What is the dream of the lake?


The lake can be different: small and huge, dirty and clean, with cold or warm water, in the forest or in the mountains. If you saw him in a dream, try to immediately recall all the details.

You could look at it or swim, swim in a boat or dive. Then the dream book can give the most accurate interpretation. But know that calm clean water promises both to the man, and to the girl, and to the pregnant woman only good.

Dreamed a lake in a dream what does it mean

  • The pond symbolizes some obstacles that prevent a person to realize their plans.
  • If it is big, there will be a lot of difficulties.
  • Also the dream book says that sail in a boat on the lake - to inspiring family life.
  • If a fish pond, the dream book says that you are waiting for promotion at work or praise from the authorities.
  • When dream of a lake with fish womanShe is waiting for separation from her husband or boyfriend, as well as domestic difficulties.
  • Pregnant such dreams may herald an inner readiness for childbirth, but only if the fish enjoys clean water.
  • Clear lake - always for the good of the pregnant girl.
  • BUT dirty water may signify malaise. To bathe in such water to a pregnant girl - to poor health or toxemia.
  • Salty dream to make an important decision that will have a positive effect.
  • When the pond dreams of a manIt symbolizes interest in the household in the future.
  • If a it's with fish, man dreaming of a girl for an easy relationship.
  • Dream interpretation treats algae interestingly. Algae Pond symbolizes chores.
  • If you started swimming and they wrap you and do not give to swim - beware of stress and illness.
  • Freudan Dream says algae means having a relationship with a partner. If they prevent you from swimmingThink about a new guy or girl.

What dreams of lake with clear water

  • As the dream book says lake with clear water dreaming of a quiet life. Such a dream indicates a wonderful emotional state of the dreamer.
  • Observe your reflection in a pond with clear water. - a sincere loving friend is coming soon.
  • Alien reflection can mean the intrusion of a stranger into your life. A pregnant woman is clear clear lake dreams of a calm pregnancy.
  • If dream of a clear lake and the water is very visible, you can be sure of tomorrow.
  • Clear water - it is always a change for the better.

Swim in the lake in a dream what is it

The interpretation of this dream depends on the state of the water. If dreaming swim in the lake with clear waterIt means that there are favorable events ahead.

Also clean symbolizes good health. A woman such a dream foreshadows a serious relationship and a good marriage.

Swimming in a pond in which dirty water may portend separation from loved ones, conflicts or unexpected problems.

Dirty water always It symbolizes difficulty, so swimming in such is not the best dream.

Suddenly I had a chance to swim in it, but you do not remember with what water it was, try to make decisions more balanced. It's time to become more responsible.

To swim in a lake

  • If dream about swimming in a pond with clean water in the company of loved ones, then ahead you have a rich happy life.
  • But if muddy water and there are unpleasant inhabitants to you, beware of failures and disappointments.
  • Young girl swimming in the muddy pond promises remorse about past extravagances. If the reservoir is dirty, and the coast is clean and beautiful - time to show virtue.
  • According to Freud to swim a woman and a man - to meet with the object of desires in an unusual place. According to the psychoanalyst, this meeting will certainly lead to bed.
  • Swim, swim and swim across a pool of clear water. - to the execution of your plans.
  • And if you swim in a boat, which got water - You will also achieve goals.

Forest lake why dream

Lake in the forest symbolizes a developed intuition. Dream interpretation will allow you to make a decision on a complex issue.

If it frozenit means that your other half is not happy with the relationship, and it is time for them to “rekindle” with a new force. A woman and a man will have to make a lot of effort for this.

Dirty in a dream which means

  • Miller States that woman dreams of muddy pool as a sign of regret for bad deeds. It's time to repent and start everything from scratch.
  • If you had to watch from the side, how do you bathe tam, it means that repentance awaits you too.
  • If a a pool of dirty water surrounds a dry tree or gloomy rocks, a man faces the collapse of his plans.
  • Turbid water evidence of difficulties. See it and swim in it - to the test on your way.

Frozen or dried up what is dreaming

In winter, have a dream about a frozen pond - to losses. To the girl and the pregnant woman the frozen lake hints at the cooled relations with the man. Shallowed talks about cooling love.

Dried dream book treats like sadness and tears.

BUT Wanga believes that this is a symbol of ecological disaster.


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