If family well-being is at stake: 7 tips for women


At all times it was believed that a woman is the guardian angel of the hearth. And it is difficult to disagree with this - who, if not his wife, will support a man at a difficult moment, will create comfort at home and take care of the children. Family life is a permanent job and you need to put a lot of effort into maintaining relationships. If you really value your family and want to avoid a divorce, our practical advice will definitely help you with this.

How to keep the family in the family

We all understand that the main reason for divorce is a banal misunderstanding between the once-loving spouses. In fact, love has not disappeared, why then so often quarrels flare up? “Life stuck” tell you and you will be partly right. How to build a family relationship? Let's try to understand this problem in detail.

Do not "saw" the husband. The main mistake of many wives is that they begin to "cut" their spouses for any reason. He did something wrong, he said the wrong thing, he bought in the store not what he asked. And sometimes the husband is blamed simply because of a bad mood. Such behavior and constant remarks quickly annoy a man and he begins to look for peace on the side - gets a mistress or leaves the family altogether.

Do not control it. You should not constantly monitor her husband, figuring out where he spends time. Do not ban him friendly gatherings with friends and try to give him some free space. Believe me, the total restriction of freedom will not end with anything good, but will only aggravate the differences.

Do not complain about her husband. This sin many women. They complain of their beloved to everyone: mother, acquaintances, girlfriends. The question is why? If he is so bad, why do you live with him? All problems can and should be solved tete-a-tete. It is better to speak frankly with your husband and express your complaints than gossip on the side.

Spend time together. If the spouses spend little time together, they begin to drift apart. They are no longer interested in private, even the general topics for conversation are not. As a result, it may turn out that one day you realize that you live alongside a completely stranger.

To avoid this, find general activities - watch a movie, walk, go shopping at last. Do not take this advice too literally and do not accompany the husband everywhere - a little respite in the relationship is also very important.

Feel free to show tenderness, affection and care. All men want their wife to openly show their feelings, kiss and say nice words. Look at your husband: do you love him? Gently hug him and tell about your feelings. Take care of him, be interested in his affairs and mood, support in a difficult situation. You probably have heard such advice more than once, but it is these minor points that help build strong relationships.

Romance. Consider the following question: why did your relationships have been filled with feelings and emotions before, and now there are so few of them. Quite possibly, romance has quietly disappeared from your married life. It is quite simple to return everything to the place: a romantic dinner with burning candles, long walks under the moon, woven in a gentle shaking of the hand. Show your imagination and you will see how the relationship will again become quivering and romantic.

Appearance. Often, having received the official status of a wife, a woman begins to pay less and less attention to her appearance. And this is very bad. Nobody argues that after a hard day of work, it pulls to lie down in front of the TV without makeup and in our dressing-gown. But it's so easy to carve out a few minutes and make, for example, a beautiful haircut or put on a beautiful bathrobe. In other words, remember how you looked when you first met your lover and try to match. This will help keep passion, love and novelty of feelings.

Do you keep the family?

No one will give you an unequivocal answer. This is understandable, since each case is purely individual. If your love with your husband is mutual, then you should definitely try. And if you feel that your husband does not love you anymore, then why play with only one goal? Many remain to live together because of a child, but is this correct? I think no. It is much better for a child when he sees his parents happy, even if they are no longer together.

How to save a family from divorce

Psychologists advise spouses to sit "at the negotiating table" and calmly talk about the situation. Discuss problems and try to find a way out. In the case of mutual understanding, you will be able to keep the family, and if one of the spouses is categorically opposed to the continuation of the relationship, then saving the family is pointless.


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