The most famous, along with simple ones, are meat pies in the oven. Types of dough and recipes for toppings for meat patties in the oven


Pies in all national cuisines of the peoples of our country, in a special place.

They are domestic Fast Food and holiday treats, a sweet dessert and a hearty lunch at work noon.

Any kind of dough and countless options for toppings make pies one of the most diverse types of pastries.

A special place in this variety belongs to pies with meat in the oven, only the most popular and famous can be counted at least a dozen, despite the fact that these will be practically unlike recipes.

Oven pies with meat - the basic principles of cooking

• Pies with meat in the oven are equally tasty from any dough, but it can be yeast, puff, pastry and other types.

• The dough is prepared independently, and the puff can always be purchased ready-made in the store. Before making pies such a dough requires preliminary defrosting.

• The meat for the filling can be boiled or used raw. It is twisted in a meat grinder or finely cut with a knife. It all depends on the recipe chosen and the type of pie.

• Add mushrooms, sauteed onions, raw potatoes, rice or chopped hard-boiled eggs to the meat filling.

• Before baking, the surface of the pies is greased with an egg, then a golden crust forms on them.

• A baking tray with pies for baking is placed only in a well-heated oven and for the first five minutes they do not open the oven so that they do not “sit down”.

Crimean "Karaite" pies with meat in the oven


For the test:

• white baking flour - 650 grams;

• 250 grams of creamy natural butter;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• edible salt - 0.5 tsp;

• 1 tsp refined sugar;

• a two hundred gram glass of chilled water;

• one tablespoon of 9% table vinegar.

For filling:

• 600 grams of pulp of mutton or beef;

• two large sweet onions;

• 100 g of fat (in the original recipe - fat tail fat).

Cooking method:

1. After sifting wheat flour, mix it with grated chilled butter.

2. Add two eggs, table salt, granulated sugar, cold water, table vinegar and knead a soft, not sticky elastic dough.

3. Wrap the dough in cling film and put in the refrigerator for one hour.

4. To make the filling juicy, do not scroll the meat in a meat grinder, but simply chop finely with a knife.

5. Add the onion, chopped into small pieces. If the flesh is not greasy enough, add fresh lard, chopped just like meat.

6. Add salt to your taste, add ground pepper and mix well.

7. Cut the chilled dough into small koloboks and roll thin cakes out of each with a rolling pin.

8. Place about one tablespoon of the filling on the half of the cake, then cover with the other part and, connecting the edges, wrap it with a pigtail.

9. Put the pies formed in this way into a shallow baking sheet, brush them on the surface with a beaten chicken egg and bake at 200 degrees for half an hour.

Pies with meat in the oven - "Baked Belyash"


For the test:

• a pound of baking flour, premium;

• 125 ml of pasteurized milk;

• water - 125 ml;

• two yolks;

• two tables. tablespoons of vegetable (sunflower) oil;

• one large spoon of granulated sugar;

• 5 grams of instant yeast;

• baking soda - 1 tsp.

For filling:

• 300 grams of pork, pulp;

• white, sweet onions - 3 heads;

• three table. spoons of kefir;

• table salt - 1 tsp;

• hand-ground pepper, black.

Cooking method:

1. Combine water with milk and heat slightly.

2. Pour in the yeast and mix well to dissolve completely in the liquid.

3. Add sugar, salt, half flour, mix thoroughly and let stand a little.

4. After ten minutes, introduce one yolk, refined sunflower oil, the second part of the flour. Knead the dough without delay and set aside for proofing for forty minutes.

5. While the dough is “resting”, prepare the filling. To do this, skip the pulp and whole onions in a meat grinder with a large grill. Add kefir, pepper to your taste and mix thoroughly so that the onions spread evenly over the meat.

6. Form a dough with a long "sausage" and divide into pieces, which are rolled into small balls.

7. Then, flatten each such ball slightly with the palm of your hand, put the filling in the center and blind the whitish. Pinch the edges so that a small hole remains in the center of the whitish.

8. Transfer the molded whites to a roasting pan, brush on top with an egg and bake at 180 degrees, twenty-five minutes.

Pies with meat in the oven from a simple kefir-yeast dough


For dough:

• 30 grams of fresh pressed yeast;

• one tablespoon of baking flour;

• granulated sugar - 1 tsp.

For the test:

• 250 ml of medium fat kefir;

• sunflower refined oil -60 ml;

• about one kilogram of wheat baking flour, w / s;

• fine edible salt - 1 tsp;

• two eggs.

For filling:

• half chicken;

• head of "sharp" onion;

• two small pinches of black, coarse pepper;

• 250 grams of fresh or frozen, chopped champignons;

• table salt "Extra".

Cooking method:

1. Boil water - 250 ml and cool slightly.

2. Add white granulated sugar, baking flour, yeast. Stir everything thoroughly with a whisk, but do not whisk and leave for half an hour so that the cooked dough comes up.

3. When the mass increases in volume by almost two and a half times, carefully introduce warm kefir, an egg, sixty milliliters of butter, a third of the prepared flour and a little salt.

4. Then, filling up gradually, introduce the rest of the flour and knead the soft dough.

5. Cover the dough with a cloth towel and remove for an hour and a half in the heat.

6. In small pieces, about the same size, chop the onion, chicken and mushrooms. If you have chosen frozen champignons, first defrost them.

7. Then combine the onions with mushrooms and put in a frying pan with the addition of refined oil. Fry for seven minutes, constantly stirring with a spoon so as not to burn.

8. After, add the chopped fillet to the onion with mushrooms and fry all together for another ten minutes.

9. At the end of the roasting, salt and add a couple of small pinches of pepper.

10. Put the resulting stuffing in a separate bowl and cool until completely cooled.

11. So that when cutting and forming pies, the dough does not stick to the table, grease its surface with vegetable oil.

12. Divide the dough into balls of the desired size and form from them flat cakes with a thickness of at least half a centimeter.

13. In the center of each such blank, put a filling “slide” and pinch the edges, pinching, forming a pie. The edges should be plucked tight enough so that the juice formed during baking does not leak.

14. On a fry pan greased with vegetable oil, laying with the seam down, transfer the prepared pies. Lubricate their surface with an egg and set to bake until browned - 35 minutes at 170 degrees.

Patties with meat in the oven from yeast-free pastry on sour cream


• white wheat flour - 750 gr.;

• 200 gr. sweet cream butter;

• 200 gr. 20% thick sour cream;

• 350 gr. mixed minced meat;

• three eggs;

• 1 tsp soda;

• white, "sharp" onions - 2 large heads.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the flour sifted through a rare sieve with a small pinch of salt and a baking powder.

2. Then cut the butter into small pieces of flour and grind everything into crumbs. Pour in the sour cream and knead the elastic, visually "smooth" dough as soon as possible, which then put for thirty minutes in the refrigerator compartment, but not in the freezer.

3. Heat a little frozen vegetable oil over low heat in a thick-walled pan, add onions and sauté it.

4. After this, put the minced meat in a pan, add pepper and cooked, preferably finely ground, salt, stir and continue to fry everything together for another ten minutes. Remove from the stove and refrigerate.

5. Cut hard-boiled chicken eggs into small pieces and combine with chilled minced meat.

6. Roll out the “rested” chilled dough with a large layer and, using a glass or cup, squeeze out circles.

7. In the middle, put the cooled filling and connect the edges to form pies.

8. Bake at 180 degrees for fifteen minutes.

Pies with meat in the oven - Uzbek Samsa


For the test:

• 400-500 grams of flour;

• raw chicken egg, but it is possible without it;

• 30 grams of vegetable or refined olive oil;

• a pinch of small salt.

For filling:

• 600 grams of lamb;

• 600-700 grams of onions, the more the better;

• seeds of zira and cilantro;

• pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Pour a glass of boiled cool water into a bowl, add the egg, butter, and, pouring small amounts of the sifted flour, knead the thick dough.

2. Transfer the dough into a bag and place it in the fridge for one hour for “distance”.

3. In a homogeneous mass, mix lamb and peeled onions, cut into small pieces. Add a little salt, add cilantro, cilantro, slightly pepper and mix again.

4. Remove the “rested” dough from the refrigerator and cut it into pieces no larger than a matchbox.

5. Then roll each such piece with a rolling pin to make a thin round cake.

6. In the middle of the cake, put the minced meat and blind the opposite sides between each other. Then blind the free edges to form a square. After that, lift the dough for all four corners and glue them together, firmly holding your fingers, slightly press down the place of gluing inward. You get a round pie - samsa.

7. Dip the bottom of the pie, the junction, in vegetable or olive oil, and then put it on a baking sheet, greased part down.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake samsa for forty minutes. After that, turn off the oven and hold the pies in the oven for another fifteen minutes with the door ajar.

9. Remove the slightly cured pies from the oven onto a large dish and serve hot to the table.

Oven puff pastry with meat


• a pound of puff pastry, purchased or homemade;

• 350 grams of chicken, fillet;

• four small potatoes;

• one and a half heads of "sharp" onions.

Cooking method:

1. If you took a store puff pastry, then put it on the table a couple of hours before cooking to thaw. When you see that the dough is almost completely thawed, start preparing the filling for the pies.

2. To do this, cut the chicken fillet and peeled potato tubers into small cubes of the same size. Cut the onion a little finer.

3. Combine all the crushed ingredients, add spicy spices, if necessary, table salt, ground pepper and carefully mix the minced meat for the filling.

4. Roll out the thawed dough using a rolling pin with a large layer, at least half a centimeter thick, and cut it into squares.

5. In the center, lay out the "slide" filling, then fold diagonally and gently press the edges with your fingers. To make the dough stick together better, coat it along the edge with some water, but do not wet it much.

6. Bake puff pastries at 200 degrees for half an hour.

Pies with meat in the oven on custard yeast dough


For the test:

• one kilogram of baking white flour;

• 0.5 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 2 tbsp. l “fast” dry yeast;

• six table. tablespoons of sunflower frozen oil.

For filling:

• 400 grams of boiled pork neck;

• 1/3 cup round grain rice;

• 30 grams of butter unsalted.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the yeast with granulated sugar, pour 1.5 cups of heated water and, having thoroughly mixed, leave it warm for fifteen minutes.

2. Grind all the vegetable oil with six tablespoons of wheat flour until smooth.

3. Boil one and a half glasses of water. Pour the grated flour with boiling water and mix thoroughly, "brew".

4. Pour in the suitable yeast, pour the entire portion of the flour sifted through a sieve and knead a thin dough.

5. Boil the rice until cooked, fold it in a colander, rinse and wait until all the water has drained.

6. Then add the boiled, chilled meat scrolled on a large grill. Pour the melted butter, pepper to your taste, salt and stir the stuffing well.

7. Cut the approached dough into small pieces, roll the balls out of them and, slightly pressing down, put the filling.

8. Sticking up the edges, form a little curved pies and put them on a greased fryer.

9. Bake until cooked for twenty-five minutes at 180 degrees.

Oven pies - tricks and tips

• When mixing dough for “Karaite” pies, vinegar can be omitted, but note that it is the vinegar that makes the dough more crispy, giving the finished product the effect of puff.

• Lamb, used as a filling for Karaite pies and Samsa, can be replaced with beef mixed with pork. Moreover, the fat content of the filling is regulated with tail fat or fat.

• If the baked pies in the oven after baking are sprinkled with water from the spray bottle and then covered with a clean linen or terry towel, they will be softer.

• We grow yeast exclusively with warm liquids, in a hot environment they will die and the dough will not work.


Watch the video: Chicken Stuffed Puff Pastry Borek - Baked Chicken Pie Recipe (July 2024).