Choux pastry for dumplings - it will be perfect! Choux pastry recipes for dumplings: on water, milk, sour cream, multi-colored


What they don’t make: tea, coffee, noodles and even dough.

Yes, you heard right. This is one of the most popular kneading methods used by housewives.

But they do not always share their secrets.

The dumpling dough, which is prepared according to the custard technology, differs from the cold kneading.

It is more plastic, does not tear, does not boil, while not rubber and tastes good.

Choux pastry recipes for dumplings are no less than options for toppings.

Choux pastry for dumplings - general principles of preparation

Wheat flour is used for dumplings. Sometimes add part of buckwheat flour, oatmeal or rye.

You can also find recipes for custard dough with corn or potato starch.

Whichever of these bulk ingredients is present in the recipe, it must be sieved.

What else can be laid in the dough:

Liquid. This is mainly water or milk. To prepare colored types of dough, vegetable juices (carrot, beetroot, tomato) or mashed potatoes can be used.

Eggs. Not used in all recipes. You can use the whole egg or just the yolks.

Fats. It can be vegetable or butter, margarine. Stacked in small quantities for ductility and improve taste.

The liquid is salted and brought to a boil. Then poured into flour or vice versa. There is no exact rule, it all depends on the recipe. Eggs are added to a warm, but not hot mass. Any dough takes time to swell gluten. It takes about 15 minutes. Therefore, after kneading the mass is sent to "rest".

Recipe 1: The easiest choux dough for dumplings

The easiest option is the custard dough, in which you do not need any butter, no eggs, no milk. In this case, after cooking, dumplings are tender, not rubber.


• 200 ml of boiling water;

• salt;

• flour 2 cups.


1. We immediately put the water to boil.

2. Sift the flour into a bowl, immediately pour the whole according to the recipe.

3. Add salt. It is better to use extra. Otherwise, all grains will not disperse in the test. But if there is no fine salt, then you can add salt to hot water.

4. Pour boiling water into the flour and quickly mix with a spoon.

5. It will be harder to do this each time.

6. Take out the spoon and begin to knead the mass manually.

7. As soon as a uniform lump forms in the hands and the flour disappears in the bowl, the dough is ready!

8. It remains to put it in a bag and let it lie for a quarter of an hour so that it becomes elastic and supple.

Recipe 2: Choux pastry for dumplings in milk

You can make flour not only with water, but also with milk. This dough is tastier, well suited for sweet toppings from cottage cheese, fruits and berries. For such a custard test for dumplings, you need milk of any fat content and butter.


• 250 grams of milk;

• 50 grams of butter;

• flour 2.5 cups;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• eggs 2 pieces.


1. Pour salt into milk, put butter and put on a stove. It is better to use a wide saucepan, in which the dough will be cooked immediately. Let the mixture boil, stir until the oil dissolves.

2. Pour a glass of flour into the boiling liquid, stir and turn off the heat.

3. Break one egg and stir vigorously. Only after that we add the second egg and also mix well.

4. Add the remaining flour and knead the mass thoroughly. It is already more convenient to do this not in a saucepan, but on a table.

5. As soon as the dough takes all the flour into itself, it becomes plastic and homogeneous, transfer it to a plastic bag and send it to rest. After half an hour, you can start sculpting dumplings.

Recipe 3: Choux pastry for dumplings on sour cream

To cook such a custard dough you will need sour cream. Fat does not matter. But the higher it is, the tastier the dumplings will turn out. The dough is without eggs, but when kneading a small amount of sunflower oil is added.


• flour 3 cups;

• 130 ml of water;

• 3 tablespoons sour cream;

• salt ½ spoon;

• 1 spoon races. oils.


1. In a saucepan boil prescription water.

2. Add prescription salt and oil to it. You can also take butter or any margarine. Add an incomplete glass of flour and quickly stir.

3. Put the sour cream, do not stop stirring.

4. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, all lumps disappear, add flour.

5. Knead the dough until smooth.

6. Let’s rest, then proceed to the modeling of dumplings.

Recipe 4: Choux pastry for dumplings "Red"

This is actually a recipe for not quite a red test. It turns bright pink due to the addition of beetroot juice. After cooking, the products also remain "cheerful." The dough is universal and can be used for sweet and savory fillings.


• 40 ml of beetroot juice;

• 160 ml of water;

• 20 ml of vegetable oil;

• 2.5 cups flour;

• 1 egg;

• 1 tsp salt.


1. Pour water and beetroot juice into the pan, send to the stove. Add vegetable oil and immediately salt.

2. Sift flour into a bowl.

3. Pour boiling liquid into the flour and start stirring with a spoon.

4. Add the raw egg and stir further. You can put it just like that or shake it with a fork first.

5. After a minute, when it becomes difficult to stir, remove the spoon and knead the dough with your hands. Knead well, make an elastic lump.

6. Cover with a bowl and let lie down a little.

Recipe 5: Choux pastry for dumplings "Tomato"

Tomato dough is very often used in the manufacture of colorful pasta. So why not use it for dumplings. Products are obtained not only beautiful, but also tasty, especially if they are cooked in a custard way.


• 0.25 kg of flour;

• 100 ml of juice;

• 0.3 tsp salts;

• 1 small egg;

• 1 tsp oils;

• 1 tsp sour cream.


1. Put juice and salt on the stove, bring to a boil. If there is no tomato juice, then you can dilute any tomato sauce or pasta in water. When using salt ketchup, do not forget to reduce the amount of salt, you can just try the liquid to taste.

2. Sift the flour, it is better immediately in a bowl. We make a hole in the center and pour boiling juice. Stir.

3. As you mix, we introduce first a spoonful of sour cream, and then an egg. If a large copy fell into the hands, then you can take half or use one yolk, without protein.

4. Stir the dough well, pour a spoonful of oil on your hands and mash until the mass is elastic.

5. We put it in a bag and let it lie down for half an hour so that the gluten swells and the mass is less pulled together.

Recipe 6: Choux pastry for dumplings with starch

Why do they put starch in the dough? Many people ask this question. But in fact, everything is very simple. Starch allows you to roll out the dough very thinly, but at the same time it will not tear and spread. Pure starch is not used, only in a mixture with wheat flour.


• 1 tbsp. flour;

• 0.5 cups of potato starch;

• 110 ml of water;

• 20 ml of oil;

• salt ½ tsp


1. Salt water, send to boil.

2. After boiling the liquid, turn off the fire and immediately pour a glass of flour. Stir intensively with a spatula.

3. Add starch to the warm, but not hot dough, knead well.

4. Add vegetable oil at the end and knead for about five minutes.

5. Like a regular custard test, this should lie down a bit before use.

Recipe 7: Choux pastry for dumplings with spinach

Another color test option. This time the highlight of the program is spinach, which will delight you with a green tint, amazing taste and benefits. If there is no fresh spinach, you can use frozen leaflets.


• 0.2 kg of spinach;

• 2 eggs;

• 200 ml of water;

• 0.7 kg of flour;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 2 tablespoons of oil.


1. We wash the spinach leaves, sort it out and get rid of the damage. Then we transfer to the blender's container and mashed. Some people like to see small pieces of greenery in the dough. You can simply chop a piece of leaf with a knife, but not large. Put the spinach puree aside, let the green mass wait in the wings.

2. Put in the oil, put the salt and set to boil.

3. Sift the flour, add boiled water with oil and salt, stir and add the spinach puree.

4. Next, add the eggs. It is advisable not to rush and put one at a time, carefully stir each time.

5. If the spinach was juicy, then the dough may be a little weak. If necessary, add flour and send it to lie down.

Recipe 8: Chicken Dumplings with Turmeric Dumplings

You can cook not only red and green dumplings, a full-fledged traffic light lacks one color. For yellow custard dough, you will need ground turmeric, as well as carrot juice. Of course, the easiest way to use dye. But why add chemistry to homemade food?


• 0.25 kg of flour;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 100 ml of carrot juice;

• 1 tsp oils;

• 1 tsp turmeric

• 1 tsp sour cream or cream;

• 1 yolk.


1. Use freshly prepared carrot juice. We put it on the stove, salt and bring to a boil.

2. Add half the flour and brew. Stir well and remove from heat.

3. Put sour cream and vegetable oil, stir.

4. Introduce raw egg yolk, stir.

5. Combine the turmeric with the remaining flour, and then add to the brewed mass with the yolk.

6. Adjust the density and mix thoroughly.

7. Remove the yellowish dough in a bag and after half an hour you can start cooking funny dumplings.

Choux pastry for dumplings - useful tips and tricks

• Brewing and cooking - words are of the same root, but they speak of different processes. And it is very important to remember this. Wheat flour is brewed with boiling water and in no case is left for a long time on the stove. Otherwise, it will turn out a tight and thick plasticine, which only remains to go to the trash bin.

• It is believed that good dough should be kneaded for at least ten minutes. And not every hand can do it. But you can always use a bread machine with the appropriate program.

• The dough will turn out soft and airy if you put a pinch of soda in it. Especially this option is suitable for products with berries and other sweet fillings.

• Some housewives prefer to add salt directly to flour. But this method is only suitable for extra. If ordinary salt is used, it is advisable to dissolve the crystals in a liquid.

• If dough for dumplings contains flour from durum wheat, then you can not add a chicken egg. Products without it will perfectly hold the shape, it will boil, delight in taste.

• Spices can be added not only to the filling, but also to the dough itself. For aroma and taste, you can pour dried garlic, ground paprika, turmeric, black pepper. Some people prefer to put chopped dill or parsley.


Watch the video: How to make choux pastry with Dani Venn (July 2024).