Okroshka on kefir with mineral water is the queen of cold soups! A selection of different okroshki on kefir with mineral water, recipes and subtleties


Okroshka is a cold soup that was once considered only a summer dish.

Soon it was so loved by everyone that it began to appear in the winter, spring, autumn menu.

There are many recipes for okroshka, but cold kefir soup with mineral water is especially fond of.

Okroshka with kefir and mineral water - general principles of preparation

You can take any kefir fat for okroshka. But from a skim milk product, cold soup is not very saturated. To fix this, you can add a little sour cream or mayonnaise to kefir. Mineral water is used with gas. It is his bubbles that give the dish sharpness.

What else is put in okroshka:

• Cucumbers. It's hard to find a recipe without them. Cucumbers are laid fresh.

• Eggs. Usually boiled hard boiled. But in some soups they also put a raw egg, shaken with kefir.

• Greenery. It is added in large quantities. Usually it is feather onion, dill, parsley.

• Potatoes. It is not used in all recipes; it is laid in boiled form.

• Radish. It is common, but not everywhere. It can be added to many recipes; the vegetable is in perfect harmony with most products.

• Beets. It is found in some recipes of okroshka, it is used raw or boiled, depending on the dish. Sometimes add young beet tops.

All the ingredients of okroshka are diced, for some products you can use a grater. Kefir can be added immediately. Mineral water is usually poured just before serving. Can be added directly to plates.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (recipe with sausage)

The simplest and most familiar recipe for okroshka on kefir with mineral water. For cooking, you will also need any cooked sausage without fat.


• 4 potatoes;

• 3 cucumbers;

• 4 eggs;

• 350 grams of sausage;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 2 bunches of green onions;

• 150 grams of radish;

• 1 liter of kefir;

• 1 liter of mineral water.


1. Boil potatoes and eggs. Cool, clean, cut into cubes. We throw it into the pan.

2. Add the cooked sausage, which must be cut in the same cubes.

3. We sort out the greens, wash and chop finely. Also sent to okroshka.

4. At the radish we cut the tails, cut each crosswise, and then with thin plates. We throw it into the pan.

5. It remains to add finely chopped cucumbers to the okroshka. Some people prefer to grate them.

6. Pour kefir, add salt and stir. Okroshka will be thick.

7. Put the cold soup on plates, dilute with mineral water to the desired density. If necessary, you can add citric acid or a little fresh juice.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (diet recipe)

Low-calorie recipe for okroshka with kefir and mineral water, which even models can afford. The ingredients indicate chicken breast, but similarly, you can use turkey meat without skin or rabbit. Potatoes are not on the recipe.


• 0.4 kg of chicken fillet;

• 3 eggs;

• 5 cucumbers;

• 0.2 kg of radish;

• 2 bunches of greenery;

• 1 liter of kefir to 1%;

• mineral water.


1. We wash the chicken, remove the skin. Throw in boiling water and boil for half an hour. We get it, let it cool. Cut into small cubes and immediately pour kefir. The chicken will soak and be tender.

2. We also cut hard-boiled eggs, like chicken fillet.

3. Add the cucumbers cut into thin slices.

4. We throw the radish, which we cut arbitrarily. But it is better not to make large pieces so that the soup is more tender.

5. We sort and cut the greens. It can be parsley, onions, dill and any other. We throw in okroshka.

6. Stir, salt.

7. Pour in mineral water, stir and immediately pour on plates until the gases have evaporated.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (recipe with beef)

A variant of meat, very satisfying and insanely aromatic okroshka with beef. The recipe is the weight of the processed pitted pulp. Potatoes are not added to this cold soup, but can be put on request.


• 0.6 kg of beef;

• 0.3 kg of cucumbers;

• 5 boiled eggs;

• 2 bunches of greenery;

• kefir;

• mineral water;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 0.2 kg of radish.


1. Cook beef until cooked. You can do this immediately in the pan for the first dish, adding more meat. We take a piece out of the broth, cool and remove for an hour in the refrigerator.

2. Chilled meat is carefully cut into cubes and sent to the tureen.

3. Eggs are also cut and added to beef.

4. We sort, wash and dry the greens. Chop finely and send to cold soup.

5. It remains to cut the cucumbers with radish, pour everything together into okroshka. As already mentioned, potatoes are added as desired.

6. Season with lemon juice. We adjust the acid to your taste.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (recipe with boiled fish)

The recipe for an amazing fish okroshka with kefir and mineral water. Raw fish is needed for cooking. Zander, cod, pike, catfish, pink salmon, trout are suitable. You can use several types of different fish, the taste will be more interesting.


• 500 ml of kefir;

• 700 ml of mineral water;

• 2 potatoes;

• 250 grams of fish fillet;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 cucumber;

• salt pepper;

• a lot of greenery;

• 7-8 radishes.


1. We wash the fish fillet and toss it in a pot with boiling water. But we are not just pouring water. Immediately throw peppercorns, a small piece of laurel, salt, any other seasonings. Let the fillet boil for about ten minutes, take out. Cooling down. Then cut the fish into cubes.

2. We simply cook the potatoes in their uniforms, then we also cut them into cubes.

3. We take a cucumber and also cut into cubes. If the vegetable is small, then you can take two pieces.

4. Add chopped boiled eggs to the cucumbers with fish and potatoes.

5. Next we throw chopped greens and chopped radish.

6. Mix kefir with mineral water, salt to taste and send to okroshka.

7. Pour into plates and immediately send to the table. If you need to keep the soup longer, it is better not to dilute the dry mixture and pour the liquid directly into the plates.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (recipe with green peas)

For this wonderful okroshka you will need fresh or canned green peas. Cooked sausage is used, but similarly, you can take sausages, meat, chicken and make cold soup to your taste.


• 0.25 kg of sausage;

• 0.2 kg peas;

• 700 ml of kefir;

• 500 ml of mineral water;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 bunch of onions;

• 2 cucumbers;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• salt, citric acid.


1. Potatoes and carrots need to be boiled. You can do this in one pan. Then the root crops are cooled, peeled, cut into small cubes.

2. Boiled eggs also need to be cut, like potatoes.

3. Add to them sausage chopped in a similar way, or boiled meat.

4. Cut the washed cucumbers and chop all the greens. Add radish to cold soup as you wish.

5. It remains to throw green peas, add salt, pour kefir. If it is not acidic enough, then you can add a lemon. Be sure to breed and pour in small portions.

6. The mineral water is added to the plates when serving, so as not to miss the gas.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (recipe with mustard and horseradish)

Adding mustard to okroshka is practiced by many. But few people know that cold soup will turn out to be especially tasty if you also throw a little horseradish into it. It is best to use boiled meat.


• 1 liter of kefir;

• mineral water;

• 0.2 kg of cucumbers;

• 1 boiled potato;

• 0.1 kg of radish;

• 0.3 kg of boiled beef;

• 6 eggs;

• herbs and spices;

• 2 tablespoons of mustard;

• 1 tbsp. l horseradish canned.


1. Cut the meat, throw it into a saucepan.

2. Add chopped boiled eggs, but not all are cooked. Two pieces are left raw.

3. Following the potato, also boiled. Optionally, you can throw more potatoes.

4. Add chopped greens and chopped cucumbers with radishes.

5. Now beat with a fork raw eggs with prescription mustard and horseradish. Adjust the sharpness. If mustard is vigorous, then you can put less. Add salt to them, stir.

6. Pour the prepared fill into okroshka and you're done! When serving, pour mineral water for sharpening.

Okroshka on kefir with a mineral water (recipe with beets)

Beetroot okroshka is a delicious cold soup. It is also often called the "Baltic". It is better to cook beets in advance, as cooking takes time.


• 2 cucumbers;

• 1 beetroot;

• 0.2 kg of sausage;

• green onions, dill;

• 1 liter of kefir;

• 4 eggs;

• 500 ml of mineral water;

• 1-2 potatoes;

• radish to taste.


1. Boil the potatoes with eggs until cooked. We do the same with beets. We clean everything, cut into cubes, send it to a bowl.

2. Add chopped greens, cucumbers. You can put radishes, but not much.

3. Put the chopped sausage and you can already add kefir.

4. Salt the cold soup and let it stand for a while so that the beets put their color into it.

5. With a mineral water we adjust the density, pour water into the plates when serving.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water (recipe with sorrel)

The recipe for a sour and very interesting okroshka on kefir with mineral water and sorrel. The dish is very fragrant, summer, tasty in its own way.


• 1 large bunch of sorrel;

• 6 boiled potatoes;

• 1 liter of kefir;

• 1.2 liters of mineral water;

• 3 eggs;

• 3 cucumbers;

• different greens;

• 300 grams of meat or sausage;

• salt.


1. We sort out the sorrel. Cut finely, throw into the pan.

2. Add the rest of the chopped greens: onion, dill, parsley. We put a little salt and gently rub it with our hands so that the greens are slightly moistened and let the juice go.

3. Add boiled and chopped potato tubers.

4. We lay eggs, cucumbers.

5. Cut the sausage or lean meat. Also sent to okroshka.

6. Pour kefir, mix. Add the right amount of salt.

7. Pour mineral water immediately into the pan, stir and serve!

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water - useful tips and tricks

• Boiled meat or chicken does not always work out gently. To make small and even pieces, you need to keep the food in the refrigerator. Products get stronger, will be cut easily.

• Okroshka will be much more aromatic if all the greens are folded separately, then gently rub with your hands. For better juice extraction, you can add a little salt.

• If there is a lot of okroshka, then you do not need to immediately pour in the liquid and add spices. You can set aside some of the dry, cut food and put it in the refrigerator. It will be possible to breed fresh cold soup at any time.

• Okroshka is not only a wonderful cold soup, but also a wonderful salad. Set aside some dry ingredients. Season the part in the form of okroshka for dinner. And in the second part, you can add sour cream or mayonnaise and use as a salad for dinner.

• If kefir acid is not enough, then add citric acid, citrus juice or vinegar to cold soups. You can also add crushed leaves of sorrel.


Watch the video: Traditional Russian Cold Soup Recipe "Okroshka" Weird and Bizarre but SO GOOD! (June 2024).