St. Sergius of Radonezh, All Russia wonderworker


St. Sergius of Radonezh is the most famous and revered Russian Saint, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, a teacher and mentor of many canonized saints. They turn to him for help, everything is small and big and they ask for aiding in study, healing, work. In this article we will consider what prayers should be offered to St. Sergius and how to read them correctly.

How to pray to St. Sergius of Radonezh?

The Protector of All Russia, St. Sergius of Radonezh, as a child, was embarrassed by his own ignorance and was eager to learn to read. Every day he prayed to the Lord for the bestowal of this ability, until the elder came to their house and invited the boy to read the text. With embarrassment, Sergius discovered that he was able to quickly and calmly read the indicated lines. The elder disappeared and everyone understood that he was the messenger of God in response to the prayers of the child.

So, being lifted up to heaven, Sergius helps each student or student praying for help. It is important to be able to ask correctly so that the request is heard. It is best to pray for successes in learning at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, but praise is allowed at home.

Before prayer you need to prepare:

  1. Purchase the icon of Saint Radonezh.
  2. Visit the church and set the candle in front of the image of the Prelate.
  3. To learn a short prayer that helps to tune in before class:"St. Sergius of Radonezh, Father of All Students, pray for us".

After this, the main prayer is read and the worshiper must sign himself with a sign of the cross three times. It is allowed to read prayers with the whole family, which takes a prayer position at the “red corner”, in which the necessary icons of St. All Russia and the Lord Supreme are located, candles and lamps are lit.

There are also four main prayers to Sergius of Radonezh helping in various situations and problems, which can be downloaded here.

About studying

Turning to the Rev. for help in studying, they pray for the whole life and every stage of it. The main thing in the process of reading the prayer is to clearly formulate the cherished thought in our thoughts and concentrate our message on the desired result.

St. Sergius can ask for support in various situations:

  • learning;
  • before important checklists;
  • for exams;
  • to add mind;
  • in confidence in their own knowledge;
  • on the protection of the diploma.

Starting the petition, it is necessary to light a candle from his image and read the sacred text:

"Oh, the Holy Reverend and God-bearing Father, our Sergiy! Look upon us (names) graciously and, to the land of the devotees, lift to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our weakness and strengthen us in faith, so surely hope to receive all the good from the benevolence of the Lord God in your prayers. Ask By your presentation every gift to everyone and everyone is demanding, and all of us with your prayers of success, let it be redeemed on the day of the terrible trial of shuya, be saved, and the gangs of the Lord's community and the blessed voice of the Lord of Christ will hear: come, blessing My Father, us explore the kingdom prepared for you from the constitution of the world. Amen".

The whole family is allowed to repeat the prayer in order to increase the effect of the petition. After the prayer you should cross three times.

About healing

Appeal to the Rev. for help, not only students. Sergius also helps to heal from spiritual and physical diseases. For curing serious illnesses, they cry out to him in the church or in front of the icon of the Holy One with a prayer:

"Oh, wondrous Sergius of Radonezh, Most Holy and True Miracle-Worker of All Russia! Your prayer strengthened the Hosts in battle and gave birth to life-giving sources that emanate from the womb of Mother Earth, and strengthen my Spirit and Inner Warriors, who are the Lord Jesus Presence and Presence of the Lord Buddha, by miraculous prayers to the fulfillment of God in my whole being and extinguish all the untruth that I have ever created and imprinted on the infirmities, diseases, and sufferings of my soul and body. I trust in you, Rev., do not disdain me, and remember in prayer his, to perform a miracle for the glory of the Father, the true healing of our Heavenly Mother and of Our Eternal, for the benefit of intimate and divine essence of my Amen.".

In order for healing to come soon, you can take oil in the church for anointing and, while reading the prayer, apply it crosswise on the wrists, forehead and palms of the patient. The prayer is repeated three times a day. However, it is recommended to resort to it in the following cases:

  • prophylaxis;
  • after an illness;
  • if doctors are powerless against this ailment.

About assistance in business and work

A special prayer for help in business and work is offered to St. Sergius of Radonezh exclusively in prayed places (churches and temples). This prayer requires concentration, clear diction and calm, as it is rather voluminous and takes a long time to read. Begin reading should be in a quiet voice with the phrase:"On the heavenly citizen of Jerusalem, Reverend Father Sergie! Look upon us graciously ... ", gradually the voice rises to normal tone, and the text is pronounced smoothly and monotonously. The full version of the prayer can be downloaded here.

The difference of this prayer is that it can be read only on the days of the memory of the saint in a new and old calendar: July 5 and 18, September 25, October 8.

On other days, you can ask the Prelate for help with a simple and straightforward prayer:

"Holy Father, a prayer-book for Russia to Viii, pray for the Lord for me (your name). Help in business and help you, point out the right decision, rare chance, put on good things and good things. So that everything went smoothly, let the problems go , and things will get better. Glory to those, Prelate Sergius, good Lord. Amen".

You can also contact him directly before the interview or an important meeting with the words:

"Rev. Father Sergius of Radonezh, for blessing, I ask for God's help. Let me not support me from the path, like you took your step. For that, I thank you. Amen".

About success in business

They pray to the Saint Radonezh and for success. More often, such prayers are used in order to get rid of unrest, gain self-confidence, improve the state of business and not miss signs that can change fate. In the morning, right after the morning prayer rule or reading “Our Father” (in cases where the prayer does not observe the entire list of necessary prayers), The following text is repeated:

"Glorify the Protector of the Russian land, St. Sergiy of Radonezh! Glory and me reward for long prayers and faithful service. Bring success in business, fill the house with good and prosperity. May good luck not turn away from God's Slave (Slave of God) (your name) and on the heels days should go all the way, and at night it fills the head with bright thoughts and ideas. Pray for me before the Almighty, so that I can succeed in my deeds and decisions. Glorify Our God and Ty, the saint of the Holy God, now and ever, and forever. Amen".

A praying person needs to cross three times and bow to the icon three times. The text is repeated daily to attract good luck every day.

About strengthening faith

A prayer for the strengthening of faith is read both for oneself and for others. Often use the same prayer, which helps in learning, putting into it the necessary meaning. However, you can turn to the Saint for help and in your own words, if you correctly formulate the request. Any appeal to Sergius of Radonezh with a request to strengthen the faith must begin with the phrase:"Oh Reverend Father our Sergie!". Then follows the search itself.

For example, you can call with the words:

"I trust in you and on your strength. Pray for the Slave of God (the Slave of God) (the name of a person who has lost faith or doubting) and for his soul (her). Stand before our Lord so that He will give farewell to the righteous and dear Orthodox sent. , not weakened, doubts left and peace and peace filled the soul. Save and save! Amen".

It is possible to pray for the strengthening of faith at any day and time of day. As an additional measure, when a person feels that he is losing faith, you need to visit the church and talk with the clergyman who will help you find the cause of the problem and give good advice. If a prayer comes for a family member, relative or close friend, you should ask the church to pray for the salvation of his soul.

How do students pray to Sergius of Radonezh at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra?

In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra today are the holy relics of St. Radonezh. It was there that students of the seminarians celebrated prayers with Akakfist. The first chant begins at five o'clock in the morning, and each student has a copy of the image of the Prelate on his desk. Thus, they tune in to study and at the same time help other students, students and their parents to focus on their own prayers offered to the Holy One.

To the accompaniment of students of the Theological Seminary at the Lavra, everyone who comes to ask the Rev. for help prays before his relics. Prayer clears the mind of unnecessary thoughts and soothes the soul, helps to tune in to the right path, directs strength and energy in the right direction.

A prayer to Sergius of Radonezh in Lavra improves memory, strengthens thought processes and ingenuity, contributes to the development of imagination.


Watch the video: . Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. Divine Liturgy (July 2024).