Protein-carbohydrate alternation: nutritional scheme for the most advanced. Why are the principles of the BUC diet so effective?


The famous protein-carbohydrate alternation - a diet for the most advanced. In fact, it is difficult to call such a diet a diet: rather, it is a special nutrition system.

Principles of protein-carbohydrate alternation

The basis of the BUCh diet is the alternation of high-protein and high-carbohydrate days. The contrast between the intake of proteins and carbohydrates shakes metabolic processes and provides a high result of the diet. The higher this contrast, the more significant weight loss will be shown daily by arrows on the floor scales.

On protein days, carbohydrate foods are completely excluded from the diet: bread, pasta, fruit. A small amount of carbohydrates is allowed due to their natural content in protein foods. However, mindlessly eating one meat is impossible. Exceeding the permissible amount of protein overloads the kidneys and can cause serious harm to health.

The diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation is alternation four day cycles:

• first day - protein;

• the second day - protein;

• the third day - carbohydrate;

• the fourth day is mixed.

This is one complete cycle. From the fifth day it should be repeated. How many such cycles will have to be done depends only on how many kilograms you want to lose weight. Well, how much willpower is enough, of course!

Calculation scheme for BOOCH

There is a simple calculation scheme that you definitely need to use. Protein-carbohydrate alternation - the diet is accurate, compliance with all its requirements is mandatory.

For a protein day, the amount of protein should be three grams per kilogram of desired weight. Let's say a girl is planning to weigh 59 kg. Multiply this figure by three - it turns out 177 grams of protein. This is the daily rate. Norma protein, not the weight of protein foods, such as chicken breast! To find out how much of this permitted amount is contained in a piece of white chicken meat, you need to find out its composition. One hundred grams of breast accounts for 21 grams of protein.

It remains to get the required amount of protein. Do I have to do this? Required. The fact is that if the rate of protein is less, then the body will begin to expend muscle with fat. This is not the result to which it is worth striving. The secret of the popularity of protein-carbohydrate alternation is precisely in the fact that such a regime allows you to lose fat, while preserving muscle mass.

Now it remains to calculate the allowable amount of carbohydrates. For a protein day, the rate is 20-25 grams, not more. Ideal if this figure can be reduced. Fat is also under control: a valid value - all the same 25 grams.

After two protein days, carbohydrate day comes. The amount of carbohydrate per kilogram of weight is four, maximum five grams. For girls who are actively engaged in fitness, this rate is five to six grams per kilogram of desired weight.

On the fourth day of the mixed cycle, the rates of protein, carbohydrate and fat intake are as follows:

• protein - two grams (maximum three);

• carbohydrates - two grams (maximum three);

• Fat - 30 grams for the whole day (maximum forty grams).

Important Notes on the LUCH

The actual question about the number of calories at the time of protein-carbohydrate alternation. Should I count them? Need to. For protein days, the calorie corridor will be from 800 to 1100 kcal per day. On carbohydrate days, the number of calories will increase, and here it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Getting the amount of carbohydrates to normal, you can not exceed the individual peak calories. For some, it is 1200 kcal per day, for someone 2000 kcal. Much depends on whether there is physical activity on these days. But in any case, the decrease in daily caloric content below the figure of 1100 kcal is unacceptable, otherwise the metabolic processes will slow down, the weight loss will stop.

Most often, the weight goes well after protein days. The fact is that squirrels actively drive water. Edema is gone, weight is reduced.

The effectiveness of BUCH diets is also explained by the fact that it is necessary not only to count BJU (protein-fats-carbohydrates), but also to calculate the daily caloric content. And she, if all the principles of the cyclic mode are followed exactly, will decrease.

If you count calories too lazy, you can take as a basis visual portion estimation method. It is important to observe the mode of fractional five meals a day. A serving should be no larger than a palm.

On carbohydrate days whole grain cereals and plenty of greens are preferred. Portions of bread or cereals perfectly replace fruit. Well, if you manage to accompany each meal with green vegetables or greens.

Fruit days are not allowed on protein days.. Vegetables are permissible only to the extent that they do not overlap the total amount of allowed carbohydrates. The maximum that you can afford on protein days is an average cucumber or lettuce leaf.

The first days will have to be very attentive to the labels on the products. So, kefir, for example, which is generally considered a protein food, contains almost as many carbohydrates as there are proteins. Moreover, sometimes the amount of carbohydrates per gram is more than the amount of protein! Therefore, kefir and milk are best left for mixed days. If you really want dairy products in the first two days of the cycle, their number should not exceed one hundred grams per day. Cheese on protein days is also not allowed, as there is a lot of fat in it.

In order not to harm health, a prerequisite for following a protein-carbohydrate alternation diet - physical exercise. It is not necessary to go to the fitness room, just enough not less than getting a day to actively move. Walk, swim, start a spring-cleaning or repair, turn the hoop. Anything to help the kidneys remove the excess urea.

Drinking water during protein days is a must. You need at least one and a half liters of pure non-carbonated water.

Products for the BUCH diet

Choosing a diet is quite simple. However, we must remember that frequent feeding is one of the basic principles of the system. The body at one meal can absorb no more than forty grams of protein. This figure must be taken into account when creating the menu for protein days. In addition, fractional nutrition speeds up the metabolism.

List of some foods for protein days (plus the amount of protein per hundred grams of weight):

• chicken breast - 21;

• pollock, cod, hake, pangasius - from 16 to 18;

• shrimps, mussels, squids, other seafood - 18;

• canned natural tuna - from 21 to 23№;

• egg - 7;

• one egg white - 3;

• low fat cottage cheese (up to 2%) - 18.

Carbohydrate days do not need to be taken as permission to throw on bread, cake, candy, chocolate, sweet fruit. All these are simple carbohydrates, in which the glycemic index is very, very high. If, after two days of virtually no carbohydrate time, to start feeding on all the listed foods, blood sugar rises very much. As a result, all carbohydrates will be converted to fat. Will return all that fat reserves, which burned in protein days. Lose weight will not work.

That is why For carbohydrate day complex carbohydrates are needed:

• whole grain cereals (buckwheat, rice, yachka, pulses, oatmeal, barley, millet, lentils);

• pasta, but only from durum wheat;

• whole wheat bread;

• non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, green beans, onions, radishes, spinach). If there are no fresh vegetables, you can take the store freeze, but without potatoes;

• some dairy products (ryazhenka, bifidok, kefir, natural unsweetened yogurt). Whole milk can be consumed, but with extreme caution - it contains a lot of simple carbohydrates and protein;

• unsweetened fruit is permissible, sweet is not. You can eat one (maximum two) servings in the morning. Apples, tangerines, grapefruits are allowed.

Variants of power schemes on the system of protein-carbohydrate alternation

The four-day cycle is the classic two plus two scheme. However, it is not the only one. There are a lot of variants of schemes:

  • three protein days - two days of carbohydrate loading;
  • two protein days - one carbohydrate (exclude a mixed day);
  • five days on protein foods - three days on carbohydrate;
  • three days of pure protein — one day high protein, one day mixed;
  • three protein days - one carbohydrate;
  • equilibrium variant two plus two plus two.

The choice of a specific power scheme depends only on individual preferences. The main thing is to give the body a shake, alternating the intake of protein and long carbohydrates and not exceeding the caloric rate. What is good classical scheme? It is more easily tolerated.

And yet you should not do more than three protein days - it practically does not affect the result. No need to give up a mixed day. One day to restore glycogen in the muscles of the body a little. After a full two-day recovery on carbohydrate food plumb protein days will be better.

Sports activities on the diet BUCH are required. Wherein aerobic exercise is best given on protein intake days (the minimum amount of carbohydrates makes the fat burn more), and power - on carbohydrate or mixed day.

The menu of protein-carbohydrate alternation for four days

Protein day

• Breakfast: scrambled eggs with seafood.

• Lunch: low fat cottage cheese.

• Lunch: chicken breast boiled or baked without butter with greens or cucumber.

• Snack: low-fat cottage cheese.

• Dinner: boiled or baked fish or seafood salad.

• Before bed: a little curd.

Carbohydrate day

• Breakfast: steamed oatmeal with apple.

• Lunch: oatmeal muesli without sugar with kefir and apple.

• Lunch: 150 grams of boiled rice, buckwheat, pasta and a slice of lean meat, fish, chicken. Salad from fresh or stewed vegetables.

• Snack: fresh vegetables, kefir, five or six unsalted nuts.

• Dinner: a portion of fresh or stewed vegetables with baked fish or boiled chicken.

• Before bed: kefir.

Mixed day

• Breakfast: oatmeal in the water with an apple, boiled eggs, tea or coffee with milk.

• Lunch: a portion of unsweetened fruit.

• Lunch: a salad of fresh vegetables or a portion of stewed vegetables. Boiled or baked meat, chicken, fish with a side dish of cereals or pasta.

• Snack: Greek salad or cottage cheese with nuts and dried fruits.

• Dinner: a casserole with vegetables or a salad of vegetables and seafood.

• Before bed: kefir.

Having mastered the principles of calculating BJU, you can create the menu yourself, focusing on your taste preferences. It's pretty simple, especially if you count the amount of protein and carbohydrates per serving of your favorite dish.

Duration of the diet depends on the initial weight.

In two weeks you can get rid of eight pounds of excess weight.

A huge advantage of protein-carbohydrate alternation - the diet is very easily tolerated, is balanced, has no contraindications.

Fasting is not necessary, and therefore, the effect will be achieved in any case.

It is most effective to lose weight within one to two months, and then make a six-month break. After five to six months, you can return to the diet of the BUCH and with new forces to embark on the creation of his ideal figure.


Watch the video: PCA diet (June 2024).