Why do nipples itch in men and women? How to relieve itching in the nipple area yourself, do I need to see a doctor


Many women face a problem associated with severe itching in the nipple area.

The causes of this condition are many, however, not all of them are associated with diseases.

Perhaps it's all about underwear or poor nutrition.

But if the nipples are sore, itchy, and at the same time additional symptoms appear, for example, discharge, you need to visit a medical institution.

The scratching itself does not pose any danger, and more often all of it is only a harbinger of upcoming problems.

If, in addition to the fact that the nipples itch, there are no more symptoms, then you can try to find out the cause yourself.

In most cases, women can independently eliminate severe itching.

Why nipples itch: reasons

Often, discomfort in the nipple area indicates the presence of a serious disease, treatment of which is necessary as soon as possible. However, in some cases, the itch does not pose any danger and passes by itself, after some time, far from everyone can find out why it nevertheless arose. But how to solve the problem? It is necessary to be examined by a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

The following causes of itching can be distinguished:

1. Often, pregnant or lactating women face the problem of itching in the nipple area. The thing is that during this period, changes in the body always occur. One of them is a change in the hormonal background, or milk production. Skin stretching occurs on the chest, which ultimately leads to severe itching. In no case can you scratch the area of ​​the nipples, since the skin can be damaged and an infection will get into the wound. Interesting! If suddenly your nipples began to scratch sharply, then most likely you are pregnant!

2. Before the onset of menstruation, many girls experience itching in the nipple. The thing is that during this period there is an increase in testosterone, this is reflected on the chest - the skin becomes dry and itches. But the most interesting thing is that this feature is characteristic of the autumn and winter seasons.

3. Allergy to a substance. Perhaps you are taking medications or eating foods that cause your allergy, it in turn is itchy on the nipples.

4. Many women are allergic to the powder with which they wash their bras. In this case, you can simply try to change the detergent.

5. Examine the fabric from which your underwear is sewn. So, for example, if the bra is made of synthetic material, then it is quite possible that there will be irritation on the nipples.

6. Pay attention to the cosmetics that you wash your body when taking water treatments. It is possible that they contain a substance to which your skin reacts in this way. Try replacing the gel or soap and watch carefully for any changes.

7. Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin lesion resulting from exposure to various factors. For example, it may be hives, this is a disease of the skin, but having an allergic origin. This is a common pathology, and according to statistics, it affects almost 80% of the total population. If you really think that you have urticaria, be sure to visit a dermatologist, because the sooner treatment is started, the faster you can get rid of severe itching.

8. The most common cause of itching in the nipple is candidiasis or thrush, as many call it. The disease is a type of fungal infection. When thrush occurs, the nipples not only itch, but also become covered with small bubbles. In no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor for a single day.

9. Surgery on the chest. Many women are interested in why, after surgery, their nipples are very itchy? There are several reasons for postoperative pruritus. So, for example, in women after plastic surgery for breast augmentation, the skin stretches and itches. In addition, the skin can itch while the scar heals.

10. Breast cancer. After the onset of pathology, the nipples itch, palpation causes severe pain, red discharge may occur.

After finding out the cause of itching in the nipple, fix the problem, you need to follow all the recommendations that the attending physician gave.

Why itchy nipples: itching in men

Why do men scratch their nipples? Usually it is all about hormonal imbalance or metabolism. But, in no case should you self-medicate, since it is quite possible that the itching arose due to breast cancer.

If female hormones predominate in the male body, then breast growth will be noted, and severe pain and itching will be felt. This condition has its name - gynecomastia. It occurs most often in children in adolescence. In adult men, such a disease is rare, and almost always it is false.

As mentioned above, in addition to gynecomastia, itching can occur with breast cancer. In addition, the patient will observe the appearance of ulcers and spotting.

As the disease progresses, itching will become stronger. Any infection can enter the damaged areas, and eczema can also be added to the general condition. With this type of cancer, the prognosis is poor.

Why nipples itch: treatment

Itching in the mammary gland is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of the development of a certain pathology. That is why, before starting treatment, you need to identify the exact cause of itching.

In most cases, no treatment is required, all that needs to be done is to eliminate the cause of the itching. For example, if the whole thing is in a tight bra, change it to a spacious one, along with this you will notice how the itching recedes. If the nipples itch after applying cosmetic products, replace them with others, but first conduct a sensitivity test.

But if you eliminated all sources of allergies, and the itch still does not go away, then most likely the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, for example, Tavegil, Diazolin and many others.

Remember that pregnant women can take medications only after they are examined by a doctor and prescribe medications. The thing is that during this period, medications can pose a threat to the baby, so drinking them yourself is not recommended.

In order to relieve the itching that occurs before menstruation, a specialist may recommend drinking Bellergal. Do not take medicine for women with kidney disease, angina pectoris or hypertension.

How to get rid of a tooth in the nipple area can only be decided by a doctor. Do not self-medicate.

Why nipples itch: prevention

If you are concerned about severe itching in the nipple area, treatment alone is not enough. Follow basic preventive measures that are aimed at eliminating the sources of allergies and other factors. So, the basic rules of prevention are as follows:

1. Change the washing powder to a new one.

2. Do not purchase underwear made of synthetic fabric; it is better to buy bras made of cotton.

3. Examine all the medications you are currently taking. First you need to abandon them for at least a few days, and then see if there are any improvements. If the itching resolves, visit your healthcare provider and ask to replace your medications with similar ones.

4. Change all body cosmetics to others.

If, after all the measures taken, the itching does not go away and becomes even stronger, be sure to visit a medical institution. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Popular beliefs: why does the nipple itch?

No matter how strange it may sound, but with such an intimate part of the body as the chest, there are many beliefs. Our ancestors believed that if a woman's right nipple itches, then in the near future she will meet her beloved. But it’s a completely different matter when the left nipple began to itch - this means that at the moment your soulmate is very homesick for you. Be sure to let yourself know, and tell us about how you missed you!

This is all about women, but you can talk about one interesting fact about men. There is a long legend that until a man has acquired his offspring, his nipples are slightly pink. However, if their color changed to brown, then he had a son or daughter!


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