Strawberry jam without boiling - that's where the summer flavor! Recipes of different strawberry jam without cooking for a sweet life


Strawberry jam is the dream of any sweet tooth!

The treat has an amazing taste of berries, if properly cooked.

The maximum aroma of summer is stored in jam, which is not subjected to heat treatment.

But how to do it right?

Strawberry jam without boiling - general principles of preparation

Usually, different berries are used for jam: beaten, crushed, overripe. But this move does not work here. The workpiece is not subjected to heat treatment, so the strawberries should be clean, without signs of spoilage and rot. Otherwise, souring can not be avoided.

General cooking technology:

1. Strawberries are removed from the strawberries, the spoiled specimens are picked and thrown away.

2. Berries are washed from dirt and dust.

3. Strawberries are laid out in a large sieve or on a spread diaper and allowed to dry.

4. Combine the main ingredient with sugar.

Berries can be harvested whole, cut into slices or mashed from them. The exact processing method depends on the formulation used.

It is advisable to lay any jam in sterile jars. This will prevent its souring and premature mold. All utensils (spoons, bowls, pans) should also be clean, dry. Water for washing berries must be used drinking.

Recipe 1: Strawberry Jam without Cooking "Fast"

The recipe for simple strawberry jam without cooking, which requires storage in the refrigerator. To prepare it, you need a blender.


• 0.5 kg of strawberries;

• 0.8 kg of sugar.


1. Rinse the berries, remove the ponytails and spread on a clean towel. Let’s dry.

2. Put the strawberries in a bowl, add half the recipe sugar and beat with a blender.

3. Once all the grains have dissolved, add the rest of the sugar and whisk again. Now it will be more difficult for him to dissolve and part of the grains may remain. Over time, they will melt.

4. We lay out the prepared jam in pre-sterilized jars, close tightly with lids and send to the refrigerator.

5. The workpiece will stand perfectly for 3 months if trash, water or other impurities do not get inside.

Recipe 2: Strawberry Jam without boiling with slices

The recipe for strawberry jam, which is also stored in the refrigerator, but does not need to be mashed from it.


• 1 kg of berries;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Cut the washed and dried strawberries into small pieces.

2. Put the berries in layers in an enamel or glass dish, pour each row with prescription sugar. The remains of sand are simply poured on top.

3. Cover the dish and leave overnight or all day for the allocation of juice.

4. Take a large spoon and mix. Leave for another hour.

5. Banks are processed over steam, dried.

6. Pour jam and seal with sterile lids.

7. Sent to the refrigerator for storage.

Recipe 3: Strawberry Jam Without Cooking Berries

The recipe is a very interesting jam, in which only syrup is cooked. This technique allows you to preserve the fresh taste and aroma of berries. But in order for everything to work out, and the workpiece is preserved, you must follow the technology exactly.


• 2 kg of berries;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 100 ml of water.


1. Rinse the berries. It is advisable to use small strawberries. Large specimens can be cut into several parts. While we leave aside.

2. From the prescription water we boil the syrup with sugar, it will turn out to be very saturated, we begin to cook over low heat so that the sugar does not burn. We boil for three minutes.

3. Pour strawberries with boiling syrup, cover and leave for an hour. The berries will let the juice, the syrup will become thinner.

4. We discard the berries in a colander, let the new syrup drain and put it on the fire again. Boil for a couple of minutes.

5. Pour boiling syrup into berries, leave again for an hour.

6. Drain the syrup, boil it for the last time five minutes. The berries at this time are laid out in sterile jars.

7. Pour strawberry syrup, close the lids, you can roll up, it will be more reliable. Cool under the covers and put them in a cool basement for storage. Can be left in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Non-Cooked Strawberry Jam

A variant of strawberry jam without boiling for those who do not like sugar crunch. The mass does not boil, but is heated on the stove until the grains are completely dissolved.


• 1 kg of strawberries;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. Pour the washed and freed from the tails of berries in a pan or in a basin.

2. Add all the sugar at once, mix, leave for 3 hours to isolate the juice. You can do this the day before. It is better to cover the vessel so that nothing gets into it.

3. As soon as the strawberries give the juice, stir and put the jam on the stove. We heat up to 80 degrees and turn it off. Stir.

4. After an hour, turn on the stove again and reheat.

5. Repeat the procedure four times, and more can be done.

6. The last time the jam is heated, and while it is hot, pour into a sterile container. We cool and send to storage.

Recipe 5: Strawberry Jam Without Cooking with Lemon

A wonderful variation of raw strawberry jam with lemon. Fragrant citrus not only gives its taste, but also helps preserve the workpiece and does not allow it to quickly disappear.


• 1 kg of strawberries;

• 1 large lemon;

• 1.2 kg of sugar.


1. The washed berries are cut in half and covered with sugar. We stand for 10 hours, it is advisable to stir occasionally so that the grains dissolve.

2. Wash the lemon and cut into several parts to remove the seeds. If left, the jam will be bitter.

3. Twist the citrus through a meat grinder or grind in a combine.

4. Transfer the lemon to the strawberry jam and stir again. If the sugar grains do not dissolve, you can slightly warm the mass a little on the stove, but do not boil.

5. We lay out the fragrant workpiece in sterile jars and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6: Strawberry Jam Without Cooking with Ginger and White Chocolate

The recipe for amazing strawberry jam without cooking, which does not cost long and needs to be consumed within a week. But this is not a minus of the recipe. Harvesting can be a great addition to desserts, ice cream, pastries.


• 1 kg of strawberries;

• 40 grams of ginger;

• 0.05 kg of white chocolate;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. If the berries are large, then you can cut into pieces.

2. We fall asleep with sugar and leave for 10 hours to allocate juice, it is advisable to stir.

3. Put the jam on the stove, slightly heat until the juice dissolves and pour the berries into a colander.

4. Ginger rubbed with small chips or using a blender to make mashed potatoes.

5. Add ginger to the juice and warm to 80 degrees.

6. Break the chocolate into small pieces and add to the syrup, stir. You can not dissolve the tile completely, let the pieces remain.

7. Mix the aromatic syrup with berries and you can lay the workpiece in jars.

8. Ginger jam is stored for up to 10 days in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7: Strawberry Jam with Raspberries Without Cooking

Jam recipe, which combines the summer aroma and retained all the benefits of berries. A blank for those who they sing at the same time.


• 0.5 kg of strawberries;

• 0.5 kg raspberries;

• 1.6 kg of sugar.


1. Rinse the strawberries and cut the berries into several parts so that the pieces are small.

2. Add washed raspberries to the strawberries. It does not need to be crushed, so it is well soaked in syrup.

3. Add granulated sugar and stir. Leave for five hours.

4. We put on the stove and heat on a small fire to dissolve the remaining sugar.

5. We lay out the mass in sterile containers, cork. Store in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C.

Strawberry jam without boiling - useful tips and tricks

• Souring is a common problem with sweet preparations without boiling. Everyone knows about sterility, but few people pay attention to sugar. But it is precisely in it that litter, crumbs, and various impurities often come across. For jam, use only fresh sand from the packaging and in no case from sugar bowl.

• To prevent jam from the appearance of mold on the surface or candied crust, you can simply sprinkle the blank with powder on top. And it is very important to tightly pack the product.

• To prevent the preparation from being sugared, you can add a little citric acid or fresh citrus juice to the jam and stir.

• Many people keep jam in plastic bottles, and they are great in the refrigerator door. But few people know that plastic releases the harmful substance bisphenol-A, which passes into jam and pollutes the human body.
