Diet for weight gain - a description and useful tips. Weight gain diet reviews and sample recipes.


Diet for weight gain. What kind of nutrition is needed for weight gain?

Typically, the word diet applies to women who dream of getting rid of extra pounds. Most of the fair sex are constantly fighting overweight, striving for perfection and beauty. And yet there is a category of lucky women who want to gain this very weight. They have a desire, but women don’t know how to fulfill it. At first glance it seems that you just need to eat plenty and over time the figure will gain a pleasant roundness. But it turns out that the eaten tons of high-calorie food are not located in the places where you want. How to make excessive thinness turn into an attractive and slightly rounded slimness?

How to gain weight

A typical mistake of people planning to gain a few extra pounds is the use of the notorious fast food and other high-calorie foods. You must understand that these products have absolutely no nutritional value. They will only lead to an increase in fat mass, which does not add beauty.

It will be more rational to introduce high-calorie foods that contain a large amount of protein into the diet. In parallel, you should do strength exercises to slightly gain muscle mass. It is this proportion that will give the figure the desired relief. But we will talk about physical activity next time, but for now a few words about the correct diet.

The composition of the diet

Food habits should be changed gradually, not trying to eat literally everything that caught my eye at a time. Accustomed to eat a little, you need to start increasing the calorie content of food. The goal should be a daily diet consisting of 3000-3500 kcal. The proportion is as follows: carbohydrates 55%, fats 30%, proteins 15%. At the same time, 50% of the consumed proteins must be of animal origin. But it is better to consume vegetable fats. Just three teaspoons of vegetable oil daily. It does not hurt to introduce honey, pasta, sugar, beans, flour products and fruit juices into the diet.

It is useful to drink 100 or 125 ml of juice before meals. This will help the body tune in to food. There should be strictly by the hour, about 5-6 times a day. Immediately after eating, it is better to lie down a bit.

Exemplary Weight Gain Diet

Option one

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in milk, with dried fruits, nuts and honey. Sandwich with cheese, cocoa with sugar and milk.
Second breakfast: fruit sweet juice, avocado, butter sandwich and fat yogurt.
Lunch: fried fish or meat, mashed potatoes with butter, sweet tea.
Snack: vegetable salad sprinkled with grated cheese, sour cream or mayonnaise.
Dinner: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cheese and ham, milk with honey.

Second option

Breakfast: stewed meat with potatoes, a bun with butter, coffee or tea with milk.
Second breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits and milk.
Lunch: rich pea soup, mayonnaise salad, tea and dessert.
Snack: a salad of kiwi, avocado and banana seasoned with fat yogurt.
Dinner: meat goulash, bun with butter, tea with sugar.

Follow the diet options described above after consulting a doctor. This is very important, because the chosen food should be beneficial, and not harm the body. It is also allowed with the permission of a doctor to take funds to stimulate digestion and increase appetite. In addition to following a diet, you need to take care of a good rest and avoid stressful situations. Only such an integrated approach will not bring harm to health and will allow you to gain weight.


Ala 03/22/2016
You know, there really are a lot of those who want to gain weight, I only have a couple of such acquaintances. Each has its own methods, and the diet is good, healthy, so many goodies are allowed, not that we can’t, sweet things, sausages can’t)))

Margarita 03/22/2016
Each has its own problems, some are losing weight, others are getting fat, but I am doing well. Girls, the main thing is to love yourself for who you are, and everything else is the little things in life. You are beautiful ...

Snezhanna Ivanovna 03/22/2016
You are my salvation. I liked your diet so much that I immediately went to stew potatoes in the oven. For some reason, I thought that it was important to eat a lot, no matter what, but here it’s like ....

Zhenya 03/22/2016
Are there really such ladies who want to gain weight. Girls, I'm very happy for you, we here with extra pounds do not know how to fight, and you are looking for them. Well, success in your search. I wish everyone to have a figure of their dreams.

Svetlana 03/22/2016
Friends, thank you so much. I have read all kinds of weight loss diets so much, it feels like they forgot about us who want to gain weight. Thank you so much, directly helped out !!!


Watch the video: What You Should Eat on the Ketogenic Diet (July 2024).