Kefir cheese cakes are a multinational product. Options for cakes with kefir cheese: with pumpkin, onions


Cheese cakes are considered by many nations to be a very useful and tasty ancestor of bread.

Although not even quite an ancestor, rather a harbinger.

There are many types of dough for cheese cakes and many cooking methods. In oil, without oil, in a frying pan, in the oven, in yeast, fresh, salty, sweet ...

The taste of the tortillas depends in large part on what kind of cheese you are using.

Kefir cheese cakes are very popular. In such cakes, you can put the filling: standard like ham, sausage, or unusual in the form of nuts, raisins and so on.

In addition to hard cheeses, processed cheeses, feta cheese, cream cheese are also used.

It all depends on your imagination and fiction.

General principles for the preparation of cakes with cheese on kefir

So that cheese cakes on kefir do not burn, they must be baked very quickly.

If you use oil, it is preferable to fry the tortillas on olive, then there will be more benefit from it, and less cholesterol.

Bake cakes with the lid closed.

Fry cheese cakes on both sides.

Cheese is preferably grated on the largest side of the grater.

Use only premium flour, it depends on how soft the cheese cakes will be.

If you conceived cheese cakes on kefir with herbs, use only fresh herbs. Dried greens will not give the cakes the necessary aroma and taste.

It is necessary to strictly maintain the necessary proportions. If you go too far with flour, then the cakes will taste like rubber.

Ready cakes should lie down for some time after roasting, not for long, about five to seven minutes.

If you want to get the maximum benefit, we recommend baking cheese cakes on kefir in the oven.

Cheese cakes on kefir: a taste from distant childhood

Cakes according to this recipe very much resemble those that our grandmothers once treated us to in their village kitchens. In the recipe, one of the ingredients indicates ham, but you can, with a clear conscience, replace it with sausage, or completely exclude it from the composition. It will turn out no less tasty.


• a couple glasses of flour

• a glass of kefir

• spoon of sugar

• half a pack of margarine

• one egg

• a spoon of soda

• a pinch of salt

• medium piece of cheese

• dill greens

• the third part of a stick of ham

• olive oil

• pepper and spices


To prepare the dough for cheese cakes, we do not need much time.

First of all, mix soda with sugar and egg, add kefir to the same place and mix everything carefully.

Margarine must be melted and poured into kefir.

Mix the flour with salt and add to the kefir and margarine. We mix everything very well and prepare the dough.

We leave the finished dough for 10 minutes. At this time, you can do the filling.

Hard cheese should be grated.

Cut the ham into very small cubes.

Dill greens need finely chopped. Mix all.

We start making cheese cakes. Divide the dough into three parts. We roll out each. In the middle of the tortilla, spread the filling and gently connect the edges of the tortilla. After that, turn the cheese cake down with a seam and roll it to the size of the pan.

We heat the pan, heat a small amount of oil and fry the cake. Five minutes on each side.

We give the finished cakes a little rest and serve not a table with sour cream or cream.

A quick and easy recipe for kefir cheese cakes

This recipe for many housewives becomes one of the first when mastering culinary science. Cheese cakes are very simple to prepare, and not many products are used. A budget option for treating unexpected guests.


• a glass of kefir

• the third part of a spoon of soda

• salt

• a spoon of sugar

• a couple glasses of flour

• middle piece of cheese


Flour before making cakes with cheese on kefir must first be sifted through a sieve.

Kefir mixed with sugar, soda, add salt.

Cheese is best taken hard varieties, wipe it through a coarse grater.

Mix flour with cheese, add to kefir. Make the dough, but not very cool.

The finished dough needs to be divided into three lumps.

Each roll out to fit the pan.

Heat the pan, and spread the cakes on the bottom. It is necessary to bake cheese cakes on each side for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

Serve with sour cream, milk, cream.

Mexican Kefir Cheese Pie

Mexicans use milk powder and water to make cheese cakes, but on kefir, cheese cakes are more fluffy and satisfying. To make the cakes more airy, you can increase the amount of soda or baking powder.


• a couple glasses of flour

• salt

• a small piece of butter

• a glass of kefir

• medium piece of hard cheese

• half a spoon of sugar

• a small pinch of soda


Mix soda with salt and sugar, add kefir.

Mix everything with pre-sifted flour.

Spread the butter in a mass and grind the dough to make crumbs.

Three cheese on a grater and mix with dough crumbs. Knead the dough carefully so that no lumps remain.

Grease a frying pan with oil, we glow.

We divide the dough into 6 parts, each roll out a couple of cm thick.

We spread the cakes on a frying pan and cover with foil, fry for 10 minutes.

Turn over to the other side and also fry for 10 minutes.

Such cheese cakes should be eaten while they are hot.

Cheese cakes on kefir: the benefits are proven by the ancients

It is believed that the benefits of cheese and kefir were spoken by the ancient Greeks. They proved that cheese is nutritious and contains many vitamins, and kefir is rich in minerals. Many replace yogurt with kefir, both products are similar in composition, but when cooking cheese cakes, it is still best to use kefir.


• medium piece of salted cheese

• spices

• mint

• a glass of kefir

• green onions

• a small piece of butter

• a couple glasses of flour

• salt

• a spoon of sugar

• half a spoon of soda


Gently mix kefir with sugar and salt, add soda and flour, previously sifted.

Knead the dough, you need to make it very elastic.

Leave the dough for half an hour under a clean towel.

We wash the mint and onion and crumble, three cheese on a grater, mix well, add spices.

Divide the dough into 6 parts, each roll out.

In the center of the cake we spread the cheese filling, connect the edges. These "pies" are carefully rolled out to fit the pan.

We heat the pan, do not grease it with anything, fry the cakes on it. Five minutes on each side.

When the cakes are ready, grease them with butter.

Tortillas with kefir cheese: a Chechen note

These cakes are prepared with pumpkin filling. It turns out that the dish is very juicy and tasty, such cakes will become worthy rivals of the real Chechen cakes Hingals.


• half a liter of kefir

• one onion

• kg of flour

• a spoon of soda

• sugar

• one medium pumpkin

• a pair of eggs

• a small piece of butter

• salt

• a piece of cheese


Mix eggs with salt, soda and sugar, pour kefir into a cup and mix gently. Gradually add the sifted flour, knead a soft dough.

We leave the finished dough for 15 minutes.

Rinse pumpkin, peel seeds and peel, cut into small cubes.

Peel the onion and cut into small half rings.

In a pan, stew the pumpkin with onions in butter. When the filling is ready, you need to cool it.

Divide the dough into 20 parts. Roll out each thinly. Put pumpkin filling in the center, distribute it throughout the tortilla. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Put another flat cake on top, connect the edges.

In a frying pan, not oiled and heated, bake cakes. Each on both sides for five to seven minutes. Grease cakes with butter and serve hot.

Cheese cakes on kefir: there is something to surprise relatives

This recipe is similar to chapati. Only when preparing the dough, not water, but kefir is used. Tortillas turn out delicious and are perfect for soup or borsch.


• a glass of kefir

• half kg of flour

• a spoon of vegetable oil

• salt

• a piece of butter

• dill

• garlic

• basil and parsley

• medium piece of hard cheese


Mix the sifted flour with kefir and vegetable oil, salt. Knead a soft dough. Leave it under a clean towel for half an hour.

After that, you can prepare the mass for the filling. Crush greens, grate cheese, crush garlic on a garlic press. Salt everything and mix well.

Divide the dough into 10 lumps, each roll.

Put the filling in the center of the tortilla, connect the edges. Roll and fry again in a skillet. Do not grease the pan. Fry the cakes on both sides for five minutes.

Serve hot on the table, you can decorate with finely chopped greens.

Tips and tricks for making kefir cheese cakes

  • To make the dough soft and elastic, add flour gradually. The ideal dough for cheese cakes does not stick to your hands.

  • For cheese cakes on kefir, you can use a variety of greens: from dill to rosemary.

  • It is preferable to fry the cakes for no more than 10 minutes, if you grease the pan with oil, then you need to fry the cakes even less.

  • To make the cheese cakes juicy, grease them after cooking with butter and leave them under the lid for a couple of minutes.

  • Remember that the dough is elastic, do not overdo it with flour. Better not to fill up than to fill up.

  • If you use a baking powder instead of soda, double it compared to soda.


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