Vatochnik - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Vatochnik - general description

An ovary is a perennial herb with lanceolate, oblong-ovate, opposite leaves. The flowers of the plant are white, orange, pink or red. Belongs to the fawn family. The plant can reach a height of about 100 centimeters. Flowering occurs in summer or autumn, gives bristly fruits. The plant is a very good honey plant, so there are always a lot of bees and butterflies near it.

Vatochnik - types and places of growth

The plant is grown in open ground. The plant feels best in an open area, some species may even die from a lack of sun. The plant is very common in the tropics, subtropics, in Africa and America. The territory along the road, wasteland, forest belt and weedy places - it is here that you can often find a quack.

In total, the genus of an ovochnik has about 80 species. The most common are:
- Syriac quiver, or, as it is also called by the people, Aesculapius grass. This is a type of fleece with dense, oblong leaves is a herbaceous plant. It blooms from July to August. On the ripened seeds are white silky hairs.

- Tuberose ovary is a plant about 50 - 70 cm high. It has bright orange flowers.

- Foam meat-red is a perennial plant about 1 - 1.2 m high with branched, leafy stems and red or pink-purple pleasantly smelling flowers. It blooms from July to August.

Vatochnik - healing properties

Since ancient times, the quilted coat has been very widely used as a medicinal plant and as a technical culture. The wooper very effectively copes with non-healing purulent wounds, ulcers, they treat the places of bites of various insects.

The plant is also very well established in phytocosmetics. Here it is used as an anti-aging agent, because it contains a huge amount of amino acids.

Extracts prepared from the osseous are very effective in combating a variety of skin diseases, including eczema, lichen, psoriasis.

The most important advantage of the quacker can be called the fact that it helps to treat various forms of cardiovascular failure. It also treats shortness of breath, arrhythmia, tachycardia. All this is due to the content of strophanthin-like cardiac glycosides in it.

Vatochnik - dosage forms

In medicine, inflorescences, roots and seeds are used, as well as milky juice. To do this, the plant is harvested from June to July, and the seeds are harvested as soon as they ripen. From the obtained raw materials, tinctures, decoctions, and powders are prepared.

Vatochnik - recipes

To prepare a decoction from the scoop, 10 g of roots are crushed, filled with water and insisted for 15 minutes. The tincture is prepared in this way: 10 g of crushed dry rhizomes of the ointment are poured into 100 ml of alcohol, insisted for 14 days. Accepted for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Powder from a cotton swab is used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. To do this, grind a few grams of the plant and use inside 0.1 g several times a day.

Very effective for the treatment of arrhythmias, cardiovascular diseases is phytosborne, which includes a cotton wool and also mild plants such as aromatic ruta, spring nomad, yellow jaundice, mountain arnica and gooseberry.

Vatochnik - contraindications

Take the plant very carefully, because it is poisonous. You can not consume more than twenty drops of tincture per day. Plant tissues are also filled with poisonous milky juice, which can cause skin irritation.


Karina 04/18/2016
What I noticed - a lot of people began to become interested and resort to treatment, namely folk remedies. Various flowers and herbs. People finally understood that pills help very conditionally, there will certainly be some side effect.

Miracle 04/18/2016
And I, perhaps, will pay attention to this plant, in connection with the rejuvenation of our mortal body))) Since it is already used in phytocosmetics, it makes sense to try to use it. It’s possible to cook some broth from the scoop yourself.

Tom 04/18/2016
I was interested in this, a previously unknown plant. Especially. as it is written, it has been known to certain peoples for a very long time. So, it’s still a proven means. I want to try it in the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

Olga 04/18/2016
It’s strange somehow ... It is written that this plant helps with psoriasis, eczema, etc. And in the end it is said. that it can cause irritation of this very skin ... Although, maybe this side effect occurs only with an overdose.

Sonya 04/18/2016
In general, the first time I hear about such a plant. And again - poisonous. And we are not growing. You need to look at the pharmacy to see if it is there, mom needs some very effective remedy for eczema. And, here I read that he is part of various fees. Thank.
