Pie with ham and cheese - a satisfying joy. Simple recipes for pies with ham and cheese made from yeast, puff, sand, and filling dough


For some reason, cheese and ham are often regarded as ingredients for sandwiches, less often for salads. And few housewives know that from these wonderful products you can cook amazingly tasty and flavorful pies.

And there are many different recipes and you can always choose the most suitable option for yourself.

From a small amount of ham and cheese you can make a big pie and feed the whole family.


Ham and Cheese Pie - General Cooking Principles

The base of the cake is dough. You can knead it yourself or purchase ready-made. Sometimes they make lazy pastries on the basis of a loaf, pita, or white bread. Ham and cheese pies are open and closed. How to form a product is usually described in the recipe.

From what dough can you make a pie:

• puff;

• yeast;

• sand;

• unleavened.

Separately it is necessary to allocate cakes from the batter, which is usually made on kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise. The filling is added directly to the mass and mixed, then everything is poured into the form and baked. Especially well such recipes are suitable for the multicooker.

Ham for the cake can be used any, usually it is cut into cubes or straws. Cheese can also be cut or just rubbed, it is better to use a large grater. Other ingredients can also be added to the filling: onion, garlic, eggs, dairy products and various vegetables. Well, do not forget about the spices, in addition to salt, you can add pepper, aromatic herbs to the filling.

Recipe 1: Pie with ham and cheese "Quick"

It takes only 40 minutes to make a quick pie with ham and cheese. At the same time, it always turns out to be gentle, airy, eaten up in an instant. Cheese use any.


• 100 grams of flour;

• 100 grams of milk;

• egg;

• 1 tsp. baking powder;

• 50 grams of vegetable oil;

• 3-5 green onion feathers;

• 120 grams of ham;

• 100 grams of cheese.


1. Cut ham and cheese into small cubes, put in bowls.

2. We wash the onions feathers, we also cut them and send them to the other ingredients. Optionally, you can put other herbs, such as dill or parsley. Baking will get even more fragrant.

3. Add flour with baking powder, stir the mass with a spoon.

4. Break an egg into a separate cup, add milk and vegetable oil. Whisk with a whisk. Salt

5. Combine both masses, mix, pour into the mold and bake for about 25 minutes. The temperature can be put 190-200 degrees. Focus on the color of the crust on the cake.

6. We take out the finished cake, cool, chop and enjoy!

Recipe 2: Pie with ham and cheese "Aspic"

A specialty of the jellied pie with ham and cheese is a very juicy and tender filling. To taste, this option is somewhat similar to pizza. Raw onions are added to the filling, but if desired it can be pre-fried in oil.


• 300 grams of ham;

• 250 grams of cheese;

• 2 bulbs;

• greenery;

• 1 egg;

• 250 grams of flour;

• salt;

• 120 grams of butter.

To fill:

• 3 eggs;

• 200 grams of cream;

• salt, pepper.


1. Butter needs to be kept warm so that it softens, but does not melt. Mix it with flour, grind it with hands, salt and add an egg. Knead the dough, roll the bun and send in the fridge for an hour.

2. Clean the onions, finely chop. Add diced or diced ham, half grated cheese and greens. We mix the filling and set aside.

3. To fill, simply beat the eggs with cream, salt, and pepper. Add any spices, you can put chopped garlic clove.

4. Get our dough out of the fridge. Roll out into a round layer and shift into a baking dish. The size of the cakes should be 5 cm larger than the diameter of the container in order to form the sides.

5. Put the stuffing on the dough, level with a spoon. Fill eggs with cream. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

6. We bake 45 minutes at 180 degrees. If the cheese crust on the cake begins to burn ahead of time, then you can cover the form with foil or parchment.

Recipe 3: Pie with ham and cheese from the finished puff pastry

To make such a cake with ham and cheese you need unleavened puff pastry, about a pound. But if in a pack of 400 or 450 grams, it's okay, use as much as you have and do not open a new package.


• 200 grams of cheese;

• 500 grams of puff pastry;

• 200 grams of ham;

• 1 egg;

• spinach bunch;

• 150 grams of cream.


1. Cut the spinach, put in the pan. Add cream, boil and lay out the grated cheese. Mix well. As soon as the filling thickens, immediately turn off.

2. Cut the ham into thin strips, combine with the cooled cheese filling.

3. Roll out a rectangular layer of puff pastry, spread the log out of the filling in the center.

4. Cut the dough into sides. You can use the figure knife. Raise the strips from different sides and weave on the top of the pie. Grease the top with an egg.

5. We bake half an hour at 180 degrees. Before cutting, the cake needs to be cooled, so that the cheese grabs.

Recipe 4: Pie with ham and cheese on kefir

Another option is a very quick and easy cake with ham and cheese. Instead of kefir, you can use any dairy product: ryazhenka, leaven, sour milk, and even sour cream diluted with water.


• 200 grams of cheese;

• 1 cup of kefir;

• 0.5 tsp. flour;

• 0.5 tsp. ripper;

• 1 cup flour;

• 250 grams of ham;

• 2 eggs.


1. Break eggs into a bowl, add salt, stir with a whisk.

2. Pour kefir, mix and add flour with baking powder. Put the dough aside. It will turn out quite liquid (like sour cream), as it should be.

3. Cut diced ham, three cheese and put it all in the dough, stir. You can put any greens.

4. Lightly grease the form with any fat and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour the dough and into the oven for half an hour. Bake at 190 degrees.

Recipe 5: Yeast Tart with Ham and Cheese

For the dough, you can use both dry and raw yeast. In the latter case, the amount is increased 3 times from the specified mass in the recipe. Do not forget that the yeast dough need to stand, so we mix in advance.


• 10 grams of dry yeast;

• 2.5 cups of flour;

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 glass of milk;

• 100 grams of butter.

In the filling:

• 350 grams of ham;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• bunch of onions.


1. Dissolve yeast in milk, add sugar and half a cup of flour. Stir and remove for 15 minutes.

2. Separately, beat one egg with salt, then pour into the milk mixture, add melted butter, flour, knead the dough. If necessary, pour more flour. The mass should be soft, but not stick to your hands. Leave the dough for an hour in a warm place, cover with a napkin.

3. Slice ham and onion, mix with grated cheese.

4. Divide the dough into 2 different parts. We put the big one in the form and form the basis for the pie with the sides.

5. Spread the filling.

6. From a smaller piece of dough, roll out a circle, cut into strips and lay out over the cake, depicting a mesh. The end of each piece must be firmly fastened to the side of the base.

7. Give the cake to rise in heat for another 20 minutes, then grease with the remaining egg and bake for 20 minutes.

Recipe 6: A Lazy Pie with Ham and Loaf Cheese

This recipe does not require any test, it is enough to have a good, lush, plump loaf. Baguette does not fit.


• 1 loaf;

• 450 grams of ham;

• 250 grams of hard cheese;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 5 eggs;

• 150 grams of oil;

• salt, pepper;

• greenery;

• 200 grams of milk.


1. Tomatoes and ham should be cut into thin slices. Just three cheese, grind greens.

2. Eggs should be mixed with milk, salt and pepper. Instead of milk, you can use liquid cream.

3. Cut the loaf into pieces, grease each with butter. Put the pieces in a greased form in a circle, stand up. It should make a kind of flower.

4. Between the slices of the loaf spread on a circle of ham and tomato. If something is missing, then you can put one product, still the cake will turn out delicious.

5. Pour milk fill from above and fill it with grated cheese.

6. We send to be baked in the oven. Willingness is determined by appearance. The surface of the cake should be reddened, the cheese will completely melt and fill the voids between the slices of the loaf.

Recipe 7: Pie with ham and cheese in a slow cooker

A wonderful recipe for ham and cheese pie for happy owners of multicookers. It turns out that pampering your family with goodies is so easy! The dough is cooked in mayonnaise.


• 300 grams of ham;

• 250 grams of mayonnaise;

• 2.5 cups of flour;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• a pinch of salt;

• 1 bag of ripper (10 grams);

• a little pepper;

• 4 eggs.


1. We break eggs, at once we separate yolks from proteins.

2. Mix yolks with mayonnaise, whip whites in foam with a pinch of salt. Combine both masses, stir gently so as not to precipitate protein.

3. Mix the flour with baking powder, sift and add to the first mass.

4. Dice ham, add grated cheese.

5. Take the dough, divide it into 2 different parts. Put a larger piece on the bottom of the greased bowl of the slow cooker.

6. Put the stuffing.

7. Roll out the remaining dough and put on top, connect the edges. We make several holes on top, close the lid and cook for 50 minutes in baking mode.

Ham and Cheese Pie - Tips and Tricks

• It is easier to work with tight dough, it is pliable and you can make any cake you want. But a weak dough is more tender, airy, products made from it do not stale longer. In the preparation of pies it is very important to whip the middle ground and not to hammer in a lot of flour.

• Do not throw away the cutting of meat products and cheese left over from the holidays. Even if she lost an attractive look. Just put all the pieces in a bag (or container) and freeze. Always on hand will be filling for the cake (or pizza and hot sandwiches).

• Sifting flour nourishes the product with oxygen, making the dough easier and more airy. It is especially important to carry out when kneading dough.

• Doubt the quality of yeast? To check the lifting force, you can simply dissolve the yeast in the warm liquid specified in the recipe, add a little sugar and let it stand for 15 minutes. A foam cap should appear on the surface. If not, then the yeast is unusable. If the skin is weak, then try to increase the amount by 50%.

• Fresh types of dough do not have a beautiful color, and baking of them turns pale. To make the cake roast and get a beautiful crust, you can add a spoonful of granulated sugar when mixing.


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