Collagen Facial Masks: Use, Use, Recipes


Collagen is a natural protein compound that is the basis of the building tissue of the epidermis. Collagen-based products are designed to eliminate wrinkles and suspend the aging process. To keep the skin in tone and not let it fade as long as possible, it is recommended to regularly use collagen masks for the face.

The benefits of collagen facial masks

After 30 years, due to the fact that the natural synthesis of protein begins to decline, the first mimic wrinkles appear and the elasticity of the epidermis decreases. Without proper care, the aging process will develop faster.

Collagen masks contribute to:

  • Improved elasticity and skin tone;
  • Improving and leveling the complexion;
  • Elimination of toxins from the epidermis, improvement of cellular respiration;
  • Preventing mechanical damage to the skin;
  • Stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • Increased production of collagen and elastin.

Regular use of products with collagen helps to remove the blue under the eyes, swelling, and also accelerates the restoration of the skin after facial cleansing with ultrasound.

Types of collagen masks

Cosmetic collagen masks are usually produced synthetically. Collagens have a spiral shape that helps them influence the elasticity of the cells, correct the facial contour and prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Collagen masks are divided into the following types:

  • Animal. It is the cheapest form of collagen. Due to the fact that animal protein has large molecules, it does not allow them to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. It is obtained from the tissues of cattle and pigs;
  • Vegetable. This type of collagen is extracted from some species of plants - algae, wheat germ. Have medium-sized molecules, respectively, can penetrate into the middle layers of the skin;
  • Nautical. It is the most valuable, expensive and high-quality type of collagen. It is produced from body parts of fish and marine mollusks. It differs in the minimum size of molecules, due to which it is able to penetrate even into the deepest layers of the dermis.

In order to artificially synthesize collagen, serious financial investments are required. That is why the synthesized collagen preparations have a high cost. However, this does not mean that animal protein is less effective.

Indications for use

Up to 30 years, collagen is regularly produced in the body, this is enough to maintain the skin in excellent condition. With the transition to a new age category, the performance of protein compounds is reduced and there is a need for additional nutrition.

Indications for use of collagen masks:

  • Small and deep wrinkles;
  • Dry skin, excessive peeling;
  • Dull facial tone;
  • Puffiness;
  • Loss of a clear oval of the face;
  • Lack of moisture;
  • Lack of production of collagen and elastin.

Part of these aesthetic problems can be eliminated in several procedures. After the first use of collagen masks, the skin will become smoother and more elastic, the complexion will improve. After each procedure, the facial contour will be corrected, and wrinkles will be reduced.


Korean collagen masks can not be used in the presence of mechanical damage to the face: wounds, abrasions, open cuts, and so on. Also, the procedure is contraindicated in the case of individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up the collagen mask. Refrain from the procedure is necessary for inflammation and irritation of the skin, the presence of comedones and other dermatological diseases.

Collagen procedures are contraindicated in:

  • Skin pathologies: eczema, psoriasis, Schenger syndrome;
  • Acne in the acute stage;
  • Cuperose;
  • Burns of any degree.

Beauticians do not recommend the use of collagen masks to 30 years. This can disrupt the natural production of elastin and collagen, leading to premature aging.

Rules for the use of collagen masks

Regardless of where the masks are used (at home or in the cabin) and which compositions are used, the procedure will be effective only if it is carried out correctly. In addition to the lack of the desired result, the improper use of collagen remedies can adversely affect the health of the skin of the face and cause various problems.

General rules of application:

  • Before applying the collagen mask face must be cleaned of cosmetics. It is important to eliminate not only external pollution, but also the entire oily layer, as well as keratinized particles. A scrub is considered a good cleanser;
  • Dilute powdered collagen masks should be immediately before application. The mass should coincide with the body temperature or be a couple of degrees higher;
  • Before the procedure, the skin of the face should be well moistened;
  • Liquid and jelly collagen masks must be applied from the top down, with the movement should be smooth. To stretch and stretch the skin can not. To achieve the best result, so that useful substances penetrate as deeply as possible, the mask is driven into the skin with the tips of the fingers;
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the type of tool used. As a rule, it ranges from 10-40 minutes;
  • The effect will be only with regular use of collagen masks. A single session does not help achieve the desired result. Such procedures are best done with courses of 2 masks per week for 30 days.

An important step in facial rejuvenation with collagen is exfoliation of the skin. If you do not timely remove the top layer with dead cells, new ones born in the depths will not be able to rise to the surface.

Collagen Mask Recipes at Home

Prepare a homemade collagen mask is easy, its advantage is that it consists solely of natural products. It should be understood that such masks, unlike professional ones, are not capable of removing deep wrinkles and adjusting the shape of the face.

Collagen masks, prepared at home, moisturize and nourish the skin well, smooth fine wrinkles, improve the tone of the face and eliminate black dots.

Homemade Collagen Prune Mask and Coffee

To prepare the mixture, you will need a couple of tablespoons of finely ground coffee, a couple of prunes and one glass of water. Rinse thoroughly with prunes in water, dry with napkins. While you will be finely chopping the dried fruit, put the brew coffee. After that, mix the coffee with chopped prunes and mix well.

The resulting mixture is applied on the face for 20-25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the collagen home mask is rinsed with cool water. Lightly blot the skin of the face with a towel and apply a moisturizing cream with massage movements.

Collagen Mask of Avocado and Kiwi

Peel the fruit, cut into cubes of ¼ of each fruit and crush them to a uniform consistency. Apply the finished mask with a thin layer for half an hour. Wash off the mixture should be warm water, and owners of dry skin is recommended to moisturize the skin with a fat cream.

Cucumber collagen mask with egg

For the preparation of therapeutic mixture, you will need:

  • Fresh chicken protein;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • A drop of incense oil;
  • A few drops of any essential oil.

Chop a cucumber and mix it with egg white. After that, add a couple of drops of essential oil and a drop of incense. All ingredients are mixed, after which the mixture is evenly distributed throughout the face. The mask is washed off with cool water after 20 minutes. After a home cosmetic procedure, the face should be moistened with a cream with a light texture.

Mask with cream and natural honey

Ingredients Required:

  • Teaspoon baking soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of natural honey;
  • 2 tbsp. fatty cream, better than homemade.

To obtain a homogeneous creamy mass using a mixer or whisk, whisk all the ingredients. Before applying a collagen mask face must be cleaned. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Wash off the mixture with warm water, if necessary, the face is moistened with a cream.

Milk Based Collagen Mask

To prepare a homemade mask, you will need ingredients:

  • Flax seeds;
  • Walnuts;
  • Avocado;
  • Various essential and base oils;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Fish fat;
  • Milk.

Mix all components and let it brew for 5 minutes under a closed lid. Clean the skin and apply the resulting mass for 40 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water, without the use of additional cosmetics.

To achieve maximum results, the mask should be combined with the use of collagen products inside.

Products such as rolled oats, sour fruits, vegetables and berries of green shades (containing ascorbic acid), chicken and quail eggs are rich in natural collagen.

Ready collagen face masks

When choosing a ready-made collagen product, you should carefully study its composition, it is also recommended to get acquainted with reviews of real buyers. The main leaders in the production of collagen facial masks are China, Vietnam and South Korea. They produce a huge range of high-quality cosmetic products, which are actively sold in many Russian retail stores.

Collagen Mask Medical Collagene 3D Express Protect - liquid gel, which must be applied to a well-cleansed and moisturized skin. The first layer of the gel is held for 5 minutes, then it is abundantly moistened and coated with the following. The second time you need to hold the mask for at least half an hour, after which you should rinse with cool water. 3D Express mask improves skin tone and elasticity, smoothes the relief, improves the lymph flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Placental Collagen Facial Mask from DIZAO has a rich composition. In addition to protein, the mask contains a large amount of ceramides with hyaluronic acid. This fabric mask has a pronounced antioxidant effect, also improves skin elasticity and smoothes wrinkles. Keep the mask on the face can be no more than 25 minutes, then rinse with water. Store placental collagen agent can only be in the refrigerator.

Collagen mask for skin around the eyes with biogold from Secrets Lan. The composition of the funds, in addition to collagen, includes biological gold. It is recommended for owners of dry skin, as it instantly moisturizes and nourishes the cells. It also smoothes wrinkles, removes signs of fatigue and lack of sleep, eliminates under eye circles.

Collagen Gold Mask Collagen Mask Gold PREMIUM Modeling contains a cosmetic suspension of gold color. It contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin, has a strong nutritional effect and activates the processes of regeneration. Korean Collagen Mask stabilizes sebaceous excretions, speeds up the healing process and whitens the skin. Patches with a similar composition perfectly moisturize and smooth the skin, increasing the elasticity of tissues.

Prime renewing pack Valmont - Premium Premium Cream Mask. This collagen mask stimulates cell renewal, contributes to the normalization of water balance, providing a long-lasting anti-aging effect.
