August 20: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 20.


Holidays august 20

The opening of the first fountains in Peterhof

Peter 1 set out to build for the Russian tsars a country residence similar to the French Versailles. It is known that he himself planned the main palaces, the location of the fountains and churches of Peterhof. On the shores of the Gulf of Finland, a beautiful town grew up - a palace and park ensemble, in its beauty not inferior to the famous Versailles. Fully construction lasted about two centuries, but already in August 1721 wonderful fountains opened. Peterhof has become the world capital of fountains. Peterhof today remains the famous open-air museum city.

The holiday of the nineteenth day of the month of Asma

The Bahai community celebrates a creative and diverse holiday. Music always sounds - during the prayer part, administrative, social. Believers make eloquent religious speeches, stories. Hospitable people receive guests in accordance with local cultural traditions, communicate in high spirits.

St. Stephen's Day in Hungary

The main national holiday of the country can be considered the foundation day of the Hungarian state. King Istvan I of Hungary was crowned on August 20, 1000, and he wisely and fairly ruled, laying European foundations in the country. King Istvan was canonized almost immediately after his death, but it was not always possible to celebrate this holiday. For example, the suppression of the uprising of the "Hungarian spring" of 1848 by Russia and Austria brought new orders, and also did not celebrate this holiday during the time of socialism.

Raksha Bandhan in India

On the day of the full moon of the month, the Shravan on the banks of rivers and lakes perform rituals - bathing in the sea, and coconuts are thrown into the water as an offering to God. But the main action is a ritual between brothers and sisters. Sister, wishing her brother well-being and prosperity, ties a string of "rakhi" on his wrist. This holiday is loved in India - women put on their best saris, men - national costumes "kurta-pajama". On the table are sweet and salty foods. Every year, sacred cords are replaced with new ones.

Perterborough Beer Festival

There are two beer festivals in the UK, and the second largest in the small eastern town of Perterborough. The city receives at least 40 thousand people - guests from England and the whole world. For 5 days, the town is visited by 200 thousand tourists. Varieties of world beer are interspersed with another light drink - apple or pear cider. The festival is accompanied by live music, funny entertaining programs, fun and performances. You can try more than 350 types of ale, which is prepared from 100 types of brewer's yeast and participate in the choice of a champion.

Folk calendar August 20

Pimen Marina

Rev. Pimen and the martyr Marin lived at different times. Pimen (11th century) was a weak and painful child, and when he grew up a little, they took him to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. However, Pimen did not seek healing β€” his dream was to become a monk and prolong his suffering. Angels performed a ceremony of tonsure over him and put on monastic clothes. A serious illness did not leave the reverend, but once he himself cured the patient, only to serve the sick for the given word.

The monk was lazy in ministry, and Pimen healed him again. Pimen himself recovered only three days before his own death. Marine lived in the 3rd century, during the time of persecution of Christians. The pagans executed the saint, who did not depart from his faith, cutting off his head. On this day you can watch the birds. If flocks were going to fly south - you can expect early cold in the fall. Also traditionally on this day baked pies with raspberries.

Historical events of August 20

August 20, 1812 - The appointment of Mikhail Kutuzov as commander of the Russian troops in the fight against the French

General Barclay de Tolly gave way to Kutuzov. The country's patriotic forces were very vulnerable to a strategic retreat from Moscow, Barclay was even declared a traitor. Under pressure from the public, Alexander I proposed the place of commander Kutuzov, having previously (just 10 days before his appointment) granted him the title of His Serene Highness Prince. Kutuzov was very popular among the people, spreading his slogan - "We will not defeat Napoleon. We will deceive him."

August 20, 1945 - the opening of a top-secret laboratory for the use of energy of Uranus

The chairman of the committee was Lavrenty Beria, he began to lead all work, including the development and production of the atomic bomb. The explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki revealed the power and strength of atomic weapons. Soviet intelligence also worked in a strengthened mode, which managed to obtain 286 secret scientific documents and closed publications on the development and development of the atomic bomb. The first nuclear reactor was soon built near Chelyabinsk, then a plutonium production plant was launched. The nuclear bomb was first tested at the training ground near Semipalatinsk in 1948.

Born on August 20

William-August Pokhlebkin (1923-2000) - a world-famous scientist, but most famous for his research on culinary art.

William Vasilievich was engaged in history, international relations, wrote several significant works on the foreign policy of Russia, but his studies of culinary products and dishes brought him world fame. Cooking has become the subject of real art, he has written 50 books published worldwide with a circulation of over 100 million copies. The most famous is the "History of Vodka". He has received many awards. He was killed in 2000, the killer is still unknown.

Andron Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky (1937) - Russian and American director

The son of the famous poetess and children's writer and Soviet poet, Andron, decided to devote himself to cinema. Having become a director, he shoots several original films, immediately noticed at festivals and competitions, in his youth. The first short film received a prize - "Bronze Lion". The creative life of Konchalovsky gave him many titles, titles, awards, he wrote 32 scripts and directed 25 films. In addition, he made several films in Hollywood, worked as a journalist and continues to implement his projects with his wife Julia Vysotskaya.

Boleslav Prus (1847 - 1912) - Polish writer

Boleslav Prus wrote several novels about life in Poland at the end of the 19th century: "Doll", "Emancipated Women", "Pharaoh", "Children". The panorama of life was shown with a fair amount of satire. He also collaborated in magazines and newspapers. One work remained unfinished - "Change."

Rajiv Gandhi (1944) - Prime Minister of India, grandson of Jivaharlal Nehru, and son of Indira Gandhi, prime ministers of the country on different terms.

It is Rajiv Gandhi who is credited with the economic development of India in 1986-1990. Repeated elections brought him another deputy term, but since the party lost the majority, he resigned as prime minister. Rajiv Gandhi was killed by the Tamils ​​in May 1991.

Name day on August 20

Vasily, Mitrofan, Dmitry, Ivan, Alexei, Athanasius, Nikanor, Peter, Pimen, Mikhail, Alexander.


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