheese products;

• sweet varieties of tomatoes, peeled and pureed cucumbers.

Strictly not allowed to eat:

• coffee, chicory and chocolate;

• confectionery and milkshakes, including ice cream;

• kvass, beer and alcoholic beverages, as well as any liquids with gas;

• all kinds of nuts and legumes;

• citrus juices.

Note: The above described products from the category of limited use, for example, cheese products or cheese are eaten no more than once a week in small portions. For meat products, it is desirable to use tenderloins and white meat from mutton, veal, rabbit meat and, accordingly, chicken.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity: drinks and substitute sauces

It is often difficult for a person predisposed to gastritis and having excess acidity to abandon the usual sauces, seasonings and drinks, which are strictly forbidden to use in such cases. However, there are many recipes that allow you to "get around" this taboo. Consider some of them.

Sauce Substitutes:

bechamel sauce

For preparation we take 60 gr. (1/3 cup) skim milk, 1 tsp (7-8 grams) of wheat flour and some (6 grams) butter.

Wheat powder placed in the oven or in the pan and calcined until a light yellow shade. Then boil the milk and, pour the third part into a bowl, cool it. Pour the flour into it, stir the mixture well, then pour it into the boiling milk, mixing it continuously and thoroughly. Next, letting the composition boil for 1-2 minutes, add oil.

grated egg milk sauce

It will take bechamel sauce, an additional about 60 grams. (one third cup) skim milk, a teaspoon (7-8 gr.) of dried flour with a hill, the fourth part of a hard-boiled egg and 12-15 gr. butter.

Grind egg and add to cooked sauce. Mix well and fill with oil.

sour cream sauce

50 grams taken. (one third cup) of defatted sour cream and 5 gr. wheat flour.

Divide sour cream equally: boil one part, add dried flour to another. Beat and then pour in boiling sour cream. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil again. Cool and strain the resulting mass.

cucumber sauce

It is necessary to cook medium-sized cucumber, 100 gr. low-fat cheese and 15 gr. (1 tbsp. L) defatted sour cream, 2 garlic heads, a small bunch of dill, a quarter of a teaspoon of coriander (7-8 gr.).

Cucumber peeled, cut into pieces and grind in a blender or on a fine grater. After that, the resulting mass is required to slightly squeeze, removing excess liquid phase. In the resulting mixture add grated cheese and garlic, sour cream, chopped dill and coriander. Mix everything thoroughly.

Dietary drinks:

milk jelly

We will need 400 grams. skim milk, 30 gr. (2.5 tbsp. L) potato starch, sugar (to taste).

In a small amount of milk diluted starch. The resulting composition, stirring, add to boiling milk. Give time to boil again, add sugar to taste and leave to cool.

berry jelly

It will take about 250 grams. berry platter (raspberry, cranberry, strawberry, etc.). Also preparing 350 gr. water, 3 tbsp. l (60-70 gr.) Starch and sugar.

We wash the berries, let the water drain, and place them in the water poured into the enamelware. Give the composition to boil, and cook until the bleaching of berries, that is, until cooked. Squeeze the berry mass and filter. Next, dilute the starch in an appropriate amount of cold water, make the consistency homogeneous. Berry solution again bring to a boil. In it, constantly stirring, add starch mixture.

broth hips

For its preparation you need a handful (2/3 cup) of dried rosehips, 300 gr. water and sugar.

Rosehip wash and clean hair. Then crush it, put it in an enameled bowl, pour water and boil it, covered with a lid, for 10-12 minutes. After that, the solution should be infused for 3 hours. This broth strain.

Note: Regardless of the type of gastritis, before using the above formulations, you should certainly consult a gastroenterologist.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity: an approximate daily diet

Nutrition for gastritis complications against the background of increased secretion of gastric juice must be not only sparing, but also as diverse as possible, taking into account the needs of the body for a complete microelement composition. Consider a similar diet on the example of one day:


Soft-boiled egg, buckwheat porridge with milk, milk tea


Baked apples, berry jelly


Creamy pumpkin cream soup, steamed veal cutlets, potato chips, fruit mousse

Afternoon tea

Milk jelly, galetny crackers


Fish cones, rice porridge, dogrose broth

Late dinner

Milk or ryazhenka

Necessary explanations: Diet for gastritis with high acidity, that is, the composition of the diet, its portionability and the amount of food consumed is determined only by the attending gastroenterologist. Unauthorized experiments can lead to sad and irreversible consequences, such as a progressive ulcer.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity: important points

The use of food, which is part of the diet for gastritic disorders of the stomach, provides for strict adherence to certain rules that must be followed rigorously.

When organizing diets, the following points should be considered:

1. The calculation of the required calories and vitamins for nutritional nutrition is made taking into account at least 5 single meals.

2. It is important to strive for adherence to a clear eating pattern - eat at certain periods.

3. It is necessary to follow the established ratios, mass ratios and ration of nutrition, that is, do not overeat or drink more than the prescribed liquid.

4. Diet for gastritis with high acidity provides for a mandatory single dose of hot liquid food (broths with temperatures up to 70º C). In the remaining periods of the dish should not be colder than 15º C.

5. Cooking for the future is forbidden for more than 2 days - food must be fresh.

6. In case of a forced need to take medicines, you should definitely consult with a gastroenterologist.

7. The daily amount of food should not exceed 2.5-3 kg per day.

In addition to all of the above, you need to know that for better digestibility of the stomach and a decrease in its activity, you need to grind all food, that is, use minced meat in its preparation, and use only mashed potatoes and jelly in the diet. From this conclusion comes another conclusion — chewing should be done carefully and unhurriedly. Reception of liquids diet with gastritis with high acidity is not limited. Its daily volume is up to 1.5 liters, however, with strong thirst, it is recommended to drink warm boiled or distilled (purified) water.

Note that diets are compiled by physicians based on the progression of erosive gastritis, including with increased secretion, that is, each patient receives their own nutritional diet card and individual recommendations.

However, you can specify the average indicators of proteins and carbohydrates that are part of the daily nutrition of gastroenterological patients and characteristic of their treatment at the stage of acute gastritis, namely:

• proteinaceous compounds from 100 to 115 gr .;

• no more than 100 grams. fat;

• carbohydrates from 400 to 500 gr.

Also in such a diet should not include more than 12 grams. salt. At the same time, seasonings are allowed: bay leaf, coriander, dill and cinnamon.


Watch the video: Natural Solutions for Acid Reflux (July 2024).