The British Queen lost her beloved pet


The sad news came from the UK. In Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite, a Corgi dog named Monti, died.

Over the years, pets have brightened her Majesty's life. The Queen is in charge of several more dogs, which are rarely mentioned in the press. But Monty, as well as two other royal dogs - Holly and Willow - became famous throughout England, thanks to the participation in the filming of the comedy sketch about James Bond. He was shown at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in London.

In the video, the pets met actor D. Craig at the entrance to the palace. Then it became clear to everyone that the queen was still that doggiver. In addition to Monti and Sider, many dogs visited her Majesty's palace. To date, Elizabeth has at least four pets in her care: two Corgi - Holly and Willow and two Dorgi (a mixture of Corgi with a dachshund) - Volcano and Candy.

The warmest queen of Great Britain belonged to Monty, who recently died at the age of thirteen. “I loved my little girl Monty very much. Her death is a real tragedy for me. I can say that she inherited from the most dear person on Earth - my mother,” the queen quotes, brushing off tears from her eyes.

According to the press, Corgi dogs have always been successful in the palace, since the thirties of the twentieth century these cute animals belonging to the shepherd family are integral members of Buckingham Palace.


Watch the video: THE QUEEN'S CORGI Trailer 2019 (July 2024).