Belena - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Belena - general description

Belena (rabies, fading, dope grass) is a poisonous plant belonging to the nightshade family. During
the first year, an shoot is formed, which is a rosette of elongated oval-shaped leaves, most often dark green. In the second year, the stem begins to grow, which reaches a height of 20-115 cm, has soft stem leaves with sticky glandular hairs and an extremely unpleasant smell.

The flower is quite large, has a funnel-shaped dirty yellowish corolla and a bell-shaped cup. The fruit in the form of a pitcher box 21-32 mm long opens at the top with a spherical lid, resembles a cup with spread teeth. It blooms throughout the summer, the fruits appear in late August.

Belena - types and places of growth

There are 20 types of bleached, some of them: white, Czech, Kopetdag, white, black, tiny, black, etc. In Europe and Asia, black is the most common.

This plant is distributed almost everywhere. It can be found in the Caucasus, in the European part, Siberia, in the Crimea, as well as in some temperate climatic zones of Asia and North America. Most often, black bleached can be found along roads, along the sides of ditches and river banks, on shallows, pastures, near wintering cattle, on the outskirts of vineyards, less often in orchards and vegetable gardens. Scattered small groups of ruderal weed do not form large thickets. Improving the crop culture led to the fact that the spread of weed decreased and some areas (Voronezh and Novosibirsk) included it in the list of industrial crops.

Belena - dosage forms

In medicine, atropine alkaloids are used, which are contained in all organs of the plant, as well as bleached oil (Oleum hyoscyami) extracted from seeds and leaves with oleic, linolenic and other acids. The leaves of the plant are rich in routine.

Belena - healing properties

Although preparations of belem are not prescribed on a large scale, the list of diseases in which there is a need to use these drugs is quite extensive.

These are bronchial asthma (Astmatin, Astmatol, Efatin), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gallstone disease, cholecystitis, pylorospasm, spasm of the intestine and urinary tract, hepatic and renal colic. Hyoscyamine is a bleached alkaloid. It is used in Aeron tablets as an antiemetic in air travel. This plant is used as part of ointments for the external treatment of pleurisy and cough, with bone tuberculosis.

Belena - recipes

The medicinal effect of bleached was known in ancient times. With inflammation of the oral cavity, our ancestors twisted dry leaves of bleached in the form of cigars and smoked, holding smoke in the mouth.

Belem is widely used in the external treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism, gout. For this, fresh leaves are moistened in ammonia and (1: 1), and infused in sunflower oil, after which they rub sore spots with this composition.

Prescription for gastrointestinal diseases:
1 teaspoon of leaves pour boiling water (0.5 l) and insist for an hour. Use for pain 1 tbsp. spoon before meals 3 times a day.

It must be remembered that all parts of bleached have a poisonous beginning. Mild poisoning is manifested by dry mouth and speech disturbance, photophobia and redness of the skin appears. Delusions and hallucinations are accompanied by tachycardia and a complete loss of orientation.

In severe poisoning, convulsions and the onset of coma are possible. Death can occur as a result of paralysis of the respiratory system and vascular insufficiency.


Marina 04/17/2016
This plant even has a dangerous look in my opinion. Such mysterious flowers that do not promise anything good))) But, like almost all poisonous plants, the belena has an excellent healing property. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of it.

Lina 04/17/2016
Yes, we had a similar case in childhood. Children ate all kinds of herbs, including bleached. So you’ll think about why we ate all this ??)))) In our case, there were also no serious consequences, but one girl had a sick stomach and something else.

Zhanna 04/17/2016
I remember how in our yard, in my distant childhood, the boys ate bleached. Thank God everyone was alive, but at first it was scary to look at them. They had a yellow complexion, raved not childishly, and they obviously had hallucinations.

Hope 04/17/2016
Wow! Not even anything, even an ointment with bleached bone tuberculosis is used! In general, I noticed that the more dangerous the plant is, the more toxic it is, the more it has more healing properties. But, in principle, this is understandable. Snake venom is also used for medicinal purposes.

Zina 04/17/2016
Well, I don’t know, from childhood I was told that such a poisonous bleached. Now I can’t even imagine what to use it somehow. Therefore, I will not even try, I will look for other ways. Moreover, we have enough different herbs.


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