Can cow milk be given to children? Is it necessary to drink it pure? From what age and in what form can milk be given to children


Drink, children, milk, be healthy ....

From the old song that sounded in the Soviet cartoon, everyone knows that milk is the most valuable product that is useful for the children's body.

However, not everyone knows that the use of milk by children has some nuances that should be taken into account and the answer to the question "Is it possible for cow milk to children?" not at all unequivocal.

Can cow's milk be given to children under one year old?

When the time comes to transfer the baby to feeding, some mothers begin to think about whether cow's milk is possible for children and whether or not to start feeding the baby to them. But this decision is clearly wrong: milk has several disadvantages that make it too unsuitable for consumption by too young children:

1. The lack of iron. In milk, it is practically absent, and if you introduce it as a complete feeding, anemia can develop in the baby's body. In addition, casein (an excess of protein in milk) can have a devastating effect on the baby’s intestinal tract, leading to ulceration and constant internal bleeding, which can also cause anemia.

2. An excess of minerals. Magnesium, chlorine, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium contained in milk - a big burden on the kidneys. The baby’s body is not yet able to withstand such volumes.

3. The lack of carbohydrates, iodine, copper, zinc, vitamins E and C, which can trigger developmental abnormalities.

4. The absence of immune cells that are found in human milk and contribute to the formation of the baby’s immune system.

In addition, milk is a strong allergen - a rash, itching, and redness may appear, which will cause inconvenience to both the child and the mother.

That is why the answer to the question is whether cow's milk can be given to children under one year old. It is impossible. We are talking about real homemade cow's milk. On it you can cook porridge for a baby up to a year, add to tea, but to give to drink pure milk - early. There are adapted versions of baby milk, the producers of which guarantee that they will not harm the children.

Can cow milk be given to children at all?

However, in spite of the fact that milk can be fatal for a baby, it is inexpedient to exclude it from the children's diet. The baby’s body is simply not developed enough - if the child grows up a little, and the use of milk for him will gain undoubted advantages:

1. High content of minerals. If the baby’s body is not able to cope with it, then the older child’s body will perfectly absorb everything and use it for fast growth.

2. High nutritional value. Milk is fat and high in calories - if you drink it a little, for example, in the morning, it can be an excellent source of energy.

In addition, milk helps with heartburn, warm milk with honey will help with colds or when going to bed. In general, this is the richest product, which, due to the high content of potassium and calcium, is recommended for children and helps them grow quickly.

The answer to the question whether cow milk can be given to children is generally positive: it’s not just possible, but also necessary.

Under what conditions can cow milk be given to children?

Just putting a glass of milk in front of your child - any first you get is a bad strategy. In order for milk to benefit, not harm, you need to follow a few simple tips:

1. Before use, milk must be boiled. Many unpleasant diseases (including terrible ones like encephalitis and anthrax) can be transmitted through cattle milk. Boiling kills them.

2. You can not enter milk into the diet abruptly. For the first time, when you are going to give your baby milk, you can’t offer him more than a teaspoon. If the child is allergic to lactose (which may not appear before), a large amount of cow's milk will not immediately benefit him - a rash, itching, redness, and even laryngeal edema may appear. If after the first spoon there are allergic symptoms, milk should be canceled altogether. If everything is fine, the next day you can give the child two spoons.

3. Undiluted milk should not be given the first time. High concentration can be fatal even for a child without allergies. Therefore, for the first time, milk should be diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, and only after a few weeks, when the child’s body gets used to it, reduce the amount of water to 1: 1.

4. Shelf life is very important. The longer the milk costs, the greater the chance that it will be unsuitable. Therefore, you should always check the expiration date on the packaging.

In addition, the answer to the question "Is it possible for cow milk to children if it is from the market" is negative - the origin of such milk can be any, and no one can guarantee that the cow from which it was taken was healthy.

How can cow milk be replaced?

If a child has an allergy, this does not mean that you need to completely deprive him of minerals, protein and fats. This means that you should look for other sources - no less nutritious and tasty than cow's milk:

1. Goat milk. It is much less likely to cause allergies and is easier to digest, but completely devoid of folic acid, which is vital for the children's body. To compensate for this drawback, the introduction of goat milk should be combined with the introduction of fish or legumes.

2. Lactose. If you introduce lactose into cow's milk, it will decompose complex proteins into simple components, making part of the baby’s body and making it easier for him. You can buy the supplement at the pharmacy, and prepare lactose milk at home.

3. Soy milk. Despite the plant origin, it is able to satisfy the needs of the body. Less greasy than a cow, but much easier to digest and does not cause allergies.

4. Coconut and Almond Milk. In fact, it is simply a mixture of ground nut, water and sugar. Despite the fact that nuts contain a huge amount of useful substances, specific fats and proteins cannot be obtained from them. For the body of an adult, such milk is an excellent source of nutrients, but the child does not have enough. However, if you build a diet, calculating all the useful substances, coconut and almond milk can be found in it.

It is important to remember that the answer to the question "Is it possible for cow milk to children?" there was never a phrase “milk powder”. Despite the consonance of the name and a similar taste, it is devoid of most of the nutrients and cannot act as a substitute.

But great for baking and sweets.


Watch the video: When can I give my baby cow's milk? (June 2024).