Cold beetroot soup - delicious! Secrets of cold borsch from pickled beets and freshly picked root crops


What could be better in summer than a delicious cold beetroot soup?

Indeed, in the summer heat, heavy and fatty dishes do not attract.

The meal is prepared simply and does not require long and grueling standing at the hot plate.

A plate of cold borsch with beets will provide a full meal, fill with energy and pleasant sensations. The dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful: a ruby ​​broth in combination with white sour cream and bright greens pleases the eye.

How to cook cold beetroot soup - general principles of cooking

The main component of the dish is beets. It can be fresh and pickled. Especially tasty is borsch with beets, which are only ripped from the garden bed.

Besides her, there are cucumbers, radishes, eggs, potatoes, and a lot of greens. Often sausage, ham or boiled meat is added.

Beets, eggs, meat and potatoes need to be boiled and cut into small pieces. The remaining ingredients are used raw. They also need to be crushed.

Often, an egg is cut in half or in quarters and added directly to the plate.

Vegetables and greens are combined in a large saucepan and mixed. The liquid part of the borsch is provided by beetroot broth, kefir, sour milk, bread kvass.

In the dish, you can put not only salt, but sugar with pepper.

By adding lemon juice, vinegar, sorrel or a suitable dairy product, the borscht gets a sour taste.

The dish should be infused in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Although some recipes do not provide for this procedure.

Dressed with sour cream.

Recipe 1. Cold beetroot soup "Vitamin"


• two beets;

• 0.1 kg of sorrel;

• four cucumbers;

• two radishes;

• four tablespoons sour cream;

• two cups of sour milk;

• two eggs;

• four green onions;

• salt;

• several branches of dill.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the beets and rub it on a coarse grater.

  • Boil and peel the eggs.

  • We clean the cucumbers and cut them into thin plates.

  • Chop the green onion. Cut the radish into strips.

  • We hold the sorrel for several seconds in boiling water, dip it in cold water so that it does not change color, and finely chop it.

  • Mix beets, cucumbers and radishes with sour cream.

  • Add sour milk and mix.

  • We put sorrel, green onions and dill in borsch. Add a little salt and mix.

  • Cut the eggs in half and add them to a plate with cold beetroot borsch.

Recipe 2. Cold beetroot soup with sausage


• two beets;

• five potatoes;

• two cucumbers;

• four eggs;

• half a bunch of green onions and dill;

• sour cream;

• 0.300 kg boiled sausages without lard;

• one teaspoon vinegar

• salt.

Cooking method:

  • We peel the potatoes and cook in their entirety until cooked.

  • Grind beets on a grater, pour into a saucepan and pour two liters of water. When it boils, add vinegar, salt and cook until done.

  • Boil the eggs to a steep state. Peel and cut into small pieces.

  • Grind potatoes and cucumbers.

  • Cut the sausage into a small cube.

  • We combine all the cold ingredients in one bowl.

  • Shred the green onion and dill. Sent in the same bowl. We mix everything. The result was a salad without seasonings.

  • We put a saucepan with cooked beets in cold water so that it cools faster.

  • Put a few tablespoons of salad in a deep plate. Fill it with beetroot broth. Add sour cream to cold borsch and eat with pleasure.

Recipe 3. Cold borsch from pickled beet "Country"


• one cucumber;

• five radishes;

• five stalks of a green onion;

• half a bunch of dill;

• 250 gr. ham;

• one and a half liters of water;

• 450 gr. canned pickled beets;

• three teaspoons sugar;

• salt and freshly ground pepper - to taste;

• two tablespoons apple cider vinegar;

• one teaspoon mustard;

• boiled eggs and sour cream - to taste and right on the plate.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the eggs to a steep state. Peel and cut in half.

  2. We cut the cucumber into cubes, and the radish into half rings.

  3. Grind green onions and dill.

  4. Ham cut into a medium cube.

  5. We send the beets together with the marinade to the saucepan. Pour cool boiled water.

  6. Add apple cider vinegar, mustard, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir and taste.

  7. We put all the ingredients cut earlier in a saucepan and stir again.

  8. We close the lid and leave it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

  9. During lunch, put egg slices and sour cream on a plate.

Recipe 4. Cold Belarusian borsch with beets in Belarusian


• two beets;

• four cucumbers;

• two eggs;

• half a liter of kefir and kvass;

• juice of half a lemon;

• salt;

• chives and dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut beets into long and thin plates. Cook in water with salt and lemon juice until tender. Leave for cooling.

  2. Remove the peel from the cucumbers, remove with a spoon of seeds and cut into thin chips.

  3. Cook the eggs for eight minutes. In cold form, peel and cut into four parts.

  4. Shred the green onions.

  5. Put a tablespoon of cucumbers on a plate.

  6. Pour the beetroot on top.

  7. We place two pieces of eggs on a plate.

  8. Pour three or four tablespoons of kvass on one side, and the same amount of kefir on the other.

  9. We decorate a plate of borsch with sprigs of dill and slices of green onions.

Recipe 5. Cold Beetroot Soup with Refreshing Beets


• four small beets;

• three cucumbers;

• four eggs;

• one dining room sugar and lemon juice;

• 150 gr. sour cream;

• two liters tea mustard;

• a small bunch of onions and dill;

• salt;

• 1.5 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. We thoroughly peel the beets and cut them with long and thin straws.

  2. We boil water and add salt, sugar, lemon juice and beets.

  3. Cook over low heat for about twenty minutes. Be sure to cover the pot with a lid.

  4. Set the finished beets to cool.

  5. Thin sticks shred the cucumbers.

  6. Dill and onion chop as finely as possible.

  7. Add the cucumbers and greens to the pot with beets.

  8. Mix and put in the refrigerator for one hour.

  9. Cook eggs, chop into cubes.

  10. Mix sour cream with mustard.

  11. Pour the dish into plates, put eggs and sour cream mustard mixture there. The amount of the latter depends on the taste of those who will enjoy a refreshing meal.

Recipe 6. Cold beetroot soup "Grandma's recipe"


• four beets;

• one carrot;

• three potatoes;

• four eggs;

• three cucumbers;

• sour cream;

• half a bunch of green onions and dill.


• two liters of water;

• two dessert l. salts;

• three dessert l. sugar;

• one dessert L. citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Separately, boil eggs and carrots, beets, potatoes.

  2. Shred dill and green onion.

  3. Cut vegetables and eggs into small pieces.

  4. Cut the beets with medium cubes.

  5. In a large saucepan we put greens and all vegetables.

  6. We mix salt, sugar and citric acid in water. We insist for about ten minutes and pour into a saucepan with chopped ingredients.

  7. Sliced ​​eggs and sour cream should be added directly to a plate with cold beetroot soup.

Recipe 7. How to cook cold beetroot soup in Lithuanian


• one big beet;

• three eggs;

• one liter of kefir;

• four cucumbers;

• three potatoes;

• salt;

• half a bunch of onions and dill.

Cooking method:

  1. We bake beets in the oven. Send it under cold water and clean it.

  2. Rub the beets on a grater.

  3. Boil eggs and potatoes.

  4. We clean the cucumbers and cut into strips.

  5. In a bowl with beets, gradually add kefir. Constantly mix with a spoon.

  6. Put the cucumbers and stir again.

  7. Cut the onion, dill, and send it to the saucepan. Add to taste.

  8. The dish should stand in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

  9. Cut the eggs in half. We put one piece already in a plate with borsch.

  10. Potatoes are also served separately. It is advisable that it be hot.

Recipe 8. How to cook cold borsch from beets and potatoes, baked in the oven


• three beets;

• four potatoes;

• seven pcs. green onions;

• half a bunch of dill;

• one liter of kefir;

• four cucumbers;

• one liter of water;

• chili pepper on the tip of a knife;

• three tablespoons sour cream;

• salt;

• two eggs;

• one dining room sugar;

• half a lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. We put potatoes and beets in a cooking bag. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

  2. Cook and peel the eggs. We cut them into four parts.

  3. Pour two glasses of water into the pan.

  4. We cut the potatoes into medium pieces and send them to the bowl.

  5. Grind onions, dill and cucumbers. Also put them in a saucepan.

  6. Rub the beets on a grater. We load it into the vessel.

  7. Pour kefir, put sour cream.

  8. Pepper, salt, add the rest of the water and mix everything.

  9. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

  10. Pour sugar and taste. If necessary, you can add more.

  11. The next half hour borsch should spend in the refrigerator.

  12. Slices of eggs are already added to the plate.

Recipe 9: American-style Cold Beetroot Borsch


• three young beets;

• two potatoes;

• half a lemon;

• three quail eggs;

• two cucumbers;

• sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the beets, cut into four and cook in salted water. It will take half an hour for this.

  2. Boil potatoes and eggs at the same time.

  3. Cooked beets need to be cooled, and then chopped using a grater.

  4. We pour it back into the water, where it was boiled. We squeeze the juice from the lemon here.

  5. We clean the cucumbers and cut them into cute cubes.

  6. Grind the potatoes in the same way.

  7. We chop the eggs very finely.

  8. We send the chopped ingredients to the borsch and mix.

  9. Be sure to put a spoonful of sour cream in a plate with the dish.

Recipe 10. How to cook cold beetroot soup in Polish


• half a kilogram of lean beef;

• four beets;

• 500 gr. fresh cucumbers;

• 100 gr. lettuce;

• half a lemon;

• half a bunch of dill;

• four potatoes;

• one and a half liters of kefir and boiled water;

• salt, and pepper.

Cooking method:

  • We cook meat and vegetables separately. Potatoes need to be prepared immediately before eating.

  • We clean the beets and cut into strips.

  • Squeeze the juice from it out of half a lemon in order to preserve the ruby ​​color.

  • Pour the beets into a saucepan, pour water, pepper and salt.

  • Cut the cucumbers into strips.

  • Cut greens, lettuce and meat into small pieces.

  • Pour kefir into a saucepan with beets.

  • Pour cucumbers, meat, salad and dill.

  • We move the saucepan in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

  • We eat a bite dish with boiled hot potatoes.

  • How to cook cold beetroot soup - tricks and tips

  • It is better to cut the beets in strips, rather than in a cube - then it will boil faster.

  • The longer the borsch is infused, the tastier it is.

  • Beets cooked in a peel with roots and stalk residues will be more juicy.

  • Do not squeeze the lemon too hard - the juice will become bitter.

  • In order to make borsch even more beautiful and tastier, you need to use the most sweet and bright beet varieties, for example, "Bordeaux".


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