Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: effective weight loss. Possible options for the diet menu 7 days minus 10 kg


Each woman has her own reasons for which she urgently decides to get rid of an impressive amount of kilograms of excess weight.

Many believe that to do this without harm to the body is simply impossible.

However, this is only a fallacy.

Having properly organized the diet for 7 days minus 10 kg, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body of toxins and toxins.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: features of the method of losing weight

The first thing worth noting is that losing 10 kg in one week is not available for every woman. You can get such an impressive result only if the initial weight significantly exceeds the norm.

For those women who need weight loss due to the upcoming holiday or on the eve of summer - a diet of 7 days minus 10 kg will simply help to clean the body well. A girl with an average weight can lose from 5 to 7 kg.

It is very important to carefully select the power system. Now there are several methods developed by nutritionists in such a way that weight loss does not have a negative effect on the body. It is allowed to arrange an unloading week for yourself no more often than once during 2 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of fast weight loss

A diet of 7 days minus 10 kg is a technique that guarantees quick weight loss. Before you take the first step towards a slim figure, you need to familiarize yourself with all the positive and negative sides of the power system.


1. Fast weight loss is an ideal option for those ladies who do not fit into their favorite dress, but are invited to a celebration.

2. The nutritional system developed by nutritionists does not imply a complete rejection of food, otherwise it will lead to dehydration. Holding out during the fasting week, in accordance with all the rules, all toxins and toxins are removed.


1. Effective weight loss in a week can be achieved. However, if you then "break loose" in the refrigerator and do not monitor your diet, all lost kilograms will come back. Perhaps they will be more than it was originally.

2. A diet of 7 days minus 10 kg dehydrates the body. If a woman has low blood pressure or stomach problems, such a system of weight loss is strictly contraindicated, otherwise dizziness, nausea and sleep problems are possible.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: what can and cannot be eaten

A nutrition plan for the week is made based on the selection of calorie foods.

Taboo List:

• confectionery;

• bread;

• coffee;

• porridge;

• pork meat;

• bananas;

• potatoes.

In fact, the list of prohibited products can be continued for a very long time, because during the fasting week there is practically nothing to eat.

To avoid severe dehydration, you can include the following products in your diet:

• kefir fat content of 1%;

• celery root;

• green tea;

• cucumbers (if season);

• buckwheat steamed without salt.

Important! You can not buy kefir with a fat content of 0% for weight loss. It contains no fats necessary for the assimilation of vitamins, the body will not receive beneficial trace elements.

Onion soup: an effective fat burner

The diet of 7 days minus 10 kg onion soup is very popular. This dish guarantees fast weight loss without starvation. Soup is prepared according to a special recipe. The basis of products based on which there are no fats. The main components are herbs and onions. It is known that their use triggers the metabolism and promotes the breakdown of the fatty layer. The main thing is to cook the soup correctly, strictly following the recipe.

The following ingredients will be needed:

• a small head of cabbage;

• 2 large tomatoes;

• Bulgarian green pepper (2 pieces);

• a bunch of celery;

• parsley;

• onions (6 pieces, larger).

All vegetables are poured with cold water (previously cut) in a medium saucepan, brought to a boil and left over low heat for 15 minutes. That's the whole secret - the fat-burning soup is ready. Its advantage is that the dish can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The main thing is not to add salt and other spices, they cause appetite.

7 day diet based onion soup

1. Soup in unlimited quantities. For a change it is allowed to eat apples.

2. Onion soup, only now fruits are replaced with seasonal vegetables. It can be cucumbers or zucchini, for example.

3. On the third day, soup again. In no case should you eat potatoes in any form.

4. Day 4 - only onion soup.

5. Day 5 - onion soup and a small piece of boiled chicken.

6. Day 6 - only onion soup.

7. Day 7 - onion soup and a liter of kefir.

Important! During the fasting week, you should never drink alcohol onion soup. Also, sugary and carbonated drinks are completely excluded from the diet. You need to eat onion soup 3-4 times a day, 300 grams each, in which case the effect in a week will be amazing. With an initially large weight, you can get rid of 5 to 10 kilograms.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: diet for buckwheat

Buckwheat diet is popular among the fair sex, who want to lose weight. It is known that in the composition of this product contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, buckwheat porridge is very satisfying and it is impossible to feel hunger with it.

Important! Buckwheat for a 7-day diet minus 10 kg should be prepared according to a special recipe. A glass of porridge in the evening is poured with two glasses of boiling water. Spices are not added. The container (pot and cauldron) is covered with a lid, then tightly wrapped in a towel. In the morning, buckwheat will swell and be ready for use.

An unloading week on buckwheat implies that for 7 days it is allowed to eat only porridge prepared in this way.

The advantage is that the weight loss method is easy to maintain due to the fact that buckwheat is full. The disadvantage of the food system is uniformity. After a few days, buckwheat will get bored.

Diet "Willpower"

Getting rid of 10 kg in a week is really possible. The presented diet is very tough, but it gives a stunning effect. If you strictly adhere to the nutrition system, a woman will be able to acquire a figure that she always dreamed about.

1. Day 1 - unloading. The most difficult period. During the day it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated water - at least 2 liters. This amount is evenly distributed throughout the day. The last glass of water should be drunk no later than 18:00.

2. Day 2 - a little joy for the stomach. You can only use kefir. To saturate the body, choose a 2.5% fat drink.

3. Day 3 - dairy. You can buy low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 600 grams and eat it throughout the day. You can also drink green tea without the addition of sugar and other sweeteners.

4. Day 4 - apple. During the day, you need to eat 1.5 green fruits.

5. Day 5 - salad. You can cook a delicious low-calorie salad of celery and cucumbers, season it with olive oil. This dish is allowed to eat in unlimited quantities.

6. Day 6 - soup on vegetable broth. Fruit salad is also allowed.

7. Day 7 - the last “breakthrough”. The main thing here is not to break loose, but to hold out on water, as in the first day.

A diet of 7 days minus 10 kg is really very complex and only a woman who has the willpower and desire to become slim can overpower it. Holding on to the presented diet can achieve a truly impressive result. The main thing at the end of the diet is not to break, but to continue to monitor calories consumed, otherwise all kilograms will come back.

Important points of catering

A woman should understand that getting rid of 10 kg in a week is possible only if all the rules and principles are strictly followed.

1. Water. To maintain normal metabolism, it is important to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Of this amount, 2-3 mugs can be replaced with green strong unsweetened tea.

2. Vitamins. A diet of 7 days minus 10 kg is very debilitating. The body loses many useful substances, if this balance is not replenished, dizziness, vomiting and nausea may occur. To maintain normal health, nutritionists recommend purchasing a vitamin complex and drinking supplements throughout the diet.

3. Take the will "into the fist." A woman needs to imagine what she can become, losing 10 kg. If you really need it, then you should include your willpower. This will help in achieving the goal.

4. Without minimal physical exertion, losing weight will be very difficult. Morning exercise starts the metabolic process, which energizes for the whole day and allows you to lose weight faster. Lose 10 kg per week is only possible if you spend 10-15 minutes daily exercises. Squats, push-ups, running in place - the easiest, but effective complex.

5. After the diet has come to an end, you need to continue to monitor the drinking regime and monitor the calories consumed. You need to learn how to eat in small portions to avoid overeating. In no case should you skip breakfast, at dinner it is recommended to replace a glass of kefir. With this diet, lost kilos will never go back.

A diet of 7 days minus 10 kg is a great way to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, and lose weight. The recommendations of the methods of weight loss presented will help to find the figure of your dreams and will not allow the kilograms to return back. The main thing is the desire to become what you want and a little willpower.


Watch the video: 3-Day Souping Detox (July 2024).