Why does the dead child dream: don’t be scared, everything will be fine! Basic Interpretations of Dreams about Dead Children


Dreams about death bring a lot of negative emotions. In particular, dreams about the death of a child. Anyone would be unpleasant to see such a dream. But does it always promise unpleasant events, or can it mean something else? Often such dreams do not promise death and disease, do not portend tragedies. Then why and why are they dreaming?

What does a dead child dream about - basic interpretations

The dream world is interesting and intimidating. You can never take dreams literally without interpreting them properly. Do not immediately panic when you see death in a dream. It is worth explaining the whole dream, and not just its negative part.

If you dreamed that a stranger to your child had died who has no blood relationship with you - such a dream indicates that you have accumulated doubts and feelings, you have a lot of fears and concerns in reality. You should be attentive to everything around you and what is happening.

If you are looking forward to an important event and on the eve of it, you have a dream about the death of a child - It is worth preparing for failure. Self-control and discipline will help to improve the situation. Such a dream is a warning, which must be taken into account and take a responsible position in relation to what is happening.

It is worth noting that the death of a fictional baby speaks exclusively about the fears and psychological blocks of a person. Also, such a dream promises a series of failures in life, but they cannot be eternal and will not touch on personal relationships. Although it is peace in my personal life that mainly concerns everyone.

If you dream about a dead child, around which there are puddles of blood - you should not literally take this dream:

• get dirty in the blood - ask for help from loved ones;

• Wipe off blood - pay too much attention to other people's problems;

• Lubricate your palms - you should consider concluding a profitable deal.

Why dream of a dead child to expectant mothers

Pregnant women are very sensitive to the manifestations of other people's emotions. They perceive everything around them quite actively. Especially they listen and look closely at their dreams. Every detail is important to them, and what a horror it is when they dream that they have a dead child. They are immediately overcome by horror and fear, and in vain. Why? Because such a dream does not really carry predictions of negative events.

Most likely, such a dream indicates an increased susceptibility and emotionality of the future mother. He points to the increased excitability of her psyche, the predominance of fears for the health of his child. It is worth remembering that thoughts have the property of materializing and there is no need to exaggerate and pump clouds of negativity around you.

Especially women are oppressed by dreams in which infants are bloodied. Such dreams only say that a woman needs to seek help from her crown relatives. Do not rely on the support of friends - you should rely on your own strength and ingenuity. And when the situation came to a standstill - it is worth counting only on close and dear people.

It is also worth paying special attention to those mummies who do not manage to conceive a baby in such dreams. If it appears to them in a dream how they give birth to a dead baby - this dream is for joyful events. So, the long-awaited conception will soon happen. But do not worry about the health of the future baby - it will be strong and the delivery will be successful.

A fetus frozen in the womb promises the need to be more scrupulous about its plans and calculate them again, to weigh and evaluate everything additionally. Also, such a dream may indicate that mom is very concerned about her life and has completely forgotten about the life of her beloved man.

Why does the dead child dream of Miller’s dream book

What is the dream of a dead child? How does Miller interpret such a dream? Everything is not always so tragic and sad in reality as in a dream, Miller points out. In fact - if you dreamed about how a child dies or how he is born dead, but his parents successfully resurrect him - in reality all unresolved problems will be resolved, all unrelated matters will succeed. You just have to want it.

If the child revives himself, then this indicates that the person is a fighter, he is able to overcome a huge number of obstacles and remain at the same time winning. It is also worth taking a closer look at the events in life - you are waiting for the opportunity to quickly solve all your problems, meet the right people. Get answers to basic questions.

If you dream of a dead child with tears in his eyes - minor health troubles are possible, which a person will be able to quickly overcome. If a dead child is buried in a dream, and even in a small coffin - it means that a person will face enormous problems and sorrows. You will need to try hard enough to find solutions to problems.

If in a dream a child appeared who had long since died in reality - such a dream promises the appearance of various problems in the life of his parents. Thus, he warns them of impending difficulties.

If a parent dreams how he kills his child - in reality he will have the only opportunity to save his child from real disaster. He will need to put a lot of effort and attention to not miss this chance.

Miller points out that an unmarried girl dreams of a dead child only before changing her marital status. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the imminent changes.

What does the dead child dream of in other dream books

In ancient dream books it was indicated that the dream in which an unfamiliar dead infant had a dream was to warn of a change in weather. If you dream about how to bury a baby - in reality one should expect a bad harvest, failures in trade and in the conclusion of transactions.

The Ukrainian dream book warns girls who dream that they had a dead baby - such a dream does not pose a danger to them and you should not be afraid for your health and the health of loved ones. If young parents dream that their acquaintances had a sick child who soon died, then they will have problems with their own children.

The esoteric dream book offers its interpretation of what a dead child dreams of:

• Perhaps replenishment in the family soon;

• In the near future profitable job offers are possible;

• If you dream that a child is hit by a car and he dies, long trips are possible;

• See a drowned baby - to travel on water.

It is also worth paying attention to the situation of the whole dream, to the mood that arises when viewing a dream. If grief overcomes - it is worth understanding yourself and dispelling your own fears and fears. If the mood is very good - you should look at other little things in a dream.

Also, the birth of a dead baby can promise to receive important news. The arrival of relatives from afar is possible. Also, a dream about a dead child can promise a person’s degeneration, his desire to take a new path, to begin work on himself.

In the dream book of Hasse it is indicated that if parents had a dream about the death of their newborn baby, then in real life it is worth being very attentive to their own health, injuries and accidents are possible. The younger the child, the more active the problems and failures will be.

If the child in the family is already an adult and the parents dream of his death, in real life he will survive a strip of failures and problems. They can beat him, cheat. Parents should be more attentive to the life of their child, especially when it comes to a teenager.

To hold the baby’s corpse in your hands - you must stop tyrannically raising children. Children need understanding and care. It is less necessary to control children in order to make their life more stable and joyful. It is also worth taking a closer look at interpersonal relationships in a couple, perhaps one of the spouses allows excessive control in relation to their second half.

It is worth noting, that there are a lot of interpretations of what the dead child dreams of and it is worth interpreting all the details of the dream. If during a dream a person overcomes panic, it means that he himself feels the danger that lies in wait for him in reality. Those who already have children should not panic, the main thing is to figure out the reason for sleep. In particular, if the interpretation speaks of positive changes in human life.

Believe dreams or not - everyone decides independently, but why not listen to their sensible advice? After all, it is they who can solve a lot in life, help find the right path, suggest how to improve relations with loved ones.


Watch the video: 7 Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore! (July 2024).