Carbohydrate deficiency can be harmful


Disputes regarding the long-term effects of low-carb diets do not subside in the scientific community. If we take into account the rapid weight loss in a short period of time, then such diets are quite effective. But some scientists have doubts about the nutritional value of such a diet. Specialists even find it difficult to say what consequences such a composition of the diet can lead to.

John Buckley, a professor of health at the University of South Australia, is convinced that before giving advice on a particular diet, you need to understand the implications of such a choice. Regarding low-carb diets, he states: lowering carbohydrate intake can lead to higher levels of “bad cholesterol.” Hence the cardiovascular problems.

It should be recognized that the level of "bad cholesterol", fortunately, decreases after a while. But the weight lost does not remain at the achieved level. As a rule, kilograms are gained and quite quickly.

What is much more serious is the possibility of long-lasting problems related to mood, such as depression. In addition, refusing carbohydrates (and their source is such useful plant foods as whole grains, vegetables and fruits), a person loses the necessary nutrients and antioxidants that have beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels. Fiber, calcium, and folic acid are also not available in the right amounts.


Watch the video: 'Slow Carbs' and the Truth About Low-Carb Diets (July 2024).