Coffee: what is its calorie content, which is more beneficial or harmful? Composition, calorie content and properties of coffee: useful and harmful


Coffee is a plant that has over 90 species.

It belongs to the madder family.

After special processing, coffee gains useful properties.

Two varieties of processed coffee are common: Arabica and Robusta. The first grade is considered more elite.

Product Types. Composition and calorie content of coffee

Coffee beans in a special way fry, receiving at different grinding various types of coffee. Coarse, medium, fine, ultra-fine grinding and fine grinding of espresso - these are the types of processing of the product that give it such gamut of flavoring. Still coffee is divided into natural and instant. In total, there are more than a hundred varieties of coffee in the world.

100 grams of the product contains only 7 calories. But its composition is much broader than calories. The structure of the product includes:

• Caffeine;

• Amino acids;

• Salts - calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus;

• Trigonellinum;

• Vitamins;

• A nicotinic acid;

• Tannins;

• Proteins;

• Tannins;

• Sucrose;

• Monosaccharides;

• Chlorogenic acid;

• Cellulose;

• Coffee oil;

• Water;

• Organic acids.

Such a rich composition makes coffee a valuable product. The calorie content of coffee, as well as beneficial properties from year to year increase the popularity of the coffee drink on all continents. They argue a lot about him, but no less abuse him.

Trigonellin is an alkaloid that, when roasted, is responsible for coffee aroma. Tannins make coffee bitter. The famous caffeine affects the human brain, making thoughts clear, and the mood vigorous. Caffeine is also a universal causative agent of the central nervous system.

What is the use of coffee for the body? Useful properties of coffee

The beneficial properties of coffee are contained in its composition. An extensive list of substances that make coffee good for the body opens up many perspectives for connoisseurs. Of the most famous beneficial properties of coffee You can name the following:

- Three cups of caffeinated coffee per day are a good prevention of Parkinson's disease. People who use this product are five times less likely to suffer from this ailment in old age;

- the same notorious three cups a day save from a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases;

- coffee is also a prevention of diabetes of the second degree;

- coffee drink in moderate doses reduces the risk of developing sclerosis;

- coffee neutralizes the likelihood of a person developing bladder cancer, not completely of course;

- this product also saves alcohol abusers, reducing the risk of liver cirrhosis;

- coffee makes the muscles before training more elastic, but do not load their heart when serious physical activity is coming;

- a product from coffee beans prolongs the effect of antibiotics on the body;

- Gout develops much less often in those who drink coffee in the morning.

Natural coffe has more useful properties than soluble. To prepare a soluble version, chemical additives are used. Such a product has the property of preventing the appearance of bile roots, as well as inhibiting the development of intestinal cancer.

Natural coffee has more health benefits because it contains many essential oils and vitamins. The benefits of coffee are obvious. But does this product have a flip side?

What is the harm to coffee for the body? Another look at coffee

The benefits of instant coffee can hardly be called great. It undoubtedly preserves some useful properties, but the harm of such coffee is due to the chemistry that is used in its production. And the technology of making instant coffee destroys many useful properties, as well as the taste of the product. At the same time, reducing its cost.

Natural coffee also harms. Such a product increases blood pressure. Affects diseased vessels and heart. In large quantities, it can cause tachycardia and excessive central nervous system excitability. Seizures occur from its use. Because coffee washes some trace elements from the body.

There are special people for whom coffee is harmful in any form. Their caffeine is processed very slowly. And because of this, the risk of developing a heart attack increases.

Thus, those who abuse the amount of coffee, have problems with the central nervous system, or are hypertensive can get harm from coffee. Some wash calcium from the body, when it is used, it is worth monitoring the amount of this substance entering the body.

Certain heart conditions, such as arrhythmia and tachycardia, also preclude health benefits from coffee. But one cup of weak coffee is still possible for these people a day.

Pregnancy, feeding and coffee. Let's understand

It is difficult to find information about the usefulness of coffee during pregnancy. But its harmfulness is enough. Coffee is not recommended to be used during pregnancy. And there are prosaic reasons for this.

Product washes calcium out of the body. A pregnant woman already divides the substances entering the bloodstream with the baby. And the extra expense due to coffee is useless to her.

Excessive overexcitation affects not only the pregnant woman herself, but also the baby. With gestation, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically. And she didn’t need extra jumps when drinking a coffee drink.

There are studies that coffee can cause an abortion. But the clear mechanism of this phenomenon is not completely clear even to doctors. It is also believed that drunk in large quantities of coffee prevents conception. But while this data is at the level of "myths".

Coffee can affect your baby’s oxygen supply. The metabolism of the expectant mother is slowed down by itself. And the coffee drink she received takes longer to circulate in the body.

Breastfeeding excludes coffee too. Caffeine penetrates perfectly into breast milk. And the baby receives a dose of an exciting substance, because of which sleeps poorly and nervous.

Caffeine flushes iron from milk. Poor composition of breast milk to serious limits. Coffee is harmful for children, both in pure form and with breast milk.

The benefits and harms of coffee for children. Remarkable composition

Up to seven years of age, the harm from coffee to children's health is obvious. Before coffee was generally considered a drug. A coffee product can cause serious problems in a fragile baby's body. Undermine the action of the nervous system, vascular system, metabolism.

Children often ask for coffee, seeing how their parents drink it. It is impossible follow the whims. It is better to replace coffee with other similar drinks. So the benefits of coffee for children are doubtful, and the harm is undeniable. The product affects the hormonal background of the body. It can be given to children after ten years, but in very small doses.

Useful properties of coffee for weight loss. Benefit or harm?

This product suppresses appetite. Those who consume more than one cup of coffee a day no longer want to eat sweets without measure, or overeat with fatty foods. In this way, coffee contributes to weight loss.

The diuretic effect of its use also stimulates weight loss. But do not forget about enough water, which should be consumed separately from coffee.

People suffering from swelling and constipation will also benefit from coffee. This indirectly affects metabolism, improving the body's ability to burn body fat.

Caffeine increases the number of calories that the body destroys per day. It increases the metabolic rate. And calories burn regardless of physical activity.

Coffee increases the body's energy reserve. Thanks to him, a person will be able to assign himself additional physical training. The most useful for losing weight people is black coffee without additives and sugar. But its excessive use during the diet can lead to serious violations. Stress from restrictions and nervous irritability from coffee can cause nervous breakdowns. Coffee washes out some beneficial substances, and during the diet can "deplete" the body. Everything is good in moderation.

Interesting facts about coffee. Good to know

Few people know that coffee grows on trees. The height of a classic coffee tree reaches nine meters, but for ease of collection, growth is stopped at a three-meter mark. The coffee tree can live up to 70 years, and at the same time successfully and regularly bear fruit.

In the world ranking of the best-selling goods, coffee takes the second position, immediately after oil. Instant coffee was invented in Belgium. Some countries even have holiday "Coffee Day" (Japan).

There was a custom in Turkey when the groom promised to always provide the bride with coffee. Failure to fulfill a vow could be a reason for divorce. In eastern countries and Europe they drink stronger coffee than in America.

Coffee beans ripen unevenly. It is because of this coffee harvested by hand today. A good picker can pick up ten baskets of grains per shift.

Brazil is a world leader in coffee production. Vietnam is on its heels. And only then come the rest of the country. The blackest coffee beans have the least caffeine.

The discovery of wonderful coffee properties is attributed to Ethiopians. Legends date back to 800, but scholars regularly argue about their authenticity. In a later period, coffee gained popularity in Africa, Egypt and Indonesia.

According to the places of growth, coffee has a general classification. And is called American, African and Asian. Coffee is an amazing product that has been in the focus of scientific research for many years. It is so common that it’s easier to find a person drinking coffee than someone who refuses it. Coffee can be addictive, but its taste and aroma still fascinate many.


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