Rice porridge in milk - the alphabet of dietary cuisine. To young mother: how to cook rice porridge with milk


Rice in milk, "white in white" is one of the principles of a restorative diet. Whatever version of the dish you choose, it should turn out to be easy for the stomach, sufficiently satisfying and high-calorie. And for those who are everywhere looking for additional utility, we offer recipes with the addition of honey or fruits.

Rice porridge with milk - general principles of preparation

• Rice porridge with milk can be prepared in various ways: cook over an open fire (on the stove), in a slow cooker, or steam in the oven. The cooking methods are not particularly different, but porridge cooking in the oven or multicooker has a big plus - you do not need to follow it, it will not run away and will not stick.

• For rice porridge in milk, white round-shaped, polished rice is best suited - it is this type of cereal that is steamed faster and better. The dairy dish from it is tender, with a light creamy aftertaste. It is not recommended to take steamed rice for milk porridges - the dish will have a specific aftertaste and smell.

• Before cooking, grits must be sorted out and rinsed several times with cold water. The longer the rice cereal is washed, the more gluten and starch come out of it. This, in turn, is reflected in the consistency of the finished dish: the less starch and gluten in the rice, the crumbier the porridge.

• With the preparation of rice porridge with milk in the oven or slow cooker, everything is simple and simple - pour the rice with milk, add additional products and leave to cook for the time specified in the recipe. But the dish cooked on the stove requires special attention and has some of its tricks:

- You can’t cook milk porridge over an intense fire, the liquid will evaporate quickly, and the rice will not yet be steamed and will remain moist;

- porridge is cooked only under the lid, but it is closed loosely, be sure to leave a small gap so that the milk does not run out;

- so that the rice porridge does not burn, they are periodically stirred, trying to separate the bottom layer from the bottom as best as possible.

• You can cook porridge with pure milk or diluted with water. In milk, cereals will cook more slowly and there is a risk that the dish will burn. Whether to dilute milk with water or not, everyone decides for himself. There is another simple way how to cook rice porridge with milk so that it does not burn. First, the cereal is slightly boiled in water, then the broth is decanted, and the rice is poured with milk and brought to readiness.

• The porridge is sweetened with sugar or honey, and the taste of the dish is regulated by adding salt, which is put in accordance with your own taste.

• Flavor any milk porridge with high-quality butter, which is added during cooking or at the end. Additionally, a small piece of oil is placed in each plate when serving, if the dish is served hot.

How to cook rice porridge in milk with baked pumpkin


• 400 gr. Pumpkins

• rice, round grain - 3/4 cup;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• creamy 72% butter;

• half a liter of medium fat milk.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pumpkin, select the seeds and cut the peel. Cut the juicy pulp into medium-sized slices, a centimeter thick, and tightly lay the pieces in a pot.

2. Dilute the honey with half a glass of heated water. Pour the cooked syrup into the pumpkin and put the pot in the oven for 55 minutes.

3. Rinse the rice in cold water until the groats “creak” slightly. Boil the rice after boiling for three minutes over low heat and strain the broth. Pour the cereal with boiling water and bring to a half-preparedness. Drain the broth, and discard the rice in a colander.

4. Boil milk and pour it on boiled rice, add baked pumpkin without syrup. Boil the porridge for several minutes and set aside from the heat.

5. Place butter on the surface with slices, cover tightly and cool slightly. Stir well before serving.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in the oven, in pumpkin

The original execution of a simple dish is rice porridge in a pumpkin. For cooking, you do not need any additional dishes, porridge is cooked in a vegetable, which is used as a pan.


• a whole round pumpkin, about 2.5 kg in weight;

• 250 gr. rice groats;

• pasteurized milk - 500 ml;

• a teaspoon of fine salt;

• 50 gr. butter homemade butter;

• honey;

• Unrefined sugar - two tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the transferred rice to a sieve, rinse thoroughly. Pour the cereal with water and leave it for half an hour, then strain. Boil the milk.

2. Rinse the pumpkin well with warm water. Cut off the top with the tail and leave it, it will be a cap. Carefully cut a hole with a knife and select all the seeds along with the fibers.

3. Fill pumpkin "saucepan" with dried rice, fill with very hot milk. Salt, add granulated sugar, put pieces of butter. Stir well and cover with a cut "lid."

4. Wrap tightly with food foil, reposition on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for about 2 hours.

5. When spreading rice porridge, pick it up with pumpkin pulp and serve, pouring honey on it.

How to cook aromatic rice porridge in milk with stewed prunes

Prunes stewed in beer syrup and a delicate spicy taste of rice milk porridge - an unusual combination? Why not!


• one liter of cow's milk;

• pitted prunes - 400 gr .;

• 150 gr. large, clean rice;

• two sticks of cinnamon;

• a small pinch of saffron;

• a spoonful of vanilla sugar;

• a small slice of lemon peel;

• 400 ml of dark beer;

• 75 gr. brown sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Scald prunes with boiling water, rinse and leave to soak in cold water, drain the liquid after three hours, transfer the berries to a saucepan and pour beer.

2. Add the cinnamon stick, sugar and lemon zest. Bring to a boil over low heat, then lower heat a little and boil prunes in beer for 30 minutes.

3. Rinse the thick-walled pan with water and pour milk into it. Do not wipe the container dry, leave it wet.

4. Put rice in milk, add saffron, vanilla sugar and salt, lower the cinnamon stick and put on moderate heat. Once it boils, lower the heat to a minimum, cover, loosely, with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. Stir, otherwise the dish will burn, five minutes before cooking, slightly sweeten.

5. Once all the milk from the porridge has evaporated and the rice is ready, remove the cinnamon and remove from heat.

6. Divide the slightly cooled rice porridge into portions and add two spoons of prunes to each.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker with apples

Not only simple, but also useful, such a porridge is ideal for feeding babies from the age of one year.


• one glass of rice cereal;

• two large sweet apples;

• 500 ml of homemade, unrefined milk;

• creamy "Peasant" butter;

• a full spoon of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Lubricate the cooking bowl with oil and put the well-washed rice into the bowl. Be sure to dry the cereal after washing.

2. Pour in cold milk, slightly salt and add sugar, and evenly spread the butter cut into pieces evenly on top.

3. On the panel, set the "Porridge" mode and turn on the multi-pan.

4. After the end of the auto mode, add the apples, chopped into small pieces, into the porridge, mix well and start the “Baking” program for a quarter of an hour.

5. Soak the cooked rice porridge for another 10 minutes and only after that serve.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in the oven, in a clay pot

The porridge languishing in a pot is not only tender, it acquires a specific smack of baked milk.

Ingredients for a capacity of 0.7 liters:

• two glasses of milk;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• sweet cream butter - 30 gr.;

• 100 gr. not steamed rice groats.

Cooking method:

1. Fill a large pot with cold water and lower the clay pot into it for 20 minutes.

2. Sort the cereal from the litter, rinse it and soak it in the same water. After 10 minutes, rinse again, shake and leave in a sieve to drain excess moisture.

3. Remove the clay container from the water, lightly wipe it with a towel and fill it with dried rice.

4. Pour in the milk, make sure that it does not reach the edges of the vessel by one and a half centimeters.

5. Add sugar and pour a small pinch of salt into the milk.

6. Top with sliced ​​butter and place the pot in a cold oven.

7. For a quarter of an hour, cook porridge at 120 degrees, raise the temperature to 180 degrees and simmer porridge for an hour and a quarter.

8. When serving, you can add butter for each serving, and whoever lacks sweets - add honey.

Milk rice porridge - cooking tips and tricks

• Avoid running away of rice porridge in milk from the slow cooker by applying a thin layer of butter on the inside of the cooking cup. Milk will not rise above this level. Porridge will not stick to the cooking vessel, if its bottom is well lubricated with oil.

• Be sure to dilute milk with a high percentage of fat with filtered water. The fatter the dairy product, the higher the likelihood that the porridge will stick and burn.

• Before pouring rice in milk, check the freshness of the product. Pour a little milk into a spoon and heat it over the burner, if it does not curdle, you can safely cook porridge on it.

• The choice of milk, as indicated in the "general principles", is not critical, fatty can be diluted if necessary. However, it is useful to emphasize that with sufficient dexterity, it is better to cook cereals in homemade milk. If the cow is healthy and the milkmaid is neat - there is no risk to cook a dish with a palm substitute instead of milk fat.

• If you are lost, how to cook rice porridge with milk of perfect consistency - take products in a ratio of 1: 4, one part of rice cereal to four parts of milk.


Watch the video: 5 Easy Porridge Recipes for Babies (June 2024).