A stew with meat in a slow cooker is an ideal diet dish. Several recipes for meat stew in a slow cooker with various vegetables and mushrooms


Ragout with meat in a multicooker cooks quickly and easily, but it's just a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and healthy fiber. Moreover, during the preparation of stew with meat in a slow cooker, many of the useful substances are preserved much better than with any other cooking methods. After all, a slow cooker allows you to cook not only quickly and easily, but also in a sparing mode.

Stew with meat in a slow cooker is recommended by nutritionists because the combination of meat and vegetables is considered the most useful. And it doesn’t matter which vegetables are used. However, it is often believed that meat and starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, should not be combined. If you are of the same opinion, just do not put the potatoes in your stew: you can pick up another, equally tasty composition.

General principles for cooking stew with meat in a slow cooker

Ragout with meat in a slow cooker can be cooked with any vegetables, however, the most delicious combinations are cabbage (especially white and colored), green beans, carrots, sweet pepper and eggplant. But this does not mean that you should not take other vegetables. It is simply advisable to put something from the list into your stew with meat in the multicooker.

From the above it follows that you can cook stew with meat in a slow cooker at any time of the year from seasonal vegetables, and you can also use frozen.

Cooking stew with meat in a slow cooker is necessary in two stages: first, meat is cooked for a while (beef for about half an hour, chicken 15 minutes), then vegetables are loaded.

How large or small the various vegetables should be cut for meat stew in a slow cooker depends on your preference, but should not be finely chopped. Pieces of medium size, correlated with the size of pieces of meat, look more decorative.

To cook stew with meat in a slow cooker, use the "Stew" mode. Sometimes they prefer the “Baking” mode, but in this case you need to add water to the bowl and make sure that the dish does not burn, as the water will boil off pretty quickly. If you use the "Stewing" mode, that is, it is possible to cook stew with meat in a slow cooker without adding water in your own juice of vegetables.

Before cooking, rinse the meat and free it from bones and films, unless otherwise prescribed by prescription.

Recipe 1. Stew with meat in a slow cooker beef with eggplant


  • Eggplant - two small or one large

  • Beef (you can take pork or turkey fillet) - 700 g

  • Sweet pepper - 1 large pod

  • Carrot - One

  • Garlic - 3 cloves

  • Vegetable oil - approximately 3 large spoons

Cooking method

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces. Put it in a slow cooker, where to add half the vegetable oil, and cook in the "Stew" mode for half an hour.

  2. While the meat is cooking, wash the vegetables, free the pepper from the seeds and the stalk, and peel the carrots and garlic.

  3. Cut carrots into neat, beautiful circles, and pepper and eggplant into medium-sized slices. When the signal about the readiness of the meat sounds, pour the remaining oil into the multicooker and put the vegetables: first eggplant, then carrot and pepper. Close the lid again and set the "Extinguishing" mode for another 40 minutes.

  4. Open the slow cooker again, salt the stew, squeeze the garlic through a special press, mix and bring to readiness for 5 to 15 minutes.

Recipe 2. Stew with meat in a slow cooker with summer vegetables


  • Soft pork, turkey or chicken fillet (of your choice or all together) - half a kilo

  • Young zucchini or zucchini - 1 small

  • String Beans - A Handful

  • Young carrot - 1 small thing

  • Turnip - 1 small

  • Cauliflower - part of a head of cabbage the size of a fist

  • Bulgarian pepper - one pod

  • Tomato - 1 large

  • Onion - 1 head

  • Salt, Vegetable Oil

  • Greens for serving

Cooking method

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces. Chop the onion lightly. Put these products in a slow cooker, adding a couple of tablespoons of oil, and simmer for about 30 minutes.

  2. While this happens, peel the vegetables (zucchini and turnip, if they have a delicate skin, you can not peel).

  3. Cut the carrot into slices, turnip, pepper and zucchini into cubes, sort the cauliflower into small inflorescences (stems and tender leaves can be chopped and also added to the stew), beans, if its pods are long, cut into pieces up to 3 cm long. Remove from the tomato. peel, chop the vegetable finely or even chop with a knife.

  4. When half an hour of stewing is over, open the slow cooker and add vegetables and a spoonful of oil. Stir, salt and simmer for about 20 minutes.

  5. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Recipe 3. Stew with meat in a slow cooker of pork ribs with quince


  • Pork ribs or cartilage with meat - half a kilo

  • Quince - 1 large fruit

  • Potatoes - 4 medium

  • Carrots - 1 root vegetable

  • Onion - One

  • Tomato juice (available for purchase) - half a glass

  • Vegetable oil, salt

Cooking method

  1. Cut the ribs into small pieces, if necessary, chop into parts and rinse very thoroughly with running water. Put them in a slow cooker, add oil and cook for 5 minutes with the "Frying" mode.

  2. Chop the onion and rub the carrots, preferably on a fairly large grater, you can even chop finely. Put them to lightly fried pork ribs, mix and cook for another 5 minutes under the same mode.

  3. Wash quinces and potatoes. If the potato is young, leave it in a peel, if it is already gone or its origin gives you doubts, peel it. Cut the quince and potatoes with equal slices of medium size.

  4. To the ribs and carrots with the onion, put the chopped quince and potatoes, salt, pour tomato juice, mix and cook in the "Stew" mode for three quarters of an hour.

  5. If you like thick gravy, pour a spoonful of flour in it before pouring juice into the stew.

Recipe 4. Stew with meat in a slow cooker poultry "Budget"


  • Chicken fillet (it is better to cut it yourself from the frame) - 400 g

  • Potato - 5-6 pieces, depending on size

  • Zucchini - half large or whole young (instead of zucchini, you can use a piece of pumpkin)

  • Carrots - a pair of medium-sized

  • Onion - One

  • White cabbage - a piece the size of a palm

  • Tomatoes - a couple of small ones (can be replaced with a spoon of tomato paste and even sauce

  • Vegetable oil, salt

  • You can add a clove of garlic or a spoonful of caraway seeds

Cooking method

  1. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces.

  2. Similarly, cut potatoes and zucchini. If the zucchini is young, it can be used in whole stews; if this is a finished fruit in the phase of biological maturity, it is necessary to clean it and remove the bones - just scrape the whole middle with a spoon, leaving only the walls.

  3. Finely chop the carrots and onions, chop the cabbage into thin and short strips.

  4. Peel the tomatoes, chop them with a knife or chop them with a blender.

  5. In a slow cooker pour two spoons of oil, put a chicken, mix it with a onion and carrot.

  6. Lay the next layer of zucchini or pumpkin, potatoes and cabbage. Top with gruel from tomato.

  7. In half a glass of water, stir the salt and pour into a slow cooker. Add garlic, cumin or other spices if desired.

  8. Stew for 40 minutes.

  9. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Recipe 5. Ragout with meat in a slow cooker with champignons


  • Pork or turkey fillet (you can take a chicken) - 400 g

  • Onion - half

  • Champignon mushrooms (or oyster mushrooms) fresh - 300 g (you can use the same amount of frozen)

  • Tomatoes - a pair of medium-sized pieces

  • Potato - 3 large tubers

  • Sweet pepper - 1 fruit (you can take a handful of shredded frozen pepper)

  • Salt, Vegetable Oil

  • Mayonnaise - 3 large spoons

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the meat, rinse and cut into small cubes. Mushrooms cut into large slices. Shred the beam in half rings.

  2. Put the meat, onions and mushrooms in a slow cooker, adding oil, mix everything and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

  3. Peel a potato, cut into cubes or slices of medium size. Pepper finely chop. From the tomatoes, having previously scalded them with boiling water, remove the skin; chop finely.

  4. Put potatoes and peppers in meat with mushrooms and onions. Mix the chopped tomatoes with mayonnaise and add a quarter cup of water (if frozen mushrooms were used, you do not need to add water), salt, mix with a fork or whisk and pour the resulting stew sauce.

  5. Simmer for about an hour by setting the appropriate mode.

Recipe 6. Ragout with meat in a slow cooker with beer and lamb


  • Lamb - 500 g

  • Dark beer - 400 ml

  • Potato - 4 tubers

  • Eggplant - half large

  • Sweet pepper - one

  • Carrot, onion - one each

  • Zucchini - a small piece, about 10 cm long

  • Garlic, herbs - to taste

  • Salt

  • Frying oil

Cooking method

  1. Rinse and chop the meat quite finely. Chop onions and carrots. Peel and cut the potatoes, zucchini, peppers and eggplant into small cubes.

  2. Place butter and onions with carrots in the multicooker bowl and cook in the "Frying" mode, without closing the lid, for 10 minutes.

  3. Get vegetables and put meat. Fry it too 10 minutes.

  4. On top of the meat, lay raw vegetables (they can be mixed, but can be layered in layers: eggplant, potatoes, peppers, zucchini), salt, lay the carrots with onions and pour beer.

  5. Extinguish the hour with the appropriate mode. Stir and check the readiness of the meat. If harsh, cook with the same mode for another quarter of an hour.

Slow cooked meat stew: tricks and tips

  • Eggplant, zucchini and zucchini can be peeled before being put in stew, or left with a peel if it looks good and does not have much damage.

  • It is usually recommended that after the eggplant has been sliced, sprinkle it with salt and leave for half an hour, and then rinse with water. This is done in order to get rid of excess bitterness. But if you just like this peculiar bitterness, just rinse the pieces of eggplant so that they absorb less oil, leaving them to insist in salt.


Watch the video: Easy Slow Cooker Beef Stew. One Pot Chef (July 2024).