Kidneys hurt during pregnancy - how does it affect the fetus? Is it possible to give birth to a healthy baby with kidney disease, features of childbirth


During pregnancy, all female organs do a double job, especially with the kidneys.

Indeed, during the gestation, they process the waste products of not only the mother, but also the baby.

Most expectant mothers are at risk for kidney disease, which is why you need to monitor your health more carefully.

Kidneys hurt during pregnancy: causes

Pain in the kidneys during pregnancy occurs for a reason, most often the cause is a chronic disease, such as pyelonephritis or urolithiasis.

The most common signs of illness are the occurrence of severe back pain, fever, vomiting and nausea, and frequent urination. But also kidney pain, may indicate the presence of other diseases that relate to other organs.

Pyelonephritis first appeared during pregnancy, which is why many doctors call it pregnant pyelonephritis. The disease occurs in 8-10% of all expectant mothers, in the second trimester, the likelihood of its development increases several times. So, for example, if pyelonephritis was already in the woman in labor before pregnancy, then with her onset it will only worsen. All women suffering from this disease during gestation are at risk for the development of the following diseases:

• preeclampsia is a complication that occurs in the second trimester, manifested in the form of spasms of blood vessels and seizures;

• the danger of not carrying the fetus, febrile conditions that provoke uterine excitability can provoke a miscarriage;

• the fetus becomes infected inside the womb.

Acute pyelonephritis affects women at 28 weeks of gestation, or a few days after birth. These terms can be explained by the hormonal background of each woman, as well as the stress on the kidneys. If the disease begins to proceed in an acute form, the woman will feel pain in the lower back and kidneys, the general condition worsens, the temperature rises. The main feature of pyelonephritis is frequent urge to the toilet, urination will be accompanied by pain. Against the background of the disease, there may be a threat of miscarriage, as well as premature birth.

Glomerulonephritis - This is another kidney disease during pregnancy, it occurs in 5-9% of pregnant women. It is infectious and allergic in nature, ultimately leading to kidney damage. Glomerulonephritis occurs after a sore throat or flu, and its main pathogens are hemplitic streptococci.

It manifests itself in the form of a pain in the lower back, performance decreases, the head often hurts, urination becomes more frequent, swelling appears on the face.

The last reason for kidney pain during pregnancy is urolithiasis diseaseIt occurs in 2% of pregnant women. The disease is associated with a change in phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, there is an expansion of the pelvis and ureter, urine outflow is difficult, and its amount increases. Like the previous disease, urolithiasis has an infectious nature.

The main symptoms are as follows:

• the occurrence of severe pain in the kidneys;

• hematuria;

• discharge of calculi.

An attack of the disease occurs suddenly, pain from the lower back moves to the leg and inguinal region.

If a pregnant woman has kidney pain, then the problem already exists. She must be given attention, since ignoring can lead to miscarriage or malnutrition of the fetus.

The cause of pain in the kidneys may be the uterus, which increases in size and puts pressure on the internal organs. Only the doctor can determine the origin of the pathology.

Kidneys hurt during pregnancy: medications and procedures

It is important to note that self-treatment, especially with medicines, is strictly prohibited. That is why, if discomfort occurs, consult a doctor.

You need to react faster if, along with pain in the kidneys, you have a very high temperature and pressure, chills, and difficulty urinating. In this case, the specialist must prescribe certain tests in order to find the cause of this condition.

Pain in the kidneys is treated exclusively by a gynecologist and therapist who lead your pregnancy.

In the first trimester, there may be slight difficulties with diagnosis and treatment. After all, it is during this period that it is not recommended to take absolutely any drugs.

The treatment regimen will be significantly different from that developed for ordinary patients. You need to choose a treatment plan based on the duration of pregnancy, the disease, as well as the level of its development.

In order not to harm the formation of the fetus, medications are practically not prescribed; they are replaced by physiotherapy, since it is more gentle.

Almost all herbal remedies have good antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. However, many medicinal plants can lead to miscarriage, it is the independent appointment of such drugs is dangerous.

Pyelonephritis is a fairly serious disease that is almost impossible to cure without antibiotics. The doctor selects exactly the type of drugs that will not harm the fetus and cope with the disease. Many pharmaceuticals can be tried to be replaced with medicinal decoctions.

It is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, adhere to a certain diet, do not self-medicate, especially with regard to medications.

Kidneys hurt during pregnancy: folk remedies

The use of herbs is not completely safe. The thing is that you need to choose the right components, calculate the desired dosage, and also be sure to take into account sensitivity to plant components.

Medicinal herbs are selected taking into account the disease. If the grass used does not give positive results after a while, it can be replaced by another, but with the same effect. For the treatment of kidney disease during pregnancy, you can use the following recipes, presented below.

Recipe number 1

To prepare the medicinal tincture, you will need the following herbs:

• lingonberry leaves;

• field horsetail;

• bear ears.

Each of the ingredients must be carefully ground, after which everything is mixed. After that, take one and a half tablespoons of collection and pour 300 ml of boiled water. It is recommended to insist herbs in a thermos for 2-3 hours. After this time, strain the broth and add 0.2 grams of mummy to it. You will get a medicinal mixture, which must be divided into exactly three parts and taken three times a day, preferably 20-30 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment is three weeks, but every week you need to visit a doctor. The drug eliminates kidney diseases, does not harm the development of the fetus, improves the general condition.

Recipe number 2

To prepare the drug mixture, you will need the following:

1. Chamomile flowers.

2. Elderberry flowers.

3. Linden flowers.

4. St. John's wort.

Take each type of grass in the same amount, chop it thoroughly, and then mix. Separate from the general collection two tablespoons and pour 50 ml of boiling water. The grass is placed in a water bath and heated for about 30 minutes, after which it needs to be cooled to room temperature. Then the broth is filtered and boiled water is added again, until the initial volume is obtained. Once a day, before going to bed, take one glass of the product. Due to this, a pregnant woman can get rid of pyelonephritis in a relatively short time.

Recipe number 3

The recipe below is suitable for weakened kidneys in pregnant women. To prepare it, you will need marjoram. Grind the grass in advance until smooth, then take 3-4 tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water. Pour the tincture into a thermos and let it brew for two hours, then strain. It is taken no more than 4 times a day, 1/4 cup. The general course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Recommendations for pregnant women with kidney disease

In order to speed up the healing process, it is important not only to take medications or tinctures on time, but also to eat right. Foods such as eggs and salt should be excluded from the diet. The main menu should include the following dishes - potatoes, cereals saturated with vitamins. A pregnant woman should eat often, but in small portions.

In no case should you allow a violation of the kidneys, especially in this situation, which is why it is worth abandoning carbonated drinks.

Drink should be slightly warm, but not cold.

Kidneys hurt during pregnancy: will there be difficulties during childbirth?

During pregnancy, many chronic diseases can worsen. A disease such as pyelonephritis can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but basically it happens precisely at the 30th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that the uterus grows and presses on all organs.

Pregnancy itself can be very complicated, toxicosis will appear, which will be quite difficult. Many pregnant women develop anemia, a violation of the functions of the placenta. Fetal development may be impaired.

At 36 weeks, the woman in labor should lie in the maternity ward and prepare for childbirth. During this period, another preventive treatment takes place, which is now aimed at improving the general condition of the fetus. The actions of specialists are aimed at preventing complications in a woman in labor, during labor.

In the absence of serious contraindications, childbirth takes place in the natural way, antispasmodic drugs are administered to lower blood pressure, as well as painkillers.

If complications occur, a cesarean section is performed. In many respects, everything depends on the obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as on the behavior of the woman in labor. You need to breathe correctly, carefully listen to the advice of a doctor.

Only tune in to the good, think that soon you will see your long-awaited miracle, and everything will be fine!


Watch the video: Physiological Changes During Pregnancy (July 2024).