Pies with apples and lingonberries - add a sweet variety! Yeast, puff and shortbread dough for apple and cowberry pie


Strange, you must admit that in a country whose nature is so rich in all kinds of edible differences, dishes such as pizza or a hamburger are in demand!

Well, of course, they don’t argue about tastes, but you can only imagine a fragrant, crumbly cake, from the pieces of which dripping thickened drops of lingonberry juice flow down. And the aroma of stewed apples?

Presented? Then to the point!

Pies with apples and lingonberries - general principles of preparation

• Lingonberry for pies can be taken both frozen and fresh. Fresh berries are carefully sorted, selecting spoiled ones, washed and dried from moisture, spreading a thin layer on a linen or paper towel. Frozen berries in most cases do not thaw.

• Given the sour taste of lingonberries, apples are better to take sweet varieties so as not to add excess sugar to the filling. Fruit peeled, cut into slices, cubes or grated.

• Fruit filling flavored with cinnamon or vanilla. You can add cream cheese to it or pour it with a specially prepared filling from pudding based on apple juice. Starch is often added to keep copious juices from berries and apples.

• Pies with apples and lingonberries are baked mainly from shortbread or yeast dough. For faster baking, use purchased, puff, and less troublesome - dry bulk, which is prepared, without exaggeration, in minutes and costs mixing and rolling.

• Baking tins are placed on a wire rack set at a medium level. The oven is preheated to the desired temperature. If the pies are baked in an electric oven, the temperature is raised to 200 degrees, while in a gas product, they are baked at 180 degrees.

Butter cake with apples and lingonberries


• 45 gr. butter, homemade butter;

• one egg;

• 110 ml of low-fat milk;

• 2 tsp “fast” yeast;

• 75 gr. sugar

• 300 gr. high-quality flour;

• three sweet apples;

• 100 gr. lingonberries;

• three tablespoons of powdered sugar;

• a spoonful of fresh dried starch.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 50 ml of warm water into a cup and dilute the yeast in it. Set aside closer to heat, yeast should come up. To speed up the process, add a large spoonful of sugar.

2. Measure 100 ml of milk, heat and add melted butter into it. Add 100 grams of sugar, a raw egg and a cap of yeast. Pour in a third of the measured flour and mix well.

3. When you are finished to homogeneity, start adding the remaining flour and knead the dough. Put it on the table and knead well, dousing with your hands for 15 minutes. Cover the ball-shaped dough with a moistened towel and set aside for one hour. Make sure there is no draft.

4. In small cubes, about a centimeter, cut the apples and mix with clean, dried lingonberries. Add starch, a spoonful of granulated sugar and mix the filling well.

5. For decoration, separate a small piece of the risen dough and leave it under the canvas, and roll out the rest a little more than the size of the form in which you will form a cake.

6. Wipe the bottom and sides of the frypot with a gauze swab dipped in vegetable oil. Lay out the dough and be sure to wind its edges on the sides to get low sides.

7. Distribute the filling over the entire workpiece.

8. Divide the deferred dough into eight small pieces and roll long flagella out of them. Weave two flagella together and beautifully lay them on the filling, tightly fastening their edges with the sides.

9. Leave the formed cake for 20 minutes under a towel. After this, grease the edges and the net of the flagella with milk and place the product in the oven, on a wire rack set at a medium level.

10. After about 20 minutes, when the dough begins to brown, gently sprinkle the filling with sugar and soak the product in the oven for another 10 minutes.

11. Carefully remove the cake from the mold and garnish with a sprinkle of powdered sugar when it cools.

Shortcake with apples and lingonberries in a cream filling


• one chicken egg;

• 100 gr. sugar

• 300 gr. baking flour;

• a teaspoon of ripper;

• 80 gr. sour cream of medium fat content;

• homemade butter or creamy margarine - 80 gr.

To the filling:

• 400 gr. apples, sweet varieties;

• frozen lingonberries - 120 gr.;

• 150 gr. semi-liquid cream cheese in trays;

• three eggs;

• 50 gr. cane sugar;

• a spoon of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Measure the flour, mix it with a cultivator and transfer it several times.

2. Put the butter in a bowl, cut it into pieces directly in it and at medium speed mix with sugar with a mixer. Add sour cream, beat the egg and repeat beating. Pouring flour, knead the dough.

3. At the bottom of the form, put a sheet of parchment cut out under its size. Evenly spread the dough rolled into the layer on it, slightly leading its edges to the walls and forming the sides.

4. Cover the mold with a linen cloth and place for 20 minutes in the general chamber of the refrigerator.

5. For the filling, beat the cream cheese with sugar, eggs and vanilla with a mixer.

6. If the apples are large, take one, peel it and cut into small cubes.

7. Remove the frozen dough form from the refrigerator and put chopped apples in it. Lay on top half of the frosted lingonberry, fill everything with the prepared cream filling and put the lingonberry again.

8. The remaining apples, without peeling, cut into thin slices and beautifully spread on top.

9. Bake a pie with apples and lingonberries in a preheated oven for about half an hour. For more sweetness, about 10 minutes before turning off, you can sprinkle sugar on its surface.

10. Cool the finished product and refrigerate for one and a half hours.

Shortcrust pastry pie with apples and lingonberries


• wheat flour - 350 gr.;

• 120 gr. Sahara;

• butter - 180 gr.;

• seven tablespoons of water;

• 200 gr. freshly frozen lingonberries;

• kilogram of apples;

• 1 gr. vanilla powder;

• a spoonful of starch;

• a small lemon;

• honey.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl. Add a spoonful of sugar and a little less than half a spoonful of salt and mix thoroughly. Put the butter cut into large pieces to the flour and chop it carefully with a knife, trying to combine the pieces of food into small crumbs.

2. Add cold water, introducing it over a tablespoon, and each time quickly intervene to maintain a crumbly structure. Put the dough in a bag and put it in the cold for at least half an hour.

3. Cut clean dry apples in half, cut them out of the core. Cut half the fruit into small pieces, and the remaining into thin slices.

4. Put the cubes in a saucepan with lingonberries, and sprinkle the slices with lemon juice.

5. For apples mixed with lingonberries, pour 100 g. sugar, add vanillin and put on a little heat. Constantly mixing, warm the fruit and berry mixture for 2 minutes.

6. Dilute the starch with thirty milliliters of cold water and pour it into the saucepan, mix well and remove from heat, waiting to thicken. Cool.

7. Through the cling film roll the dough into a cake, half a centimeter thick, move it into a mold and shape the sides.

8. Put the cooled filling into the workpiece, and fan the apple slices over it with a fan.

9. Put the roasting pan in the oven and bake the cake for half an hour.

10. Lubricate hot baked goods with honey.

Pie with apples and lingonberries - "Fruit and berry tart"


• "Creamy", or other quality margarine - 200 gr .;

• two glasses of flour;

• 200 gr. elastic cottage cheese;

• a pound of apples;

• frozen or fresh lingonberries - 100 g .;

• packaging of vanilla pudding without cooking;

• clarified apple juice - 200 ml;

• a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon;

• 50 gr. powdered sugar;

• Peasant oil, or homemade very thick cream - 20 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the margarine with flour into crumbs, add the cottage cheese and knead quickly. Form a ball from the dough and place it in the cold. To prevent the top layer from becoming crusty, wrap the dough with foil or place in a bag.

2. Put butter in a thick-walled pan and melt it over low heat. Add thin apple slices, without peel, sprinkle them with cinnamon and lightly fry, cool.

3. Dilute vanilla pudding in apple juice. Add cooled apples and thawed lingonberries. Pour the icing sugar and mix thoroughly.

4. With a chilled dough, put the bottom and sides of a round detachable shape, chop it evenly with a fork and put it in the oven for a quarter of an hour, when heated at 200 degrees. Then take out, put the fruit and berry filling on the workpiece and bake the cake for 25 minutes, lowering the temperature to 170 degrees.

5. Serve chilled.

Quick layer cake with apples and lingonberries


• kilogram pack of puff pastry, fresh;

• 300 gr. fresh lingonberries;

• a tablespoon of starch;

• half a glass of sugar;

• three small apples.

Cooking method:

1. Put the frozen dough out of the package and leave it on a table sprinkled with flour until completely thawed.

2. Apples without a peel, grate with a medium grater and mix with lingonberries. Pour all measure sugar, starch, and trying not to crush the berries, mix thoroughly.

3. Lightly roll out the thawed dough on a greased table. Cut it into two parts of different sizes so that one layer is only slightly smaller than the second. Wrap a larger piece on a rolling pin and gently transfer it onto a baking sheet, which you should line with parchment in advance.

4. Lay out the filling and cover it with a smaller piece of dough. Close the edges tightly and pierce the surface of the pie evenly with a fork. Lubricate with a scrambled egg and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

The easiest pie with apples and lingonberries in a slow cooker


• butter - 80 gr.;

• ripper - 2 tsp;

• 250 gr. Sahara;

• semolina - 50 gr.;

• two small sweet apples;

• 200 gr. fresh lingonberries;

• a small package of vanillin;

• wheat flour - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the flour sifted with a cultivator with semolina. Add, still stirring, vanilla powder, granulated sugar, and cultivator. Divide the prepared bulk mixture into three equal parts.

2. Cut the peeled apples into small thin strips. Rinse and dry fresh berries from moisture. Mix berries with apples, adding a little more than a spoonful of sugar to them.

3. Remove the cooking cup from the case and grease it from the inside with butter or margarine.

4. Pour one part of the loose mixture into the bowl and evenly distribute throughout the bottom.

5. Top with a third of the fruit and berry filling and pour the bulk mixture again. Again lay out the filling and pour it in bulk as well. The top layer should be the filling.

6. Rub the frozen butter over the cake surface through a coarse grater, close the lid and turn on the multi-pan for 45 minutes by setting the “Baking” option.

Pie with apples and lingonberries - cooking tricks and useful tips

• In order to always make baked goods, it is recommended to observe a certain rule when kneading the dough - all its components, especially the liquid part and eggs, must be at the same temperature.

• Before kneading the yeast dough, the products must be laid out in advance on the table so that they are warmed well and evenly. Shortbread dough, on the contrary, loves the cold. The oil added to it is often frozen, previously placed in the freezer.

• So that the top of the dough, which is directly related to the filling, does not remain moist (sticky) after baking, sprinkle it with a thin layer of breadcrumbs or semolina and only after that lay out the fruit and berry filling.


Watch the video: Harry Potter-Inspired Vegan Mince Pies + Diagon Alley at Christmas (June 2024).