How to get rid of pests on cherries: we fight aphids and rot of cherries. How and how to treat cherries?


Adults and children love the sweet berry - cherries. But growing a tree in your garden is very difficult. Cherry is often exposed to disease and pest attacks. Harvest suffers and its quantity is significantly reduced. How and how to help a tree?

Diseases and pests on cherries

All gardeners know that preventing tree diseases is much easier than curing them. How to recognize the first signs of a lesion and what to do?

1. Quite often, cherries suffer from a disease such as coccomycosis.

It’s easy to identify signs of damage. On the leaves of the tree you can notice small brown spots, which later merge into one larger spot. Such a disease leads to early leaf fall, the tree weakens and can die in winter. Pathogens winter in fallen leaves. For prevention in the fall, after the leaves fall, they need to be removed, and the soil under the tree should be dug up shallowly. From early spring, the tree trunk must be treated with copper sulfate, whitewash to skeletal branches. This will help get rid of wintering pests.

Spraying the tree with copper sulfate during the growing season also gives good results. The first treatment is carried out at the stage of bud swelling, the second - on a green cone before flowering. Subsequent treatments, if necessary, are carried out after flowering and harvesting, as well as after the leaves have fallen.

2. Cherry scab - a fungal disease of the leaves.

This disease can be recognized by the affected leaves, on which brown spots appear. With a severe defeat, the leaves curl into a tube, dry out and crumble. The ovaries cease to grow and dry.

To combat this disease, you need to remove all the fallen leaves and fruits, dig the ground under the tree and spray the cherry with copper chloride.

Processing is necessary in three stages:

• before buds appear;

• after flowering;

• after harvesting.

Scab quickly spreads and is transmitted to other plants. Productivity drops sharply. It is not worth neglecting preventive treatments.

3. Camedetection in cherries.

A common disease in stone fruits. The disease is not contagious. The trunk of the tree greatly expands in breadth, cracking and gum is formed. Appears on weakened trees affected by other diseases. Gum solidifies in the form of vitreous growths.

You can prevent the disease. It is necessary to properly grow a tree, timely treat it from pests, feed it and observe the irrigation regime.

The resulting gum is cut off, and the wounds on the tree are treated with garden varieties, smeared with copper sulfate or sorrel leaves.

4. Cherry weevil affects the cherry.

In spring, the beetle leaves after wintering and feeds on young shoots and tree flowers. The female weevil lays eggs in the fruit, when the larvae appear, they feed on fruit pulp. The yield of the tree falls, the fruits stop developing and fall off.

Fight the weevil on the cherry with the help of drugs that are sprayed after flowering. Applied for these purposes kalbofos.

5. Butterfly hawthorn affects flowers and buds of a tree.

The pest overwinters in fallen foliage under a tree. In autumn, you need to burn all the foliage, dig the soil under the tree. Cherry processing is carried out in the spring, the Actellik preparation is used for spraying.

6. Shoot moth - a large butterfly laying a larva on a cherry.

In the warm season, the butterfly lays larvae in the kidneys or cracks of the bark of trees. Eating young shoots and buds, the larvae cause a lot of trouble to the gardener.

To combat the butterfly, karbofos spraying and loosening of the earth in the root zone are used.

To combat diseases and pests on cherries should be systematically. Treatments are carried out several times per season. The last treatment should be a few weeks before harvesting. If possible, and a slight damage to the tree, sprayings are carried out with infusions of herbs.

Fighting aphids on cherries

Aphids are small insects that infect young shoots, leaves and buds of a tree. The appearance of aphids causes great harm to the sweet cherry: the tree stops growing, the shoots are deformed, the leaves are twisted.

You can fight aphids on cherries without the use of chemicals. You need to start processing immediately after the buds open.

• Spraying with household soap helps a lot. A bar of soap is grated, diluted in water and sprayed. This treatment should be repeated a few days after precipitation.

• Prepare an infusion of ash, which, not only destroying the pest, but also feeding the tree. To do this, 500 grams of the halls insist in 5 liters of water. After a few days, another 5 liters of water are added to the solution. The resulting suspension is sprayed with a tree.

• For processing, an infusion of potato tops, marigolds or dandelion is suitable. The raw materials are crushed, filled with water and insisted for 2 days. Such treatments are carried out several times a season.

To combat aphids on the cherry, it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of ants around the tree. In spring, all anthills are removed. You can shed a place of ants accumulation with boiling water.

With severe damage to the tree, folk remedies do not always cope. In such cases, you can not do without the use of chemicals. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

• "Fitoferm";

• "Commander";

• "Spark".

Rot on the cherry: how to recognize and how to fight

1. Gray rot is a dangerous disease of cherry.

The affected tree dries and disappears. At first, the disease spreads on the shoots and branches of a tree, they turn brown, wither and look more like burnt ones. The fruits begin to rot; gray rot forms on them.

Fighting this disease is not easy. Damaged branches need to be regularly cut, pick rotted fruits. For prevention, spraying with iron sulfate and Bordeaux liquid is carried out after flowering. In late autumn, whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches of a tree.

2. Fruit rot on a cherry.

This disease is widespread not only in cherries. Almost all stone trees are affected. There is a disease with a small spot on the fruits. Affected areas quickly cover the entire fetus, the flesh softens and loses its quality. The fruits are not suitable for consumption and processing.

The spores of the fungus can be seen after seven days. Yellowish-brown pillows with spores form on the fruits. Spores are carried by wind, rains and birds.

Rapid development of rot occurs in warm and too humid weather. If the cherry is damaged by brown spotting, then the risk of rotting fruits increases.

To combat fruit rot, it is necessary to carry out mandatory sanitary pruning of a tree in the spring. Cut out all the damaged branches, thin out the thickened crown of the tree, providing good ventilation of the crown.

If fruit rot is detected, damaged berries are removed, pruning of the affected branches is carried out. Regular top dressing with mineral fertilizers reduces the risk of cherry rot by fruit rot.

When a tree is damaged, chemicals can not be dispensed with. Processing is carried out several times. On a green leaf and after flowering. For spraying, copper or iron sulfate, Bordeaux liquid are used.

If spring has stood out with a large amount of rainfall, then the number of treatments is increased. Regular treatments are carried out after rains.

In the fall, preventive treatment is carried out after the leaves fall. Use the same preparations as for spring treatment.

When and how to process wood for disease prevention

It is possible to reduce the risk of cherry disease with fungal diseases by choosing varieties that are more resistant to viruses and fungi. Trees need to be selected taking into account the climatic zone of cultivation. Some modern varieties of cherries are resistant to many diseases.

Growing cherries in the garden, it is imperative to take preventive measures to control pests. Disease prevention should begin in the spring.

Each gardener should have in his arsenal the necessary comprehensive preparations for wood processing. This will help prevent many problems, especially for beginners who have difficulty identifying the disease.

These drugs include: Bordeaux liquid, malathion, copper and iron sulfate. To combat fungal diseases in the initial stages of the development of the disease, folk remedies that are present in every home often help.


Watch the video: Black aphids on cherry (July 2024).