Kanna: planting an amazingly beautiful flower and care at home. We grow cannons at home: choosing a pot, watering, care


Canna, a flower loving the sun and high temperatures, growing in nature with a tropical and subtropical climate.

In the natural environment, canna grows in countries of India, China, South and Central America.

In Europe, this amazing flower was introduced four centuries ago.

Tsarist Russia recognized this flower thanks to the development of the garden office under Peter 1.

Features of growing cannes in various climatic conditions

In nature, canna can be found in the form of colorful and vibrant flowers, having various forms with large inflorescences towering above the greens of different shades. Canna translated, this is reed, about 50 of its species are established. The plant has inflorescences of various colors. There are flowers of orange, coral, pinkish and yellow shades.

Canna is a perennial plant with an extensive rhizome. This flower can be grown in conditions with a mild, temperate continental climate with mandatory cultivation of the soil, as well as a greenhouse plant or ornamental in the open ground.

From modern garden forms of the large cannabis flower bred in Europe, all modern varieties have evolved.

Important! Growing in Russian latitudes in the open ground, the flower can hardly tolerate the winter period. During the flowering period, the canna is practically odorless, but it rarely gets sick, tolerates drought and has a long flowering period from June until the first frosts arrive.

Kanna at home: planting, variety selection

When planting cannons in the southern latitudes, for proper planting, segments from their root system are placed directly in the ground. But for territories with a temperate continental climate, this is not enough. Before planting on a permanent habitat, cannas need to be grown. You need to start this process in the spring (March, April).

Initially, the flower rhizome should be planted in moistened peat or sawdust in the presence of room temperature, so that the buds begin to sprout. With the germination of the kidneys, the rhizomes divide and remove the dried and diseased parts. The buds that sprouted in the plots leave at least 2 pcs. In order for the bush to grow lush in the future, buds for germination, it is necessary to save as much as possible. Shoots with a particle of rhizome are planted in large pots and grown at room temperature at home or in greenhouses until the end of the frost.

Kanna, planting this flower as a photophilous plant is necessary in well-warmed and sunny places, covered from cold winds. For the best growth of these plants, sufficient areas are necessary, if there is a distance between the flowers, there must be at least half a meter.

Kanna planting, which should be carried out in a pot with loose soil, also loves the presence of various mineral fertilizers in it. When planting in the holes, it is necessary to lay manure (horse), then the earth mixed with fertilizers. After planting, a well with a flower is well shed with water.

Important! Rhizome must be placed at a depth of not more than 7 cm.

The best varieties

For growing cannas at home, undersized varieties of this flower will be indispensable. Crozi is a plant with a stem height of 50 to 150 cm, with large flowers, resembling gladioli. Plate plates of this type are both dark green and dark bronze with a whitish coating on top.

Varieties of this type:

• "Livadia" - flowers reaching a height of 1 meter, with bright raspberry inflorescences 20 cm in diameter, with large purple leaves. This variety begins to bloom in mid-summer.

• "America" ​​- this plant reaches one and a half meters, has bright red inflorescences with a diameter of 12 cm, with purple leaves. It begins to bloom in early July.

• "President" - the stem has a length of about 1 meter, red inflorescences up to 16 cm in diameter with green leaves. Flowering begins in July.

Orchid species of cannes can also be grown at home. The flowers of this plant have large inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 18-21 cm with bordering edges and rich green leaves. The stem height of this species reaches 2 meters.

Varieties of this type:

• "Richard Wallace" - having a meter height, yellow flowers with red interspersed petals located inside. This species blooms in mid-summer.

• "Suevia" - flowers with a stalk up to a meter, a lemon color of inflorescence, reaching a diameter of 16 cm and dark green leaves. Flowering of this species takes place in late July.

A variety of other varieties also suitable for growing cannons at home:

• "Golden Lucifer" - a flower having a stalk 60 cm long, adorned with light yellow inflorescences with many red blotches on its surface.

• "Orange Magic" - a plant having a height of 60-70 cm, a bright orange flower with a yellow "throat" with a diameter of 8 cm.

• "Mrs. Oklahoma" - the plant has a long stem and a raspberry flower with yellow dots.

You can pick up other varieties of cannes for cultivation, everything will depend on the place of further growth of these flowers and the proper care for them.

Kanna - features of home care (photo)

Canna and home care for this flower is basically enclosed in sufficient watering, good lighting, creation, and top dressing.

Caring for cannabis care at home is much easier than say for a flower on a garden plot. There is no need to loosen the soil, fight weeds and spray the plant with plenty of water.

A pot with a canna needs to be installed in a well-lit place, say on a windowsill, it is good to spill a plant, but be sure to stand up some water and occasionally wipe the leaves of the canna with a moistened cloth.

Important! Cannes growing at home need rest for two months and reduced watering during this period.

For this, it is necessary for your pet to cut the leaves from the base by 12-15 cm, and then install the pot in a cool place, the temperature of which should be somewhere around 5-10 degrees.

Kanna has a strong fortified peduncle, in connection with which the flower does not need to be tied. The primary inflorescence in these plants is more appropriate to remove, so that the root system is better strengthened, and the plant next time gives a more rapid flowering.

Kanna at home: dressing

For the normal growth and development of cannes, it is advisable to repeatedly feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.

To do this, you need to create a mixture based on nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. During flowering, Gangne ​​most often lacks a sufficient amount of nutrients, therefore, to solve this problem, complex dressings are used, such as a master, kemir or nitroammophoska.

Leaflets are recommended to be sprayed with solutions with microelements included in their composition.

Kanna at home: pests and diseases (photo)

These flowers are considered quite resistant plants to various diseases and types of pests, but still, like many other cannes, some protection is also needed.

Fungal diseases of these colors include:

• Gray rot - in the form of brown spots, this disease affects the leaves and shoots of a flower, easily infecting nearby plants. In order to prevent the defeat of this disease, the flowers must be watered under the spine, planted further apart and achieve a concentration of nitrogen in the leaves.

• Rust mushroom - appears with excessive moisture, in the form of dark spots on the leaves of a flower. The result of this disease can be a complete drying of the plant.

Cannes Viral Diseases

• Spider mite - feeds on flower juices, tolerates a variety of infections. To get rid of the invasion of the spider mite, it is necessary to increase the air humidity, say by spraying the plant.

• Scale - emits sticky mucus, which contributes to the appearance of fungus.

• Aphids - sucks the juices from the plant tissue, infects it and carries a variety of viruses. Processing solution made from soap.

• Slugs - carriers of infections, mollusks that infect the plant. To prevent slugs, it is necessary to slightly reduce watering.


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