Conspiracy, how to return the husband to the family from his mistress


It happens that families break up, and the husband leaves the family. In most cases, you need to let a person go and start a new life, but it is not always possible. For example, there are children in the family, and the man was the only breadwinner, or his wife’s love for him is so great that she can’t think later in life without her lover. In such cases, the woman tries by all means to return her husband to the family.

But is it possible to return the spouse with the help of plots or prayers? Will the conspiracy to return the husband, if he does not want to communicate with the former wife? Is it possible to discourage her husband from his mistress? Is it possible to return the spouse after a divorce? In which moon phase is it recommended to read the plots? Answers to each of these questions can be found in our article.

All the prayers and conspiracies to return the husband

If the husband has left the family, you can try to return it with the help of psychological or physical effects. However, the most powerful binding is the spell on the energy level.

You can energetically attract a man who left the family with the help of:

  • Christian prayers;
  • plots of white magic;
  • spells black magic.

All the prayers and conspiracies that there is for the husband to return after the divorce are aimed at returning the husband to the family. However, their impact on the biofield and the man's body can be completely different. For example, prayersthey will not do him any harm, but it is far from a fact that they will return the husband to the family. For the Lord to hear the prayer of an abandoned wife, she must be a deeply religious believer and sincerely love her husband, not pursuing selfish goals.

words of prayer need not be Canonicity - quite sincerely pray the holy patrons of marriage and family - Peter and Fevronia, Joachim and Anna (parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary), the great martyr Natalya and Andrian, as well as patrons' wives who innocently disliked their husbands - holy Guria, Samonas and Avivu.

Black spells not recommended. Despite the fact that many people are interested in turning texts like the dark conspiracy "How to embroil people quickly and forever," reading those is very dangerous. On a scale of impact on the energy field of a man, they are among the most powerful, but their energy is destructive for both husband and wife. There are several reasons:

  • Black magic is aimed at suppressing the will of the victim. A man forcibly binds to his former spouse, which can not but affect his health, behavior and health;
  • Dark entities that the sorcerer invokes in the process of casting a spell require sacrifices. Therefore, the life of a husband returning to the family with the help of black magic is in constant danger;
  • Evil, released by a witch when reading a spell, will return to it by the boomerang effect.

The situation is different with light conspiracies and white magic. In terms of power, they are almost comparable to black spells and are much more effective than prayers. At the same time, the white plot does not harm anyone. There are the following categories of white conspiracies to return the husband to the family:

  • Prayer- based on the prayer texts of Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). They require thorough preparation.
  • Pagan- Ancient spells on the return of her husband to the family, based on the call of the forces of nature.
  • Combined - conspiracies combining elements of prayer and pagan appeal.

A person without the experience of a professional magician can conspire from any category.

Preparing to read the plot to return the husband to the family

Reading a strong white plot to get your beloved husband back requires solid preparation. Regardless of the category of the spell, you need to tune in to perform the sacrament physically, psychologically, and spiritually.

To do this, on the eve of reading the husband’s return spell, a woman should:

  • Take a hot bath with relaxing incense. Coniferous oils, as well as lavender and tea tree oil, have a beneficial effect on the energy of women;
  • Meditate for at least 15 minutes;
  • Visualize a happy life with your returning husband. The clearer and more detailed a woman imagines a common future with her beloved - the better;
  • Tune in for the best score. Not even the most powerful spell will work unless you believe in the power of your words and actions;
  • Tune in to the positive. While casting the spell, the woman should be in a good mood.

Depending on the category of conspiracy to return the husband to the family, additional preparatory measures may be required. If the spell is pagan, you must first join the natural force. To do this, rather often walk in nature. Especially - near ponds of natural origin. In the case of a combined or prayer conspiracy to return a husband, During the week preceding the sacrament, a woman needs to:

  • Attend church daily.
  • Pray and repent of sins.
  • Put candles for the health of loved ones and enemies.
  • To adhere to the post excluding the use of meat.
  • Stock up on holy water, and spray it all the corners in the house, where the plot will be read to return her beloved husband. This is necessary for the aversion of evil and unclean entities from the subtle world.

The right choice of place for the ceremony is also important. White magic does not accept dark energy. Therefore, it must be ensured that the place for the fulfillment of the sacrament to return the husband is not located next to the cemeteries, hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, morgues, buildings where murder and suicide acts were committed, and other foci of negative and necrotic vibrations.

After all the preparatory procedures have been completed, you can start reading any of the plots described below to return the husband to the family.

If he doesn't want to chat

Conspiracy "How to return the husband to the family if he does not want to communicate?" refers to the prayer. It is best to read it in the full moon or on the growing moon. In the room, except for conjuring, no one else should be. The presence of pets is also excluded - the energy field of a living creature can interfere with the distribution of energy spells in subtle matters. This conspiracy to return the husband to the family is read 7 days in a row, 15 minutes before dawn.

The text is presented below:

"Good God, our Creator and Savior!
Saints, our souls are the guardians!
Virgin Mary, Mother of God All-Good, Intercessor!
Hear me!
How the sins forgives the merciful Lord,
How good are the holy gods,
How the Most Holy Mother of God Loves Us -
So forgive, love and be kind to me, God's servant [His name]
Slave of God [husband's name]!
And the family returns,
And the lover no longer looks,
And we will live as one family,
Lord, married,
In the heavens erected.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading, the woman should face east, cross herself three times and bow to the floor.

Important!This conspiracy to return a spouse can be read only by a woman baptized in the Christian faith, otherwise the expected effect will not be. It is desirable that the marriage with the conspiratorial husband be decorated according to church canons. Also in the process of reading the plot it is advisable to call the spouse not by an official name, but given to him at baptism.

In addition, it is important to bear in mind that this spell is not designed to suppress the will of a man. If he is mortally offended at his wife, and in his heart there is no small amount of love for her, he will not return.

When there is a mistress

Experienced adherents of love magic recommend reading the plot "How to return a husband to the family from his mistress?" at home in the process of mirror ritual.

The rite is performed as follows:

  • On the floor of the room (up to the middle of the floor) 7 mirrors are staggered;
  • In the middle of the room are installed 7 recent photos of her husband. It is important to consider that in the pictures a man should be alone, the quality of the photo should be portrait;
  • The woman sits in the lotus position in front of the mirrors;
  • A conspiracy to return her husband and reject her mistress is pronounced clearly, confidently and without hesitation:

    "From now on, the servant of God [Name of lover] to her husband will forget my path forever! He will be disgusted with her, seemingly unnecessary and ugly. Let the passion of God's servant [Name of husband] calm down on her, break on the mirror and never return! Amen! Amen! Amen! "

  • After uttering a conspiracy, the woman hastily leaves the room without turning around. An hour later, you can go back and remove the mirrors and photos. The rite is kept secret.

Another conspiracy to separate her husband with his mistress and the return of a spouse to the family is read during the growing moon. For the ceremony will need church incense and a candle. The candle is lit at midnight, incense is set on fire from it. Spell reads:

Sprouted at the feet!
You are the winds of priests -
The servant of God [the Name of the husband] will seek out!
Look in the sands
In forests,
In the mountains,
In the cold
In water -
Bring back to me!
As soon as there is -
Let me come back to me
Will not persist -
Mistress forgets!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading the spell to return the spouse from his mistress, you must open the window. Thus, the perfect lapel is symbolically "weathered" from the room.

The conspiracies described above for separation of the husband with his mistress and his return to the family are extremely strong. However, they belong to the white rites, as they do not deprive the spouse of freedom of choice. A man will leave a separation in the near future and return to the family of free will.

Return husband after divorce

All the prayers and conspiracies for the husband to return after the divorce are read on the picture of the spouse. For the most powerful ritual for the revival of relations after the divorce process, in addition to photography, you will need a church candle. The plot to return the husband to the family after the divorce is read exclusively on the male day - on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. At midnight, a woman sets a candle on the window sill and sits opposite, taking a photograph of her ex-husband in her right hand. A document about divorce is put under the candle, and on the left is a small remnant.

A woman lights a candle, pronouncing the following plot:

"The serpent fiercely crawled into my house,
Poisoned my family life.
My husband, the servant of God [Name], drove out of the house -
Yes, she stayed.
Christ the Savior has the Golden Palace,
And in that palace there is a crystal casket,
And in that box - the sword is sharp.
I'll take that saber with both hands
Yes on the snake fierce ruban -
The snake will disappear -
My husband, the servant of God [the Name] will return to me!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading it is necessary to extinguish the candle, fold the conclusion about the dissolution of the marriage in a tube and tie it with a thick red ribbon. The next morning, under any pretext, it is necessary to lure the husband into the house and allow him to wash his hands with conspired soap. If he does, in a week he will offer to renew the relationship.

Another variant of the conspiracy to return the husband to the family after the divorce refers to pagan tales. You must first draw water from the nearest clean source (spring or stream). At home, a woman should undress to the mirror in front of the mirror, soak the personal belongings of the former spouse in the water, wipe with it and sentence:

"Oh you Lado-Lel,
Cross the river!
Oh you Danushka
Light lake!
Gateway to me
Good husband,
Husband bright
Good fellow!
How do i wash
The body is white -
So he remembers
The eyes are clear.
How will the night
My nakedness
So he dreamed
White swan!
How do i wash my face
In the morning dew!
So is my husband
Come running barefoot!
You carry it
Lovely Danushka! "

After reading the spell should bow in a belt at each of the four cardinal points. In the morning, you need to wash your face, neck and hands with the remnants of conspiracy water.

At full moon

A full moon conspiracy to return a husband reads on a pin. The rite is performed as follows:

  • At midnight, the window opens - so that the moonlight falls on the windowsill. Moonlight is an important element in all the rituals of the full moon, so it is recommended to hold them in clear weather;
  • The candle is lit in red;
  • A pin is held above the candle until its tip is red-hot;
  • As the pin cools, the plot is read out 3 times in a row:

    "The needle is not thatShard - not earlierCandle - do not smokeWall - do not stand between us!Moon, be a witness!As there is a God in the sky -So my husband will step over the threshold!Over the threshold of his comin,And I will not let go!Now and ever and everAmen! Amen! Amen!"

  • The pin is attached to the seamy side of clothes that a woman wears most often and is never removed.

If everything is done correctly, a man will appear on the threshold the very next day. It should be taken for granted - not to be surprised and not to rejoice too violently. Relationships inspired by such a conspiracy will build gradually, so it is not recommended to rush things.


As mentioned above, the white conspiracies are not aimed to harm. Therefore, you should not worry about the possible negative consequences for yourself and your husband - they simply will not. However, no matter how powerful a spell to return a husband to his wife, it may simply not work.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Wrong choice of place for carrying out the pvory rite (a place with a high concentration of negative energy);
  • Errors and hesitations when reading a spell to return her husband. To avoid this, it is recommended to memorize the plot text by heart;
  • Disbelief in their own words and power;
  • At the time of casting the spell, the woman was seriously ill or was in a depressed state. At such moments, the natural defense of the energy field becomes thinner, and it becomes vulnerable to attacks from negative entities from the subtle world. It’s impossible to read white spells - they will not work;
  • A crown of celibacy is imposed on the woman, or any other powerful black slander. However, worry about this is not necessary. There are many ways to get rid of the damage, curse, and the crown of celibacy without the use of black magic;
  • The sorcerer used a prayer spell to return her husband to the family without being baptized, or without proper preparation for the ritual.

Re-read the plot can only be a month after the unsuccessful attempt to return the beloved spouse through white magic.


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