Do you dream to sit on the twine? You can sit on the twine at home without pain in a month (photos, video instructions)


It’s very difficult to sit on a full split at home the first time without training. It's almost impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a set of exercises for muscle stretching. Classes need to be conducted daily. Twine requires well-developed muscle elasticity. The beginner will experience short-term difficulties. Developed willpower and perseverance in achieving their goals are the best helpers in how to sit on the twine at home.

Twine can be of several types:

• transverse, when the legs are simply spread apart;

• longitudinal, when the legs are spread apart (one is forward and the other is back);

• sagging when the twine is performed, for example, on two adjacent chairs. Such twine became famous for Jean Claude Vann Dam;

• vertical, when one leg rises strictly vertically upwards;

• and any of the above, but performed standing on your hands.

Even stretching into twine has a very beneficial effect on the state of the body: the spine is extended and the development of scoliosis is excluded, the peristalsis of the digestive organs and the work of the abdominal organs are normalized. This is the best prevention against varicose veins and the normalization of the menstrual cycle of women. And about the magnificent strengthening of the muscles of the legs and back, in general, it is not even worth mentioning.

Basic principles

No sports equipment or equipment is needed. Only a rug is useful, which helps not to slip and fix the position of the body, so that at home, sit on the twine.

After the first two classes, one day is taken for a break, as the muscles begin to ache, because they began to work for the first time. This is a normal reaction. Then classes should be carried out daily. With this approach, the implementation of twine is possible in just one month. In practice, it is most difficult in the last days of training, when a couple of centimeters is left to the desired land. Great care must be taken here. If you hurry up and sit down through pain, walking in the next couple of months will be extremely difficult.

The daily lesson consists of two stages: warming up (or warming up) and entering the twine. During the warm-up, muscles and joints warm up, warm up. This helps to avoid tearing of the ligaments when entering the pose and to sit on the twine at home becomes easier. Broken ligaments heal long and painfully. It is best to jog along the street or on a treadmill before starting the workout. You can jump or squat. Some sports instructors advise lying down and basking in the bath for 15 minutes. In general, it is required to execute a minimum program - to warm up the body.

Men are advised to warm the body with a bar. In the gym, for example, 15 sessions are done in three approaches. Everything for the bar is lightweight. Further, flexion exercises for the biceps of the thigh are performed. As in the previous task, it is carried out 15 times in three approaches.

Step by step instructions

So, the body is ready and warmed up. It is recommended that you start the exercises directly.

The first exercise is performed in a sitting position on the mat. Closed legs are in front. Next, you need to reach with your whole body to the heels, touching the toes with your hands. The back always remains straight. Bending into an arc is not allowed. Feet firmly pressed to the floor. Two sets of 15 slopes are made. Exercise is done slowly with a relaxed state. So the muscles stretch better. Beginners from the first classes may not immediately reach their toes. It's not for long. In a couple of days, everything will work out.

The second exercise is performed while standing on your feet.spaced shoulder width apart. The fingers are folded "in the lock." Bends forward alternately in the right, and then - the left leg. After that, the arms extend to the floor in the interval between the legs. The back always remains straight. Bending into an arc is not allowed. Two sets of 15 slopes are made.

Third exercise in order to sit on the twine at home, it is performed sitting on one leg, and the other is stretched back. The muscles of the elongated leg and crotch are stretched. Two sets of 15 slopes are made. Muscles stretch slowly and relaxed. Performing the exercise with bringing to painful sensations is unacceptable.

To perform the fourth exercise, you need support: chair, wall. In the standing position with one hand, the foot of the foot is clasped and stretched back up. By beginners, the leg stretches to the gluteus maximus, and by trained athletes - up and up, stretching the leg completely. Two sets of 20 stretches are made. Only in this way (uniquely) is the muscle needed for twine stretched - quadriceps.

Fifth exercise. Standing on legs and leaning against a wall, swing legs one by one. The leg rises with maximum amplitude in different directions. Two sets of 15 strokes are made. The back is held upright.

Sixth exercise taken from yoga. It's called "butterfly". Performed sitting on a rug. The feet are connected in the perineum. The task is to push the knees of the legs in different directions so that they almost touch the floor. To do this, knees need to be lowered, then raised, each time closer to the floor. Posture keeps straight. The feet are kept pressed to the floor and tend to touch the perineum. It is carried out 20 times in three approaches. By the way, such an exercise is extremely useful for expectant mothers - the pelvic muscles are remarkably stretched.

In the end - twine entry. Position - standing on his feet. Legs slowly "open" to the sides. The legs at the knees do not bend during the exercise. Approaching in the floor continues until severe pain occurs. Leg extension stops and the position is fixed. Muscle is given a little time (five minutes is enough) to get used to the existing light tension. The body needs to be relaxed. When the muscles get used to pulling, approaching the floor continues. And so gradually: centimeter by centimeter the final goal is approaching.

You can also enter the twine, resting your elbows on the floor. Legs in this position, as before, are also gradually getting apart.

Reasons for failure

When learning techniques for splitting at home, great care must be taken. Nearby there is no specialist or sports coach who will observe the training and stretching, able to stop in time or, conversely, "squeeze" the load. Therefore, independent searches may make mistakes.

First, it’s forbidden to train with pain. You can damage the ligaments, the treatment of which will lead to the hospital. Stretch is required slowly and gradually. Strong pain and flexibility exercises are not compatible things.

Secondly, only ... children can get into the splits in a week. They have the most elastic stretching muscles. Illusions should not be built. In reality, it takes a month of training to achieve the desired.

Thirdly, in sports circles the method of dynamic entry into twine is practiced. This is when the exercises are done in jerks, rather than slow stretching. This approach is the most effective, but dangerous. This method can be used strictly under the constant supervision of a qualified sports professional.

Fourth, postponing one workout the next day - the achievement of the result also increases by one day. To sit on the twine at home, it is important to exercise daily.

Fifth, this is the development of the wrong muscle groups. You should not expect quick results if the wrong muscle groups are stretched, so it is extremely important to understand the progress of the exercise "in the head", and then to do it.

Sixth, it is important to stretch precisely the muscles, and not the ligaments. Ligaments are strong, hard-to-stretch shells of joints. It is impossible to stretch them by their nature, but it is real damage. Ligament repair is a painful process and requires a long rehabilitation.

Precautions for the preservation of joints:

• the knee joints are most protected. They are the most vulnerable;

• when the hip biceps is stretched, the legs at the knees bend slightly;

• in the transverse twine, the lateral load on the knees is removed by turning the toes of the legs up;

• The small muscles of the hands and muscles of the shoulder girdle are stretched very carefully.

Seventh, the intensity of training. Some beginners are sure that the more times to stretch, the better. This opinion is erroneous, since stretched muscles are vital for a long rest. It is allowed to increase the load in each new workout, but not the intensity for one day.

And, finally, failure befalls those who do workouts between things. Each exercise is performed with a great deal of attentiveness and perseverance, with a feeling of feeling your own body, at the limit between comfort and “almost pain”. In these sports, it is forbidden to be lazy, as soon as an enviable hard work can achieve the desired.

Twine has contraindications:

• injuries of the vertebral and pelvic;

• leg injuries;

• a lowered uterus, which can be replaced by a specialist chiropractor and, possibly, a chiropractor;

• high arterial pressure.

Video instruction for exercises for transverse twine:

Video instruction for exercises for longitudinal twine:

Motivational video for a good mood:


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