It’s just an unusual recipe for manna with cottage cheese. Those close to you will appreciate your manna with cottage cheese: apple, banana, orange


Which of us at least once did not think about pampering our loved ones with something delicious and easy to prepare!

But the same question always arises: what?

Pies, cakes, pastries ... All this takes quite a lot of time, but baking mannik with cottage cheese can be easily and quickly.

The main difference between manna and ordinary pies is that semolina is used instead of flour.

This dough is tender, lush and refined.

Countless recipes for cooking manna with cottage cheese. And every housewife tries to make something of her own in the recipe.

Someone uses milk, someone kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise. But the most delicious mannik is with cottage cheese. And if you add raisins, slices of citrus or banana, apples or prunes - you can’t tear off the treats by the ears!

The basic principles of cooking manna with cottage cheese

In order for the manna with cottage cheese to turn out exactly as it should, it is necessary after the dough is kneaded, let it brew for about an hour. Then the semolina will swell to the desired consistency, otherwise the manna with cottage cheese will turn out to be dry and grubby, and the whole semolina will remain on the teeth.

In no case should dough for a manna with cottage cheese be too steep! Remember this, so that you do not have to throw the failed manic into the trash.

For baking, you can use a mold pre-lubricated with butter or vegetable oil, an oven pan or small muffin tins.

The baking time is 30-50 minutes, the baking temperature is average, in a standard oven it is 180 degrees.

Ready manna with cottage cheese can be decorated to your liking: powdered sugar, cream, glaze, coconut.

Mannik with cottage cheese can be set on the table with condensed milk, jam or honey, jam, berries are also a good combination.

Unlike regular charlotte, manna with cottage cheese is useful for all ages, especially pensioners and children, because it contains cottage cheese - a source of calcium that strengthens our bones. That is why the cake is not only very tasty, but also enriches our body with the necessary vitamins.

So, what are the most popular and interesting, and most importantly, simple recipes for cooking manna with cottage cheese? We offer you several, and all of them do not require countless shopping trips. The necessary ingredients are in the refrigerator of every housewife.

A simple recipe for a tender and lush manna with cottage cheese: you lick your fingers

This recipe can be considered basic, there is a basic set of products needed for manna.


one glass of semolina

one glass of sugar

300 gr cottage cheese

100 gr. sour cream

3 chicken eggs

a teaspoon of baking powder

vanillin, vanilla sugar to taste


The first step is to grind the cottage cheese with yolks, sugar, vanilla and sour cream in a kitchen bowl.

In a second bowl, mix baking powder and semolina, add to the mixture.

Beat egg whites with a mixer or whisk, add them to the resulting curd mass, mix.

Curd mass should turn out without lumps.

Put the dough in a greased form and send to the preheated oven for 50 minutes. The baking temperature is 180 degrees.

A recipe for gourmet manna with cottage cheese and orange peels

Citrus fruits will add to the cake not so much taste as a wonderful aroma. Delicate, warming and delicious.


3 chicken eggs

half a cup of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt or fermented baked milk)

300 gr cottage cheese

one glass of sugar

one glass of semolina

one glass of flour

one teaspoon of baking powder

zest from 1-2 oranges

handful of raisins


In a bowl, mix semolina with kefir, leave the semolina to swell for 15 minutes, no less.

In the second bowl, break the eggs and add sugar, beat with a whisk or a mixer until sugar is felt.

After this, add cottage cheese, semolina and zest, previously grated on a coarse grater. Beat everything with a mixer at low speed.

Gradually pour flour, baking powder into the resulting mass, add raisins and mix again. Spread in cooked and oiled form.

Bake in the oven at an average temperature of about 40 minutes.

Mannica recipe with cottage cheese on kefir: more calcium - more health!

This recipe does not contain sour cream or oil among the ingredients for the dough. Therefore, manna turns out non-greasy, low-calorie and dietary. Cottage cheese plus kefir - a double dose of calcium for the body!


one glass of semolina

one glass of sugar

2-3 chicken eggs

300-350 gr. cottage cheese

2/3 cup kefir

one teaspoon of baking powder

vanilla or cinnamon to taste

butter for lubrication


Pour a cup of semolina with kefir and leave it to swell for about half an hour.

Put the crushed curd in a separate bowl, add eggs, vanillin and sugar to it, mix everything well. Beat well with a mixer.

Carefully add baking powder and semolina swollen in kefir. Stir with a spoon or mixer.

Lubricate the prepared container with oil, sprinkle it with semolina and lay out the resulting dough.

Bake at an average temperature of 35 minutes.

Mannica recipe with cottage cheese in a multivar beloved by the hostesses

If you have a slow cooker, it’s even better than the oven: it’s wonderful manna! Nothing will burn, there is no need to check readiness or keep track of time.


one glass of semolina

one glass of sugar

2-3 chicken eggs

300 gr cottage cheese

2 full tablespoons with a slice of sour cream

one teaspoon of baking powder


In a kitchen bowl, mix the semolina with sour cream, put the crushed cottage cheese, eggs, baking powder, sugar and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon. After whipping with a mixer at low speed.

We leave the resulting mixture for 10-20 minutes so that the manna with cottage cheese does not turn out to be ultimately bleak.

Gently spread the dough into the multicooker bowl, pre-lubricating it with oil.

Set the timer on the "Baking" section, the cooking time is 50 minutes.

After the timer stops, we take the manna with cottage cheese from the mold and let it cool.

The recipe for cottage cheese manna for "cheers!": An unforgettable taste and ease of preparation

Whipped squirrels add a special tenderness to the pie according to this recipe, and raisins in combination with cottage cheese add a pleasant familiar taste to delicacies that have been sweet since childhood.


3 chicken eggs

two glasses of semolina

50 gr raisins

250 ml of kefir

half a glass of sugar

200 gr. cottage cheese

half a teaspoon of baking soda.


Separate the proteins from the yolks, in one of the kitchen bowls the yolks are ground with sugar, add kefir and cottage cheese. Use only fresh cottage cheese.

Whisk thoroughly with a mixer.

Pour semolina, baking soda into the mass. Beat thoroughly again.

In a second bowl, beat the whites until a solid peak is formed. After that, we introduce them into the dough. It is better to do this in two steps, so that the dough does not fall.

Add washed raisins.

In a preheated oven, put our dough in a form pre-oiled with butter. Bake for 40 minutes.

After cooking, we take out the manna with cottage cheese, let it cool and decorate it with icing sugar or coconut. Such a manna is low calorie and useful for people of all ages.

Manna recipe with cottage cheese and apples: a fruity note for a pie

This cake is a kind of manna-charlotte due to the large number of apples. Which does not spoil the recipe at all, but makes the familiar mannick completely new and no less tasty.


one glass of sugar

200 gr. cottage cheese

3 chicken eggs

one glass of semolina

100 gr. sour cream

one teaspoon of baking powder

two teaspoons of vanillin

4-5 apples.


Coarse curd in a meat grinder, grind, adding sour cream.

In the second bowl, mix the yolks with vanilla and half the norm of sugar, grind to white.

Connect semolina with baking powder.

Mix all three masses, prepare the dough.

Beat the whites with the remaining sugar until a strong foam. Put gently into the dough.

Cut the washed apples into cubes, having previously removed the core, but without peeling off the peels. Stir in the dough.

Put it in a greased baking sheet.

Bake 45 minutes until golden brown. Serve chilled.

Mannik with banana curd: to Russian semolina a piece of tropical paradise

Bananas, lemon, sesame seeds ... The aroma and taste of hot exotic countries will fill the familiar cottage cheese mannika.


750 ml. milk

one pinch of salt

one tablespoon of sugar

lemon zest

125 gr. decoys

3 chicken eggs

4 bananas

Tablespoon butter

one tablespoon of powdered sugar

two tablespoons of sesame seeds


Pour the milk into a saucepan and let it boil, put the zest of a lemon grated on a coarse grater, and a pinch of salt. Leave to boil for a few minutes. After pouring semolina into boiling milk, cook for 4 minutes.

Beat egg whites and yolks separately in kitchen bowls.

In the cooled semolina, first add the yolks, diced bananas, having previously cleared them of the peel.

Gently spread the protein mass, stirring the porridge from top to bottom.

Put the mixture into a mold or a baking sheet, grease it with oil and sprinkle with semolina. On top of the mass, spread the butter with chips.

Sprinkle mannik with powdered sugar and sesame seeds, fried in advance. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Recipe for chocolate manna with cottage cheese, nuts and dried fruits

Chocolate treats are loved by many. Why not make chocolate and mannick with cottage cheese?


one glass of semolina

one glass of water

half a glass of sugar

one teaspoon of vanillin

100 gr. cottage cheese

one glass of flour

three to four tablespoons of cocoa

half a glass of vegetable oil

one teaspoon of baking powder

100-150 gr. peeled walnuts

raisins, dried apricots, prunes

powdered sugar


In a kitchen bowl, pour semolina into warm boiled water, add sugar and leave for an hour. After adding cottage cheese, stirring.

Pour cocoa and vanillin, flour and baking powder gently, mix with a spoon. Add oil.

Mix the whole mass with a mixer, not whipping well.

Put the dough in a greased form, bake for 45 minutes at medium temperature.

Cool mannik and decorate with icing sugar.

Tricks and tips for cooking manna with cottage cheese

  • For the cottage cheese manna it is more convenient to soak the semolina in the evening so that in the morning you don’t spend an hour to make the dough infuse.
  • Check how much the product has baked, you need a toothpick, if the stick is dry - the manna with cottage cheese is ready!
  • When baking, do not often open the oven door, otherwise the cake will fall off and lose its shape.
  • When cooking manna with cottage cheese, take into account the fat content of cottage cheese, the consistency of the dough depends on it.
  • When measuring the amount of ingredients needed, always use a standard faceted glass.
  • An ordinary mannik with cottage cheese is a little boring, so to surprise and please your loved ones, add some fruit or berries to the mannik. Then the cake will look more appetizing and taste more piquant.


Watch the video: Agar Jelly Fruit Cake Recipe เคกวนผลไม - Hot Thai Kitchen! (July 2024).