How long do papules last after biorevitalization?


The biorevitalization procedure has rather few noticeable side effects, therefore, an increasing number of patients who want to rejuvenate their skin resort to it. But there are consequences, and one of them is the appearance of dermal papules - hemispheric tubercles that form at injection sites. What is this phenomenon and what is it talking about? Let's see.

Is the appearance of papules normal?

The appearance of papules is considered an acceptable norm. biorevitalization: the injection technique itself is called "papular". During the procedure, the doctor plunges the needle into the tissue intradermally (cut up), for which the minimum possible angle to the surface of the skin is selected. The resulting bumps are a collection of liquid preparation under the skin, their size depends largely on the facial area. So, infiltrates up to a millimeter in size usually form around the eyelids, and, for example, papules 2 and 3 mm in size can be formed in the cheek or decollete area, respectively.

The hyaluronate preparation is a viscous transparent substance of dense texture, capable of retaining intracellular fluid. When punctured and injected, it forms a hemispherical elevation in the deep layers of the dermis, pushing out the layers of skin located above it. Visually, a bump called a papule forms on the surface of the skin.

To begin with, we want to immediately calm down those who are frightened by the subcutaneous papules, which appeared immediately after the injections of hyaluronate. Such infiltrates in most cases are not a complication or the consequence of an incorrect technique of drug administration. The reason for their appearance is as follows: the density of hyaluronate injected under the skin is quite high, and it takes time to absorb and complete resorption.

Synthesized hyaluronic acid molecules are synthesized by connective tissue cells (fibroblasts). Biorevitalization simulates the natural production of glycosaminoglycan, thereby increasing skin tissue turgor, and the face is noticeably tightened, acquiring lost freshness.

After biorevitalization there are no papules?This phenomenon is quite rare, but it is also possible. As a rule, the reason is the low density of injected hyaluronic acid, as a result of which it is briefly retained in the dermis. The effect of this procedure will not last for long, and biorevitalization will have to be repeated in the near future. Also papules are often not visible if the patient has a specific structure of the skin, characterized by high density and thickness.

Spilled hyaluronic acid in puncture sites

In some cases, dermal infiltrates do not appear due to the fact that during the injection of the drug the needle was inserted too deeply, and hyaluronate fell into the subcutaneous space. This is considered a violation of the technology of the procedure and indicates a low qualification of the doctor.

What can papules look like?

The visual rate option for post-injection infiltrates is whitish elevation above the surface of practically unchanged skin. Papules may have a pink or reddish hue, this is also permissible. Since the beautician injects the drug according to a specific scheme, measuring the distance, the papules look like a uniform network of tubercles. Some compare this effect with "alligator skin".

It should be remembered that the increase in papules in size after the first hours after biorevitalization is the norm.

By the end of the first day, they will lose about a third of the volume and, in the future, will gradually dissolve. Do not worry if during the first week some bumps change color, unless this is accompanied by an increase in pain symptoms and an increase in temperature. The appearance of small bruises, pinpoint hematomas and reddening is also possible: this phenomenon is more often observed in the periorbital region (near the eyelids).

How many days are papules preserved?

When injected subcutaneously, hyaluronate is not immediately absorbed by the tissues. In many respects, the preservation of dermal infiltration depends on the individual characteristics of the patient: the density of the structure of the preparation and the depth of the needle during the injection also matter. Under the individual features include the following factors:

  • The speed and activity of the blood supply to the dermal layers;
  • The intensity of lymphatic drainage;
  • The thickness and density of the skin, its turgor and the degree of moisture.

Remember: the denser the hyaluronate drug, the longer the papule remains in the puncture site!

Resorption time is not strictly limited scope. Usually infiltrates after biorevitalization disappear within 2 - 4 days. If the patient has thin and sensitive, or dehydrated skin, the regeneration period is extended. Allowable time for resorption of post-injection papules is a week. Over the next three to four days, the facial skin is completely restored and becomes healthy.

How to quickly get rid of papules after biorevitalization?

Unpleasant bumps, dotting the cheeks, forehead and other parts of the face, are unlikely to be liked by patients who have undergone biorevitalization, and the surrounding people will not be exactly delighted. How to stimulate the regeneration of the skin and in parallel prevent the occurrence of complications after the injection? It turns out that it is enough to observe simple regulations:

  • In the first weeks after biorevitalization, treat the face extremely carefully. Do not touch it with dirty hands and do not try to squeeze papules. It is recommended to sleep only on the back: you should not stick your face into the pillow and cover it with a blanket;
  • Any mechanical manipulation of puncture sites is a huge risk factor. Do not massage or press on the subcutaneous swelling., it does not help to remove puffiness;
  • On the first day after the procedure, the patient you can not wash and use care and / or decorative cosmetics. It is allowed to wipe the eyelids only slightly and wet cotton disks pressed from excess moisture (provided that no eyelid skin biorevitalization has been performed);
  • For 7–15 days, sun exposure is strictly limited. If possible, wear a hat or a hat with wide visors. Wearing sunglasses is not recommended, as they will come into contact with injured skin. If you cannot do without glasses (for example, corrective), wipe the arms and glasses with antiseptic solutions or napkins;
  • In the first 3 to 5 days (and preferably within 1 to 2 weeks), completely give up alcohol.

To speed up the absorption of papules, every day, treat the skin with an antiseptic approved by a doctor. In order not to injure puncture sites in addition, apply an antiseptic with a tamping method. For the procedure, use cotton swabs or discs, or strands of gauze and cotton swabs.

Why don't papules last long?

During normal natural recovery after biorevitalization, resorption of subcutaneous papules takes place during the first 3 to 4 days after the procedure. One week after the injection, the puncture points on the skin completely disappear. However, some patients complain that subcutaneous bumps persist for a longer time.

With the most negative scenario, the papules do not disappear for several months. What is the cause of this phenomenon and is it possible to avoid it? Beauticians talk about several factorscapable of provoking a slowdown in the process of skin regeneration after biorevitalization:

  • Improperly selected or poor-quality drug for injection - An experienced specialist at the preliminary consultation selects the type of funds based on hyaluronic acid, based on the individual characteristics of the body and the condition of the patient's skin. If the drug is too thick consistency, it is transported into the deeper layers of the dermis and epidermis more slowly, because of which the papules formed when the gel is inserted with a needle with a needle will dissolve longer. However, these drugs usually give a longer effect. If an untested remedy was chosen and, worse, it could be overdue for use, no one could guarantee the rapid passage of subcutaneous swelling;
  • Impaired hyaluronic acid injection technique - subcutaneous infiltrates are often the result of improper administration of hyaluronate. If it is too close to the epithelium, hyaluronic acid will be absorbed slowly. Accordingly, papules will pass in a few weeks or longer;
  • Passage of biorevitalization procedure at too young age - to inject hyaluronic acid up to 25-30 years makes sense only for medical reasons. Young girls (and, of course, guys who also sometimes inject hyaluronate) in the tissues of the epidermis and derma contain a sufficient amount of their own hyaluronic acid. During its “conflict” with a substance introduced from the outside, the absorption of glycosaminoglycane slows down quite strongly, which is why nodular infiltrates may not be resolved over time;
  • Individual skin features - the most “blurred” reason, since it is the individual intolerance to hyaluronate or the personal characteristics of the body condition and the health of the patient that cosmetologists who claim about papules often write off their inexperience. But still the factor of individuality is real, and it should be taken into account.

To prevent resorption of infiltrates, it is recommended that strict compliance with the instructions given by the physician who performed the biorevitalization procedure is recommended. Otherwise, the unaesthetic effects of the injections can significantly impair the appearance. On the first day after the procedure, you should not wash with hot water and use skin care products.

Rubbing, scratching, pressing on the swelling or in any other way affecting the papules is strictly prohibited.

Any mechanical manipulation can lead to the migration of the drug to nearby tissues, and the consequences will be unpredictable. Do not treat infiltrates with alcohol. Squeezing them out is simply dangerous, since you can bring an infection and provoke erysipelas or other harmful dermatological condition.

When do I need to see a doctor?

During the week after injections of hyaluronic acid, the skin of the face will be actively restored. If after a specified time the papules do not dissolve, you can consult with a specialist who performed the biorevitalization procedure. However, if the infiltrates changed the density and temperature, became painful, reddened or acquired a different shade, immediately consult a dermatologist.

Also disturbing are the following the symptoms:

  • Renewed or increased swelling of the skin at the puncture site;
  • Sealing papules, soreness when touched or without skin;
  • The appearance of vesicles (small bubbles) or a rash of another type;
  • Serous, purulent or hemorrhagic exudate, separated from papules;
  • Increased body temperature and / or local temperature in areas of injected skin tissue;
  • Other uncharacteristic symptoms of unknown etiology.

If the small papules formed after biorevitalization have increased dramatically in size or have an allergic rash, or if any of these symptoms have occurred, immediately seek medical help. Delay is extremely dangerous because sepsis can be the most serious consequence of the inflammation of puncture sites..


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