Hunger and appetite: whom will we feed in the evening? How to wean yourself to eat up at night.


Overeating at night and losing weight is fantastic. Whatever miracles were promised by pills and super diets, no one has yet managed to defeat nature and maintain a slim figure, eating regularly at night.

In most people, increased appetite appears in the evening hours, which is strongly discouraged by diets. Everything that is eaten at night is not spent in energy, but is deposited in extra pounds. How to overcome evening cravings to empty a refrigerator?

In fact, there are no such strict rules that would forbid even to put a fig-shaped poppy dewdrop in your mouth. Just do not confuse hunger with appetite. If you want a donut, chocolate bar or chicken with gravy, then this is the machinations of insidious appetite, and if even the stale crust of bread seems to taste best in the world, this is hunger. Here it is quite possible and necessary to “feed”, given that hunger is not needed much - a glass of kefir, an apple, a cucumber, a light salad without mayonnaise. You can also fruit, if you are not afraid of increased gas formation and a hectic night.

Why do people eat a lot in the evenings? This is largely due to the time frame within which society exists. We leave for work and return at about the same time. If all day you had no time even to break away from business, then in the evening, of course, you want to eat in one sitting a plate of something high-calorie and relax. The most excellent conditions for the appearance of excess fat. To avoid attacks of evening gluttony, do not starve yourself during the day - snacks, vegetables, fruits, a little cheese can be taken with you to work for light snacks. Eat a light sandwich at work before you go home, and you will no longer experience this feeling of hunger

Sometimes people confuse hunger and thirst. A cup of green tea or herbal infusion instantly relieves the urge to snack tightly. Green tea and citrus fruits are a great meal, after which you will not feel hungry. When the desire to eat is caused by the desire to constantly bite, chew, stock up on pumpkin seeds and dried fruits.

For dinner, try to cook light food without being too carried away by seasonings and spices, as they provoke appetite. Arriving home, relax in a hot bath, brush your teeth, drink tea. In general, distract from thoughts about a plate of fried potatoes or rich soup.

Many completely unjustly neglect sports, considering it a tedious and difficult task. Meanwhile, the sport perfectly relieves appetite attacks, switches thoughts, and also effectively burns fat. The main thing is to choose the type of fitness that suits you. For the most “unsportsmanlike” even a walk is suitable - take a walk in the evening, and then go to bed without looking at the refrigerator along the way.

The habit is very bad for the figure, in order to at least do something. You can watch a movie or read without accompaniment in the form of cakes and sweets. He eats a lot who is tormented by some unresolved internal problems and complexes. But food is not an option, but only a new round in the debilitating struggle with spiritual discomfort! Solve the problem without being distracted by the investigation. Did something unpleasant happen? Sweets and cookies will not make a difference. Sooner or later, they will only aggravate what happened, because you will gain weight, cease to like yourself and begin to painfully look for a way out of the situation. It turns out that it is easier to start solving a painful problem, and not to make new ones with the help of plentiful meals.

One little psychological advice that helps when it’s very difficult to keep from eating: put it off until tomorrow. Tell yourself that tomorrow morning, be sure to eat this delicious meat, potatoes or pasta. They will not go anywhere, nobody deprives you (and you yourself do not deprive) of delicious products. You just put off your meal a little bit. In the morning, you either don’t want to eat potatoes that smelled so tempting yesterday, or eat them, but this will damage your waist very little.

Believe and accustom yourself to the idea that life in a country of slender people is better than a boring vegetation in the world of fat people, whose joy is a bun or barbecue. A person becomes full not because he is happy and successful, but because our body reflects our inner essence and attitude towards ourselves. Do you really think that the shapeless creature in the mirror hung with folds of fat is you? And this is all in the world where beautiful women with good figures go on dates and receive compliments from men, put on beautiful clothes, and like themselves and others. Maybe you should join them, leaving the dark country of the thick?

Intrinsic motivation is very important. A good mood, a goal in life, understanding why and for whom you decide to become beautiful and slim - all this helps say goodbye to hated fat faster and easier. Any habits require fixing, but are developed quickly enough. Start working on your cravings for evening overeating, and you will definitely emerge victorious from this fight with excess weight!


Watch the video: What to do When Your Child Won't Eat (June 2024).